Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

You confuse me when you go from talking about a fictional game or TV world to present day reality. Who are the "American Fascists?"

Black Legion, Silver Shirts, The American Legion, there's plenty of nominally patriotic fascist organizations in American history and some like the American Legion are even considered innocuous clubs to this day.

Maybe pre war America just wasn't fascist, but a simple hypercapitalist Republic in decline?

It's been a while since I've played the originals or read all of the computer logs in the Elder Scrolls-likes, so I'm not really sure exactly how America was structured politically. It was certainly "fascist" in a material sense but I don't know how literal that was. I think you could say America was Neoliberal McCarthyist and that would also be accurate.

I'm currently in the process of reviewing episode 8 by the way. I don't even know if I'll get it done tonight there's so much material to cover. The Vault-Tec conspiracy might be the dumbest ever conceived.
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I've been spending 7 hours reviewing episode 8. Probably 4 hours on the conspiracy scene alone. There is so much ground to cover it's insane.
Black Legion, Silver Shirts, The American Legion, there's plenty of nominally patriotic fascist organizations in American history and some like the American Legion are even considered innocuous clubs to this day.

It's been a while since I've played the originals or read all of the computer logs in the Elder Scrolls-likes, so I'm not really sure exactly how America was structured politically. It was certainly "fascist" in a material sense but I don't know how literal that was. I think you could say America was Neoliberal McCarthyist and that would also be accurate.

I'm currently in the process of reviewing episode 8 by the way. I don't even know if I'll get it done tonight there's so much material to cover. The Vault-Tec conspiracy might be the dumbest ever conceived.
I don't know what "fascist in a material sense" is. It's nationalist, sure, but it doesn't seem to have a leader cult, and while it's certainly anti-marxist, I don't see how it's anti-liberal. As far as we can tell it's still a parliamentary democracy and while the state has a lot of control in large companies, I feel like the similarities end there
I don't know what "fascist in a material sense" is. It's nationalist, sure, but it doesn't seem to have a leader cult, and while it's certainly anti-marxist, I don't see how it's anti-liberal. As far as we can tell it's still a parliamentary democracy and while the state has a lot of control in large companies, I feel like the similarities end there
Being fascist in a material sense means you've recreated the effects of fascism without its forms. It's related to the "inverted totalitarianism" concept. If you're already in a condition where workers are effectively repressed (oftentimes through their own anticommunist indoctrination), class collaboration favors the interests of the bourgeois, and the country is engaged in a totalizing war of conquest with the entire world at stake - then you don't need "fascism" at all. You're already doing the thing but calling it "freedom" and "democracy."
Sounds like you really think Communism can work, we just haven't done it correctly yet? Are you saying the US became the monsters they wanted to destroy in WW2?

Which society in all of human history are workers not repressed on some level?
I'm not having any political arguments here, I'm just stating political facts and how they relate to Fallout.

All told it took me 8 whole hours to review the finale, there's so much ground to cover. I still can't believe how bad the vault-tec conspiracy is. I couldn't believe it as I was analyzing it. Literally every angle on it doesn't work, and this is what the whole series is based on now.

