First time out of the vault

I feel like as if Obsidian crammed to much into one game.
As for as I know Van Buren was originally about a guy escaping prison, evading the mobile walking prison and stopping Presper for killing everyone with his purification experiment on the wasteland.
The second part featured you go to Denver and meet the dogs. With the ending being NCR and BoS fighting for Hoover Dam. I guess every other location and character from New Vegas would have appeared too. Maybe we would have fought in the Helios One battle.
Caesar's Legion and Daughters of Hecate have a conflict that was going to be saved for Fallout 4. The sequel to Van Buren.
I know the isometric games took place in numerous cities and states while New Vegas had to be confined to one city world space and a few small dlc like Fallout 3.
For Fallout: New Vegas so much content was cut. The Hoover Dam battle was a letdown, because it was never a battle over a specific location, it was an all out war in the Mojave. With battles in the Strip, Novac, Forlorn Hope, Freeside and other places that I do not remmember. Instead of the huge GTA size'd settlements of the Strip and Freeside we got a couple short roads and a couple buildings. Also no vehicles. Fallout 2 had vehicles.
It seems as though New Vegas itself is an original story. At least the platinum chip, Benny and Mr. House plot. Everything else like Caesar's Legion, Hoover Dam and NCR lore were just shoehorned into the game off of Van Buren's drafts.
Did the devs experience development issues? I feel like one half of the dev team wanted an original story with Benny, The Courier and Mr. House, while the other half of the dev team wanted to just make Van Buren. Two different plotlines. So they just compromised and combined two things together. You don't even need to encounter Benny for the NCR plotline which is unnerving to say the least. It's as if the game baited you and tricked you into playing a different game, (weird transition from Benny to Hoover dam)
The plot is just two seperate stories. One that's personal and connected to you specifically. While the other is just different factions using you as a tool to win Hoover Dam. You feel like a side character in the Hoover Dam plotline.
I just wish the devs made up their mind. They should have either made Van Buren with Caesar's Legion and the Hoover Dam battle, or they should have made the Courier's revenge on Benny and the platinum chip.
I personally prefer the Benny storyline, because this is the game that I sat down to play. Not 3/4 of the cut Van Buren game. Because if I sat down to play Van Buren, I would not play as the Courier nor would the platinum chip or Benny exist.
Atleast for the Van Buren fans, they could have made the Hoover Dam Battle a side quest and added the Helios One battle as well. Or they could have made it DLC. The DLC or sidequest could have been this huge war like in Broken Steel that would span days or even weeks. Where you would be deployed in different parts of the Mojave, from Freeside, to the Strip, to Novac to Nelson etc.
My idea for Benny was making him actually successful in utilising the platinum chip. Have him hire his own private army like the way Gammorah did. Make him become the terror of Vegas and the Mojave. Make him turn everyone against you. Frame you. Idk.
They should have added in cars at least. That's not a lot to ask for. Eventhough a game like Fallout is expected to have vehicles. Maybe if the devs had a better engine to work off of and more time. Lack of publisher funding.
A car chase throughout New Vegas, as a massive city settlement after Benny would have been a satisfying ending.
By the way I have complaints for the wasteland itself too. Where is area 51? Where are all the counties? Villages? Bunkers? Towers? Anything?
As for as I know Van Buren was originally about a guy escaping prison, evading the mobile walking prison and stopping Presper for killing everyone with his purification experiment on the wasteland.
The second part featured you go to Denver and meet the dogs. With the ending being NCR and BoS fighting for Hoover Dam. I guess every other location and character from New Vegas would have appeared too. Maybe we would have fought in the Helios One battle.
Caesar's Legion and Daughters of Hecate have a conflict that was going to be saved for Fallout 4. The sequel to Van Buren.
I know the isometric games took place in numerous cities and states while New Vegas had to be confined to one city world space and a few small dlc like Fallout 3.
For Fallout: New Vegas so much content was cut. The Hoover Dam battle was a letdown, because it was never a battle over a specific location, it was an all out war in the Mojave. With battles in the Strip, Novac, Forlorn Hope, Freeside and other places that I do not remmember. Instead of the huge GTA size'd settlements of the Strip and Freeside we got a couple short roads and a couple buildings. Also no vehicles. Fallout 2 had vehicles.
It seems as though New Vegas itself is an original story. At least the platinum chip, Benny and Mr. House plot. Everything else like Caesar's Legion, Hoover Dam and NCR lore were just shoehorned into the game off of Van Buren's drafts.
Did the devs experience development issues? I feel like one half of the dev team wanted an original story with Benny, The Courier and Mr. House, while the other half of the dev team wanted to just make Van Buren. Two different plotlines. So they just compromised and combined two things together. You don't even need to encounter Benny for the NCR plotline which is unnerving to say the least. It's as if the game baited you and tricked you into playing a different game, (weird transition from Benny to Hoover dam)
The plot is just two seperate stories. One that's personal and connected to you specifically. While the other is just different factions using you as a tool to win Hoover Dam. You feel like a side character in the Hoover Dam plotline.
I just wish the devs made up their mind. They should have either made Van Buren with Caesar's Legion and the Hoover Dam battle, or they should have made the Courier's revenge on Benny and the platinum chip.
I personally prefer the Benny storyline, because this is the game that I sat down to play. Not 3/4 of the cut Van Buren game. Because if I sat down to play Van Buren, I would not play as the Courier nor would the platinum chip or Benny exist.
Atleast for the Van Buren fans, they could have made the Hoover Dam Battle a side quest and added the Helios One battle as well. Or they could have made it DLC. The DLC or sidequest could have been this huge war like in Broken Steel that would span days or even weeks. Where you would be deployed in different parts of the Mojave, from Freeside, to the Strip, to Novac to Nelson etc.
My idea for Benny was making him actually successful in utilising the platinum chip. Have him hire his own private army like the way Gammorah did. Make him become the terror of Vegas and the Mojave. Make him turn everyone against you. Frame you. Idk.
They should have added in cars at least. That's not a lot to ask for. Eventhough a game like Fallout is expected to have vehicles. Maybe if the devs had a better engine to work off of and more time. Lack of publisher funding.
A car chase throughout New Vegas, as a massive city settlement after Benny would have been a satisfying ending.
By the way I have complaints for the wasteland itself too. Where is area 51? Where are all the counties? Villages? Bunkers? Towers? Anything?
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