[Collection] Inventory FRM edits

These renders are so much nicer than the ones I did, it must be the Ambient Occlusion...the perspective is always tricky, the gun has to be pointing forward but the side also needs to be in the shot. The combat shotgun in F2 did this perfectly IMO.
Some of the old stuff - weapons and other items for Olympus 2207:
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Some of the old stuff - weapons and other items for Olympus 2207:
What happened to the game? A few years ago i remember reading somewhere that they were going to translate the game into English version , but it seems they abandoned the project.Are they still going to do it?
Olympus 2207 was released in 2014, then patched in 2015. English translation was planned but it seems its completely canceled now. In general, game attracted mixed reviews due to the plot and lack of polishing, so maybe this is the reason.
Now there is a development of the second Olympus game, but I no longer involved. I do not know how they doing there, they didnt show anything since i leave.
It's a shame,i had such high hopes for this game, had the game installed a long time ago waiting for better days.Oh well, thanks anyway for sharing the info ,and if you know anything new about the new project please share.
.Pixote., tons of it (except critters)! I'll publish the best ones later.
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Yeah, but I think the weapons "facing backwards" aren't very fallouty, as none of the vanilla weapons are shown in such a perspective. :>
RPK-112. An LMG variant for my Assault Rifle Remix.

A few days ago I got the idea when playing World of Guns. Took me some time to make the bipod look decent enough.
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Some random edits:


Added a wooden stock to my MAC-27, kinda like Czech Sa 23 smg.


Just shortened the Desert Eagle and enlarged the grip a bit, like the L5 5" barrel version in real-life.
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What you think about


  • Laser Assault Rifle.GIF
    Laser Assault Rifle.GIF
    2.6 KB · Views: 499
  • plasma Shotgun.GIF
    plasma Shotgun.GIF
    3.5 KB · Views: 462
I think this is a great idea, and it seems that there is a lack in variation for energy weapons.

I like the laser assault rifle, though I personally think that it should be shorter (laser isn't affected by barrel length, I think), plus maybe give it a bit more bulk to account for more rapid rate of fire (hence, more massive "laser engine")

The plasma shotgun end also doesn't make much sense. I like the bulkiness though.


Do u mind me using this for modding my own game?
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I think this is a great idea, and it seems that there is a lack in variation for energy weapons.

I like the laser assault rifle, though I personally think that it should be shorter (laser isn't affected by barrel length, I think), plus maybe give it a bit more bulk to account for more rapid rate of fire (hence, more massive "laser engine")

The plasma shotgun end also doesn't make much sense. I like the bulkiness though.


Do u mind me using this for modding my own game?

@Zorchar You can use them but this are only prototypes, i have changed many weapons and items.

This Plasma Shotguns would be good for Enklave Soldiers, so they dont have all Plasma Rifles.

The Laser Assault Rifles for Supermutants or Guys with Combat Armor... Rangers... Caravan Guards..
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