Ranger Boo Plays And Reviews


Resident Schizo Poster
Since I got a new PC with a RTX card and my work schedule is going to improve in the coming weeks so I thought that I would start streaming terrible games to stream and later review on the site. I have some games listed which are:
1. The Last of Us 2 (That is right certain someone who hates my guts and is trying to get me permabanned from this site. I will play this game and give my honest review of it.)
2. Revolution 60 (Brianna Wu infamous gaming "masterpiece". I thought that this one would be a funny one to review.)
3. Any Borderlands after 1 (Forced memes galore!)
4. Fallout: New California (Keeping with the Fallout theme here. Plus I hate this mod so much and want to rip into it.)
5. Fallout 4 (Another one that I really want to rip into.)
6. Fallout: The Frontier (Because I am a masochist.)
7. Marvels Avengers (Sana Amanat's horrible Avengers fan fic.)
8. Mass Effect 3 (Oh this brings back memories...)
9. Mass Effect Andromeda ("I'm only human after all!")
10. Life is Strange (Life is Tumblr.)

That is all the ones that I have on the top of my head. Feel free to list any others that I may have missed. I will try to get this going in the coming weeks. I will also play some good games in between the terrible games as a palate cleanser. Please feel free to post whatever game you think I should play first. The one that gets the most requested by the time I begin to stream will be the one I play. I look forward to doing this. Hope to provide you guys with some entertainment.
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Fallout: Frontier is a must.
And do try to get a hold of the pre-censored version with all the fetish shit in it.
Fallout: Frontier is a must.
And do try to get a hold of the pre-censored version with all the fetish shit in it.
Don't worry I have it. I downloaded that fucker as fast as I could before they took it down. I did a post on my friends Discord and so far I have:
1 Vote for Life is Strange
1 Vote for the Mass Effect series
1 Vote for New California
and now 1 Vote for the Frontier.
This is going to be fun. Oh, and for you Mr Fish, if The Frontier gets the most votes, I will play all of it. All the factions, all the creepy fetish content, everything!
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Eh, I add one for life is strange. Why? Because I have never played it or seen much of it and a want RangerBoo to tear it a new one.
Goddamn it you all are sadists! That is 3 votes for Life Is Strange. What is funny is that I know nothing about the game only that the characters are obnoxious, especially Mae, and that it is a game that is cherished by lesbian coomers and that it was also made by degenerate French people.


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I'd recommend you skip some of those.


*I* am saying this.


I will say that I love Life is Strange and Borderlands has got shit on Borderlands 2. Yes, Borderlands 2 is just Star Wars with a cyberpunk veneer but the first game didn't even have a plot.
I never really understood the hate Life is Strange got for it's slang. Is Chloe saying "hella" all the time silly? Yeah, I'd say so. But at the same time we got people saying "booba" every time they see titties now or "sus" if something doesn't feel right. Slang will always be stupid, I can't really fault LiS for having 19-21 years olds saying goofy stuff.

The dialogue was basically this. I have been in the same age as the characters in Life is Strange and me and no one else talked like that. The entire dialogue felt like adults trying to decipher how late teens talk with each other.
Revolution 60, the others are well discussed by now and well known.
Also, playing what's basically a ported mobile game on that fancy new RTX card would be a delicious waste of resources.
I hate you all! Between NMA, the Codex and my friend's Discord you all for some reason want me to play Life is Strange. I have no idea why this game has the ire of so many people in the RPG community but it looks like it is going to be the one I play first. After that I will play Revolution 60 mainly because of what Hass said and because that game will be fun to rib on. After that I will do the Frontier and New California. Sooner or later I will do TLoU2 but only to make a certain someone on here no longer use the "If you didn't play it you can't judge it!" excuse with me anymore.
I'd recommend you skip some of those.


*I* am saying this.


I will say that I love Life is Strange and Borderlands has got shit on Borderlands 2. Yes, Borderlands 2 is just Star Wars with a cyberpunk veneer but the first game didn't even have a plot.
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Well, post your stream links here and give us a date when your ready and all that. I would like to see some down to earth gameplay for once instead of Oxhorn drivel.
Goddamn it you all are sadists! That is 3 votes for Life Is Strange. What is funny is that I know nothing about the game only that the characters are obnoxious, especially Mae, and that it is a game that is cherished by lesbian coomers and that it was also made by degenerate French people.

I loved it as a Twin Peaks and Veronica Mars fan but the hipster retro-hippie 90s grunge is strong with this one.


It also helped inspire my book series: I WAS A TEENAGE WEREDEER.