here is the train wrack from that video if you are interested
Aviator Ranger1 year ago
But Ulysses isn't part of the enclave.

1 year ago
Then what's he doing brandishing the enclave flag at the battery where the DLC's climax takes place?

Aviator Ranger1 year ago (edited)
@Acerthorn The enclave flag has an "E" on it. Are u sure that's what u saw? Edit1: I went back an earlier save and checked, that's not the enclave flag, like i said, the enclave flag has a capital 'E' on it. The many flags in Ulysses's Temple didn't.
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1 year ago
@Aviator Ranger I put that flag in the thumbnail for that episode, so you can see fro yourself. It was episode 52 of the LP.

Aviator Ranger1 year ago
@Acerthorn There is a big star in the centre instead of a capital 'E'. That is not the enclave flag. Also why are they unlisted? hahahahahaha

1 year ago (edited)
@Aviator Ranger "There is a big star in the centre instead of a capital 'E'." it is clearly mean to be the "stars and bars" of the modern USA flag. As such, it is clearly meant to represent the "legitimate descendants" of the US government. That means it's the enclave. You can argue all you want about the tiniest of inconsistencies. If I paint the US flag, but I accidentally paint the stars so that they are arranged in a 5x10 grid instead of interlaced, it is still the American flag. The slightest nit-pick doesn't change that. "Also why are they unlisted?" This is why:
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Aviator Ranger1 year ago
@Acerthorn It is a real flag used in the years 1777-1795. In the fallout universe it is used by pre-war america before the enclave even existed. Ulysses claims that the divide was like pre-war america more than anything else. It's just what he thinks so he uses the flag.

1 year ago
@Aviator Ranger "It is a real flag used in the years 1777-1795" Then what the fuck is it doing in a nuclear battery? Did nukes exist in the 18th century? "In the fallout universe it is used by pre-war america before the enclave even existed" Well, of course they did. Since world history in the Fallout universe is the same as our real-life world history up until the 1950s, then yes, the USA used the same flag from 1777-1795 in both Fallout and real worlds.
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1 year ago (edited)
@Aviator Ranger Look, bro: You're nitpicking over the stupidest of details. Would you care to comment on the actual major criticisms I made about this game? Like how linear Lonesome Road is? Or how much it resembles FO76? Do you think I'm being unfair by holding DLC to a higher standard than the vanilla game since I'm paying extra for them? If so, why do you think that's an unfair treatment? And what about the vanilla game? Do you have any rebuttals to my arguments that the player character is "The Chosen One" in everything but name? How about how boring or unimmersive the side quests are? The dull, colorless graphics? The lack of moral ambiguity with the Legion? The cop-out at the end when you don't even get to fight Ceasar in the flesh as the final boss? Can you provide any rebuttal arguments on anything I say in this video that actually changes the overall assessment of the game? Or are you just going to linger on whether Ulyssus is a member of the Enclave or not? Because if that's the only part of this video that you can actually refute, then I'll go ahead and say that I am still 99.999% justified in my opinion of this game as a whole.
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Aviator Ranger1 year ago
@Acerthorn It's just that Ulysses being part of the enclave sounded like a big deal to u. Sorry, my bad.

1 year ago
@Aviator Ranger It's like I said using a text overlay when I was discussing the NCR side quest "Can You Find it in Your Heart." I posted a text overlay correcting myself, stating that I was killing giant ants, not radscorpions. The important thing was that the quest was a boring "go here kill this" quest that was simply not interesting. But as I said during a text overlay, if I didn't correct myself, super pedantic New Vegas fanboy assholes would act like that one error completely and singlehandedly invalidates my entire retrospective, even if it's the most nit-picky of details. By focusing so heavily on just the fact that Ulysses wasn't actually an Enclave affiliate, you are NOT doing much to convince me that my cynicism in that section of the video was misplaced!
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Aviator Ranger1 year ago
@Acerthorn Ulysses being part of the enclave means to you that the dlc uses fallout 3 as a crutch. That's actually a pretty big criticism of the dlc but perhaps i misunderstood.

1 year ago
@Aviator Ranger Even if I were to concede that he wasn't a member of the Enclave (and I'm still not 100% convinced of such; the flag is just too similar), I had decided that this DLC sucked donkey dick long before I reached that battery. If you were to actually go and watch the let's play (the Lonesome Road section is Episodes 46 thru 52), you can see that I am complaining about the DLC's linearity and monotony about three episodes in. Hell, even on the first episode of the Lonesome Road section, I was complaining about how this DLC built up the Courier profession to godlike proportions, which undermined what the character creation had seemingly achieved, a point which I made sure to include in this retrospective video. So there was already plenty for me to hate about this DLC long before I even realized that there was anything remotely resembling the Enclave in it.
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Aviator Ranger1 year ago
@Acerthorn Those were more valid criticisms though. You can see why the Ulysses one caught my eye.

1 year ago
@Aviator Ranger "You can see why the Ulysses one caught my eye." No, actually, I can't. I spent about thirty seconds in the retrospective talking about the Enclave. Thirty seconds, in a video that is 92 minutes long. I probably would have forgiven the re-use of the Enclave, were it not for the fact that, by the time I saw the Enclave flag, I had already reached the end of my tether with this damn game. Perhaps my poor experiences with the game up to that point caused me to suffer from critical hyperalgesia when I saw the flag. I'm aware of that, and when I was writing the script for this video, I made sure to reduce my discussion of the Enclave re-use to a proportionate level.
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Aviator Ranger1 year ago
@Acerthorn Because other criticisms were more valid, that's what i meant.