Episode 8 “The Beginning”
Directed by: Wayne Yip
Written by: Gursimran Sandhu
- Tagline: war…
- Maximus is being brought to the clerics in a vertibird. The face-smashed head is so dumb.
- The Brotherhood have occupied Filly with assistance from an airship. Maximus is brought
before the elder cleric. Dane presents the head while they ask about Titus. Truth is out. Cleric
brings up Dane’s boot. The head is shown to have no core in it after passing a radiation
detector over it.
- Maximus is about to becexecuted when Dane says he did the boot to himself. Maximus says
he knows where the real head is. The elder cleric is impressed with Dane’s loyalty and
suspends the execution.
- Maximus is interrogated and says the truth about Titus running away. “Power is taken, not
given. A lesson you seem to have learned.” Cleric says they’ll take power with the core, and
promises Maximus a place as his enforcer. “You’ve been looking for a home? Build one with
- The conflict of interest here would be more compelling if there was any reason to believe
Maximus still cared about the Brotherhood over Lucy. Maximus acted like he barely had any
attachment to the Brotherhood to begin with. What he wanted was to help people and Lucy
tries to do that.
- Lucy arrives at the observatory compound. Pretty well fortified car junk wall and gate.
They’re growing corn on observatory grounds. Ghoul from mart serving soup. If you squint,
some of the remnants look like they have bits and pieces of NCR armor and uniform pieces
but nothing that looks fully put together like the ranger armors seen earlier. However, the
remnants don’t look much more put together than an eclectic raider band. Normal civilians
make it clear this is an actual community and not just an outpost.
- Cooper & Dogmeat walking through yet another desert. Flashback to vault-tec hq. Cooper is
driving Barb to work. And puts in the ear piece.
- Bud parks next to Coop in a retro Americana smart car with a bubble canopy. Bud feels
confident enough to drive a sissy little car because he lives to be a corporate suit. He has a
minimalist perspective and would prefer austerity & frugality to the kind of extravagance
displayed with Cooper’s car. This is also a visual hint at Bud’s future as a brain in a jar. A lot
of thought was put into just this car prop.
- The bug is interfering with Barb’s transmitter and she doesn’t get it looked at to make her
meeting. Bud tells coop about Bud’s Buds after saying he has no kids. Bud conceives of
Bud’s Buds as a kind of management program that can run generational projects that last
hundreds of years. That would be a novel concept for communists, but not capitalists. Why
invest into an idea that won’t turn a profit within a human lifespan? The sole appeal of Bud’s
plan is that vault-tec executives won’t be running the project, they’ll inherit it from assistants
like Bud. All the real work will be done for them by the end of the process.
- Bud tries asking Barb into going out with Coop so he can connect with him. Bud is a born
brown noser but his instinct for networking is clearly what brought him from West-Tek and
into Vault-Tec’s inner circle.
- Cooper loses the signal and goes inside.
- One of Moldaver’s guards seems to be wearing lamellar armor. Weird choice.
- The observatory has its wall blown out facing the city where the nuke hits. There’s an NCR
flag above the control console and NCR propaganda posters pasted around the room. This
is all meaningless nostalgia that is never ultimately explained. Hank is being kept in a cage.
Two of Moldaver’s goons have full combat armor suits (very nice). And there’s a female
ghoul, comlpletely desiccated and feral, croaking for sustenance at the fully spread dinner
table where Moldaver holds court. The ghoul itself is so desiccated there’s no way Rose
would still be alive. Even her eye sockets are hollow. In the games ghoul necrosis rotted
away excess flesh while retaining vital organs and musculature to maintain a state of
survivability. Ghouls needed food and water to live. This just means that ghouls are zombies
now. They can shrug off gunshots and heal getting staked in the neck and live like a Tibetan
mummy. Can you only kill ghouls with headshots too?
- Lucy says she thought about sticking a grenade into Wilzig’s neck hole. Would have been
more impactful to see that. “But it’s not really how I was raised.” Well la-ti-da, Princess.
Moldaver extracts the core without any sentimentality for Wilzig. But first Noldaver baits
Lucy with the truth about Hank.
- Cut to 31. Norm hears Bud doing some dumb shit. Bud was trapped by a mop that fell over
and his weak little roomba body can’t get out. I get why they made Bud a brain in a jar with
nothing but a dinky syringe for combat. It’s a big joke and it prevents Bud from being a
threat to Norm. However, Bud SHOULD be more threatening. There’s no reason for him not
to be a robobrain. He could have at least had manipulator arms to perform his job, which is
the one thing he cares about. Instead we get a bunch of unfunny schtick. So much of Bud
has been built up in an interesting way and this is the pay off?
- Norm frees Bud and Bud discovers Norm is Hank’s son. Bud tries stopping Norm but can’t.
All he can do is tell norm not to go where the secret is.
- A younger Betty receives Coop in a waiting room for guests. Betty says Barb’s new assistant
really wants to meet Cooper. The same guy Cooper blew off on the phone is “Henry,” later
revealed to be Hank.
- Coop puts in the earpiece and hears Bud starting the conspiracy meetup.

