Let's talk about FALLOUT
Correction: We will speak of them. We need to so Bethesda can become the next LJN, you see the name and instantly see low quality before the game even turns on.WE DON'T SPEAK OF THE FALLOUT KILLER ON THESE FORMS!!!
Clearly, in the fanbase and on bethesda forums.Anyway, where the hell is the tribal influences in FO3 and FO4?
Point Lookout has crazy, brain damaged, religiously fanatic, terrorist tribals... Does that count?Anyway, where the hell is the tribal influences in FO3 and FO4?
Point Lookout has crazy, brain damaged, religiously fanatic, terrorist tribals...![]()
I forgot about that. Come to think of it, I don't remember anything about Point Lookout except that there were some hicks in a swamp. I'm sure I finished it...
I think everyone aren't 'complaining' about 76, only sharing and laughing at fans of F3 and 4 complaining about 76.Anyway, what Fallout 3 was for my generation, 76 was for the Fallout 3/4 generation. I'm still waiting for a proper sucessor to Fallout 2, which in a way we kinda got with New Vegas, at least story wise, partially. I just don't see the point in complaining about 76, not coming from fans of the original games, although I do get it from fans of Fallout 3 and 4.
Not exactly proper third installment, but Fallout 1.5: Resurrection and Fallout of Nevada are pretty much faithful to the spirit of the original Fallouts. We also have other RPGs which carried on that spirit like Underrail, Age of Decadence, and the most recently released ATOM RPG.For me Fallout died after Fallout 2 and never got a proper third installment.
I have herd people say that Fallout 76 offered theirs moneys worth in the form of an exploration game. Who are these people? People who were not Fallout fans and most likely not even played the roriginal Fallout games. If you look at it objectively, and are somewhat willing to look past the day one release bugs, as far as exploration games go, Fallout 76 offers a huge ammont of content.
Another fun fact is that after they were done with exploring, just about level 50, and no matter the ammount of exploration you reach the end of the content in a reasonable time, they have stopped playing and put the game aside. These people were not interested in the grinding.
Fallout 76 was never an RPG, ever. Tere is not a spec of comparison with the original Fallouts, at all.
For me it should had been worth half the price to be my moneys worth (which they eventually did).
Anyway, what Fallout 3 was for my generation, 76 was for the Fallout 3/4 generation. I'm still waiting for a proper sucessor to Fallout 2, which in a way we kinda got with New Vegas, at least story wise, partially. I just don't see the point in complaining about 76, not coming from fans of the original games, although I do get it from fans of Fallout 3 and 4. For me Fallout died after Fallout 2 and never got a proper third installment.
Getting attached to any of this shit is a sign of mental illness. It's one step above slitting your wrists because someone unfriended you on Facebook. It's illusory. You are nothing more than a biological ATM to these fucks. Pining for the glory days of Fallout for decades? Don't do it. Stop getting attached to these properties like they are statues of Buddha that warrant worship.
Stop acting surprised that corporate fuckwads are ripping you off. Please. It doesn't stop at video game companies. Also Obsidian respecting the games? They are making a fucking FPS and InXile has produced a big wet fart thus far.
I've got to admit I have the Nuke that came with all the games, and collector's editions of F3 and New Vegas, but after that.. no thanks. I also only bought them after I played the games and really liked them and wanted some in-game items on my shelf. But when I saw the shitty quality of the pip-boy edition from F4 and all the crap they started to release on their merchandise store, it's not even replicas of in-game items anymore, it's just junk and has nothing to do with Fallout anymore.Getting attached to any of this shit is a sign of mental illness. It's one step above slitting your wrists because someone unfriended you on Facebook. It's illusory. You are nothing more than a biological ATM to these fucks. Pining for the glory days of Fallout for decades? Don't do it. Stop getting attached to these properties like they are statues of Buddha that warrant worship.
Stop acting surprised that corporate fuckwads are ripping you off. Please. It doesn't stop at video game companies. Also Obsidian respecting the games? They are making a fucking FPS and InXile has produced a big wet fart thus far.
Hmmm... that’s all fair and sensible, but does the light on that T51-b helmet work? THEN COUNT ME INGetting attached to any of this shit is a sign of mental illness. It's one step above slitting your wrists because someone unfriended you on Facebook. It's illusory. You are nothing more than a biological ATM to these fucks. Pining for the glory days of Fallout for decades? Don't do it. Stop getting attached to these properties like they are statues of Buddha that warrant worship.
Stop acting surprised that corporate fuckwads are ripping you off. Please. It doesn't stop at video game companies. Also Obsidian respecting the games? They are making a fucking FPS and InXile has produced a big wet fart thus far.
I think it just sucks when you have an emotional attachment to an IP to see that IP used to sell products that have nothing to do with it. Knowing that the thing you like will now be associated with something else entirely, especially for people who weren't aware of it before that.
All of the bickering really boils down to different degrees of this emotional attachment, doesn't it? I'm in favor of new, different types of games set in the same general world--I have friends who enjoy Fallout 76 and I'm happy for them. Hope they find plenty of whatever junk they need to craft some uber weapons and whatever. But, when this means that I definitely won't ever get another game in that universe that I would want to play, it's saddening. I don't want to take away their fun, but because of the simple mechanics of corporate law (to maximize value for the shareholders is the greatest good) it's hard not to hate the company that clearly has no intention of ever making something great again.