1 year ago
@Aviator Ranger Well, I appreciate you staying civil with me throughout this discussion despite disagreeing with me. I've already had to delete a couple of comments on this video and block them because they likened their disagreeing with me to me simply being a dumb shit, and I do not tolerate that. Might I persuade you to subscribe? I've got a whole backlog of other analysis & discussion videos you might find interesting. On my channel's home page, you'll find several playlists full of videos where I talk about practically anything video game related, including lore, story analysis, character analysis, plot holes, and the video game industry in real life! So you've got plenty of content on this channel to keep you busy for the next couple of days. I do my best to provide new content once a week!
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Dirty Blue1 year ago
@Acerthorn I mean, you liken people disagreeing with you to them being dumb shits all the time in your videos.

James1 year ago
@Acerthorn jeez all the guy tried to do was correct you no need to take it so personally

tyler Stringer1 year ago
I would like to point out that in the comment section acerthorn responded to kyle anjuna . Saying ( thank you for maintaining civility despite disagreeing with me ) aviator ranger who obviously is more in to the lore was just letting you know that is not an enclave flag.

Vegan Hero1 year ago
@Acerthorn You argue like a complete moron. He corrects you on one thing and your response is "but how about this other thing that is completely irrelevant to the argument"

N-Crash561 year ago (edited)
@Acerthorn the player isn't the chosen one, the NCR wants you because you can kill
Mr.House. And also, Ulysses isn't a member of the Enclave, I don't know where you got that idea from! It's never said, he never even talks about the Enclave! And also you "argument" with Obsidian using an already existing faction: Only because this faction already exists doesn't make it bad. Edit: Also you missed a lot of missions and stories and assumed that there is only one way to do many missions, the quest where you have to fix the solar panels? Guess what! You can go to Helios One and pick up stuff to repair them! You also didn't read anything, because if you did you would have noticed that in the slave document of this lady who sold Boones wife it's said that his wife was carrying a child and that the woman who sold her would get more money if the child turns out fine and If she keeps the document. I understand your problems with the Legion though, but Obsidian had 18 months to make the game, they didn't have enough time to make them more deep, actually Ulysses was ment to be the Legion companion but, like I said they didn't have enough time. Edit 2: In my opinion the DLCs are amazing. I think your problem is that you didn't want to like the game. If you'd pay a little more attention to the writting you would get why so many people love this game. But, I get your problem with Lonesome Road, it destroyed role playing and making couriers look like gods was silly, but it doesn't change the fact that it's well written. Edit 3: The argument that the DLCs have to be good because you payed for them isn't very good either because I just looked it up and you get the whole game with all DLCs for about $5.
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big boss bob ross11 months ago
@Acerthorn 1. It's not the Enclave flag it's just the American flag in the fallout universe. 2. Just because someone owns a flag does not mean they are allied with the state/government that it represents. I own a soviet union flag, does that mean I work for the soviet union? Plenty of conservatives in America who absolutely hate the federal government also have flag decals on their truck because their patriotic. Does that mean they work for the federal government? Ulysses' character is aligned to the Divide which he believes is representative of the spirit and ideals of the old world, i.e. pre war america. It would make since if he uses the pre-war american flag in that context. It does not mean that he is associated with the Enclave, especially since the Enclave has virtually no presence in the Mojave and since he used to be a frumentarius for the Legion.
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Tyler11 months ago
@Acerthorn You just can’t help looking like an ass huh?

EFFECT CSX7 months ago
@Acerthorn God damm you are such a hardass lol

Shushkin6 months ago
@Acerthorn You did not pay attention to the dialogue. Ulysses is a legion soldier sent west posing as a courier to gather information on the ncr. Ulysses found a home in hopeville which you had a hand in destroying by delivering a package at some point prior the game starts. Reason why Ulysses has the stars and stripes on his back isn't because he is enclave, it isn't the enclave flag. He read some history books and was inspired by them. He took the name Ulysses from history. The flag on his back isn't enclave, it is the old American flag of the fallout universe. You bitch a lot about things in your video that you somehow missed. Then you say the game is crap because of it. I don't care personally, I do like the game, but I'm not a fanboy. Though, you come across very unprofessional when you don't even play the whole game to be thorough or even pay attention to dialogue.
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Andrew Langhout5 months ago
Acerthorn heads up, the US flag is “the Stars and Stripes.” “The Star and Bars” is the flag of the confederate flag.

patrick thomson5 months ago
@Acerthorn i was going to sub, but you're a toxic asshole, the enclave flag is a bastardized version of the prewar flag which instead of 50 states had 13 commonwealths such as nevada. When you're misinformed don't be an asshole.

Hamsters Plural5 months ago
Acerthorn Bruh. In the Fallout universe the US split into 13 commonwealths. That’s why they used the old colonial flag.

Hugh Shaftner4 months ago
@Acerthorn just accept you made a mistake instead of getting so buttblasted LOL

4 months ago
@Hugh Shaftner