Robert House (RobCo Founder & CEO)
Leon Von Felden (West-Tek chief researcher)
Frederick Sinclair (Big Mt title unknown)
Julia Masters (REPCONN CFO)
Barb Howard & Bud Askins (Vault-Tec executive & executive assistant)

RobCo: Computing & Robotics
West-Tek: weapons developer, created power armor & Forced Evolutionary Virus
Big Mt: research & development
REPCONN: aerospace & propulsion
Vault-tec: “the end of the world”

Lore problems: Sinclair was not working for big Mt, he contracted their technology for the
construction of the Sierra Madre. It would have been more effective to make one of the Think
Tank show up as a fish out of water. REPCONN was also acquired as a subsidiary of RobCo
and shouldn’t have a seat at the table. It would make far more sense to have Poseidon Energy
at the table. Poseidon Energy would also have fiduciary incentive to repress cold fusion, not
Vault-Tec. Their whole business model is based on scarcity of energy. Leon was the researcher
who developed FEV. his presence is questionable, but it would make sense for him to be there
as someone who would understand technicalities.

Sinclair: let’s call this what it is, *Bud*. Your sales aren’t up to snuff, and you need money.
House: you’re one to talk, Freddy boy. You could lose money running a casino.
Bud: [laughs] our sales are fine. Sure rumors of the peace negotiations have set us back a bit,
but we’re here to offer you an opportunity. We’d like to collaborate on some of the vaults.
Leon: I-I don’t get the vaults. When it’s time to come out, what if people are still alive on the
surface? (NOTE: !!!) they’ll be Stone Age creatures who will probably eat whoever comes out of
your vaults.
Bud: that isn’t an issue. Our vaults have the resources to survive for centuries. Meanwhile, our
competitors — you know, every other human who isn’t us — will be dead on the surface.
(NOTE: ???) because after all, what is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction?
Cooper & Bud: “Time.”
Bud: time is the apex predator. And in the event of an incident, “time” is the weapon which will
defeat all of our enemies. That is how we will win the great game of capitalism. Not by
outfighting everyone, but by outliving them.
House: even if you outlive all external threats, here’s my problem with the vaults. You confine a
bunch of rats in a nest a long time, they’ll start eating each other. So who’s to say your rats are
gonna survive better than those animals on the surface?
[all talking]
Leon: and you still haven’t addressed the fundamental question—
Masters: that is a little short-sighted I would say.
Sinclair: I don’t need rats for people on the surface.
[Bud is amused at the meeting getting out of order]
[Barb receives orders from a shadowy figure in the balcony on her pip-boy.]
Barb: if I could perhaps refocus the conversation.
Cooper: c’mon Barb, set ‘em straight…
Barb: when I think about the future, I think about my daughter… Janey. How do I provide her
with a better future?
Cooper: Yes.[sighing]
Barb: and how do we design our vault societies so our children can have that better future?
[camera pans to show more shadowy observers in the balcony]
Barb: I suggest we hedge our bets.
[insert flash forward to Vault 31; see below]
Barb: Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. (NOTE: then the conspiracy wasn’t
necessary) But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of
competition that made our companies great, and I propose we bring that same spirit of
competition to our solution.
[map displays planned vault sites with blue bulbs, one vault is in Alberta and one in the Baja
Barb: we have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim
several, where you can play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for
humanity. Whatever you want to do. No one needs to know. And may the best idea win.
[another flash forward to 31]
Sinclair: we could, intentionally overcrowd a vault so people have to compete to survive inside
Masters: we have been developing a robot that delivers milk to the front door. It’s quite
intelligent. I would like to see a vault governed by it.
Leon: what about using a vault to develop a super-mutant soldier using illegal immigrants?
Sinclair: we could pump psychotropic drugs into the air supply.
Masters: we could separate parents and children, and only the smartest kids reach adulthood.
House: it’s a fun idea. There’s a lot of earning potential with the end of the world. But we’re
talking about making a significant investment based on a hypothetical. How can you guarantee
Barb: by dropping the bomb ourselves. A nuclear event would be a tragedy, but also an
opportunity. Perhaps the greatest opportunity in history. Because when we are the only ones
left, there will be no one to fight. A true monopoly.
Barb: this is our chance to make war obsolete. Because in our current societal configuration,
which took shape without intentional guidance, we have friction. We have conflict, and we have
war. And war, well… war never changes.