And TBH those nostalgia goggles are pretty blurry. It's easy to forget that Fallout 2 was an unfinishable mess that had a day-30 patch, with plenty of open space that was supposed to have quests in it, or how much of a total PITA it was to juggle inventory in Fallout 1.
I personally really liked (well, initially, anyway) Fallout 3, and the environment, and even VATS, and it was only when I tried to follow any of the major storylines that I realized that there was no story underneath. I still consider it to be the last Fallout game, not a good one, but it's the last one set, for the most part, in a Fallout post-nuclear world. More or less. But 3 is the first (only?) Fallout game where you can wander around and run into people and houses and locations and discover that their lives have no meaning and no stories behind them.
It's not about whether the game "makes a statement", it's about how a game that is supposedly about uncovering the stories of the world around you has no stories in it, anywhere. That's Bethesda "world building". In my time in Skyrim, there is one story that I found memorable. One. And it was a side quest. In Fallout 3 and 4, there were flashes of brilliance buried in the vault logs, but aside from that and a few one-off jokes, the rewards for exploring are diminishing returns.
This was especially bad in Fallout 4. Supposedly a story-driven game, the only actual entertaining plot was in a bunch of text logs you had to read on clunky low-resolution slow-scrolling monitors. So here is evidence that Bethesda has people capable of writing witty stories, but apparently not people capable of putting interesting stories into an actual video game. You know, artists and programmers and software project planners.
(Now that I think about it, the Fallout in-game terminals are much worse than real world ancient terminals, and somehow worse than the ones in Fallout 1 and 2; I took a Pascal programming class on then-obsolete green terminals in '91 and they were both faster and more legible than the ones in Fallout. WHY? It didn't have to be so painful did it?)
And so I ask: Which book would you rather read, the one with a story in it, or the one about going back to the same house every day to scavenge more Abraxo?
It's strange to see you put words like 'nostalgia goggles' right next to Fallout 2 being an unfinishable mess and Fallout 1 having to juggle inventory, but not to 3 where even now, the GOTY version on Steam DOESN'T work right out of the box, and even with mods the game is still prone to crashing every 5 minutes or so, with a guaranteed freeze upon trying to alt-tab. Only after a release on GOG could people enjoy a right-out-of-the-box experience for Fallout 3 (from what I've heard, and no thanks to Bethesda either), and still the only surefire way to have a stable Fallout 3 experience is by playing it through Tale of Two Wastelands mod which port the entire game into the absolutely better New Vegas version of the engine.And TBH those nostalgia goggles are pretty blurry. It's easy to forget that Fallout 2 was an unfinishable mess that had a day-30 patch, with plenty of open space that was supposed to have quests in it, or how much of a total PITA it was to juggle inventory in Fallout 1.
I personally really liked (well, initially, anyway) Fallout 3, and the environment, and even VATS, and it was only when I tried to follow any of the major storylines that I realized that there was no story underneath. I still consider it to be the last Fallout game, not a good one, but it's the last one set, for the most part, in a Fallout post-nuclear world. More or less. But 3 is the first (only?) Fallout game where you can wander around and run into people and houses and locations and discover that their lives have no meaning and no stories behind them.
All of the bickering really boils down to different degrees of this emotional attachment, doesn't it? I'm in favor of new, different types of games set in the same general world--I have friends who enjoy Fallout 76 and I'm happy for them. Hope they find plenty of whatever junk they need to craft some uber weapons and whatever. But, when this means that I definitely won't ever get another game in that universe that I would want to play, it's saddening. I don't want to take away their fun, but because of the simple mechanics of corporate law (to maximize value for the shareholders is the greatest good) it's hard not to hate the company that clearly has no intention of ever making something great again.
And TBH those nostalgia goggles are pretty blurry. It's easy to forget that Fallout 2 was an unfinishable mess that had a day-30 patch, with plenty of open space that was supposed to have quests in it, or how much of a total PITA it was to juggle inventory in Fallout 1.
I personally really liked (well, initially, anyway) Fallout 3, and the environment, and even VATS, and it was only when I tried to follow any of the major storylines that I realized that there was no story underneath. I still consider it to be the last Fallout game, not a good one, but it's the last one set, for the most part, in a Fallout post-nuclear world. More or less. But 3 is the first (only?) Fallout game where you can wander around and run into people and houses and locations and discover that their lives have no meaning and no stories behind them.
It's not about whether the game "makes a statement", it's about how a game that is supposedly about uncovering the stories of the world around you has no stories in it, anywhere. That's Bethesda "world building". In my time in Skyrim, there is one story that I found memorable. One. And it was a side quest. In Fallout 3 and 4, there were flashes of brilliance buried in the vault logs, but aside from that and a few one-off jokes, the rewards for exploring are diminishing returns.
This was especially bad in Fallout 4. Supposedly a story-driven game, the only actual entertaining plot was in a bunch of text logs you had to read on clunky low-resolution slow-scrolling monitors. So here is evidence that Bethesda has people capable of writing witty stories, but apparently not people capable of putting interesting stories into an actual video game. You know, artists and programmers and software project planners.
(Now that I think about it, the Fallout in-game terminals are much worse than real world ancient terminals, and somehow worse than the ones in Fallout 1 and 2; I took a Pascal programming class on then-obsolete green terminals in '91 and they were both faster and more legible than the ones in Fallout. WHY? It didn't have to be so painful did it?)
And so I ask: Which book would you rather read, the one with a story in it, or the one about going back to the same house every day to scavenge more Abraxo?