Note for flash-forward:
- Bud says he’s the overseer and does more unfunny woke HR jokes. Norm reveals the cryo
tubes arranged down an octagonal corridor. This is a huge reveal and Bud is doing more
unfunny schtick over it. Shut the fuck up for a minute, please! Only a fraction of the pods are
empty. About - 16. Based on what we know about 33 there are at least three executive-
assistants who are actively running Bud’s Buds at any given time for a vault, six total. Yet the
amount of empty tubes isn’t consistent with the timeline. Bud’s Buds are likely refreezing
themselves after staging their deaths so they can be thawed out for reclamation day. If all
empty pods are active Bud’s Buds then 8 were lost in 32 and Hank is gone. Assuming no
executives were killed in the raid, there are four other potential unnamed assistants in 33. If
this theory proves correct. Total cryo capacity appears to be 72-90. Possibly more. This
begs the question of how Bud’s Buds are inserted without arousing anyone’s suspicion at
the arrival of new middle-aged people they’ve never seen before. Most likely the Triennial
trades are staged by Bud’s Buds and the vaults are actually sent new managers. But that
would also mean that 32 and 33’s population aren’t trading genetics, they’re only receiving
new DNA from Bud’s Buds. However, the showrunners obviously don’t care about these
details based on the first episode, so who knows?
- Bud tells norm about Bud’s Buds. “America outsourced its survival to the private sector, but
it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive. So, we kept Vault-Tec alive instead. A
well-trained staff of highly supervised junior executives from my own assisstant training
program. Because the future of humanity comes down to one word: management.”
- Bud says that 32 & 33 are vault-tec’s breeding pool. The “ultimate expression of HR R&D.”
They WERE meant to be bred with Bud’s buds to produce a genetically superior race of
super managers??? Norm looks as flabbergasted as I am. This would mean my theory about
the triennial trades is on the money. 32 and 33 were redundancies in case either pop was
compromised. Likely, physical trades also came from 31’s storehouse. The original
populations were genetically selected for people with positive attitudes and a solid work
ethic, which is consistent with everything we’ve seen about the vault dwellers’ behavior. Was
this the only thing the showrunners spent time thinking about? It’s the only plot that works,
even if the premise of creating super managers is stupid. The only snag is the conceit that
the true purpose of the vault was concealed from its inhabitants, but they selected for
genetics not ideology so that makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is positivity and go-
getterness having genetic markers. They could have only determined that through behavioral
screening, and behavioral experiments are what Vault-Tec actually does, not weirdo genetics
projects. Also, is 33’s sense of scale abstracted? Vault 4 seems way bigger, and presumably
the whole population was at Betty’s orientation. That’s not nearly enough people to maintain
genetic diversity. This is the most inbred population in the world. They’re all 3x Pimpy 2x
- Norm: we wiped the surface clean?

Analysis of the conspiracy:
Where the fuck do I even start? It’s maybe the dumbest fucking conspiracy ever conceived.
Bud says that their sales are fine, which if true means that they don’t need the other
conspirators for the investments. That’s fine. Vault-Tec is a government contractor and the
contracts for the vaults are already secured. It also means that Vault-Tec is the only member of
the panel who has had slumping sales. The other conspirators aren’t feeling any squeeze from
the market or express any anxiety over their profitability.

Leon asks an extremely pertinent question about survivors on the surface when they come
outside, and Bud does not satisfy that question at all. “Time” does not explain away the threat
of survivors. People lived for hundreds of thousands of years before human beings even
developed civilization. 200-500 years does not guarantee the extinction of surface dwellers
without a control. Which vault-tec didn’t plan for. They weren’t even monitoring the surface or
the other vaults in 31!

Bud says that they’re winning capitalism but their objective is basically destroying it. Why even
recreate capitalism after reclamation day? The executives could live like god-kings with an
army of corporate compliant human relations officers. No population means no consumer
base, and no United States means no government contracts. All the conspirators are
government contractors, so Vault-Tec is pitching them on destroying their biggest client. Leon
calls out the fact that Bud didn’t answer the question but this thread is immediately dropped.

House’s objection based on the mouse utopia experiment also isn’t satisfied by Barb’s
solution. Brainstorming ideas for behavioral experiments doesn’t address the problem House
has, which is pertinent to the triune vault. You would be running these experiments BEFORE
starting a nuclear war to determine the best practice for long term isolation, but instead the
ultimate pitch of the meeting is to start a war, and most of the vaults are behavioral
experiments so they obviously didn’t care about figuring shit out before Vault-Tec pulled the

Barb’s proposal is also pitching the conspirators on shit they already have. All of these
companies have secret research facilities. FEV was being developed at West-Tek facilities
before being moved to Mariposa. House has practically the whole Mojave for his playground,
where he had already developed several innovations in secret. Big Mt. has the Big Empty! This
pitch only has appeal if the experiments are beyond the purview of the government, but again
these are all government contractors. Why would they jeopardize their relationship with the
United States for flights of sociological curiosity?

Every member on that panel is either a genius or a driven business person, yet all of their
mental faculties go out the window at Barb’s proposal. They’re practically giddy with the
thought of all the Nazi experiments they can come up with. House even says there’s earning
potential in the end of the world, which is stupid. House would never say that. He was already
preparing for the end of the world based on his estimation that the Great War was inevitable! If
there was an opportunity to avoid war he would have taken it, and blowing the whistle on this
conspiracy could have pre-empted a nuclear exchange by setting up his own competitors as
sacrificial lambs. House is the only person on the panel who owns the company he represents,
and he doesn’t think at all like a capitalist! Almost nobody acts in their own interest, not even
the one guy in pre-war America who could see the end coming!

And to top all of this off, Vault-Tec doesn’t need any of the other conspirators to instigate a
nuclear war! They don’t need their help or consent to do it! All they’re doing is exposing vault-
tec to more liability by telling the commanding heights of corporate America that Vault-Tec
plans to destroy corporate America!

What Barb says about achieving a true monopoly also isn’t appealing to the other conspirators,
because it’s not really a true “monopoly” if they’re all around to compete for control of the
post-apocalypse. They should know that, and based on that knowledge assume that Vault-Tec
will fuck them all over to realize Vault-Ted’s ideological vision. Which they do!

Barb’s line about war never changing is also irrelevant to their whole pitch, and it
acknowledges that what they’re plotting isn’t a war, but a unilateral genocide waged by a
shadowy corporate conspiracy. To the writers of this show I say: FFFFFUUUUUUUUCK

Do I really have to explain how none of this works? This is the same kind of tortured logic they
had to come up with for antisemitic conspiracy theories, and the audience swallows this
horseshit because all they know is capitalism bad. Corporations bad. Without any Marxist
critique to clarify the actual structure and operation of capitalism, anti capitalist dissidents
must resort to conspiracy thinking to explain away capital’s excesses & externalities as the
consequences of bad actors choosing to do evil. This is anarchist fantasizing & Christian
paranoia of the devil. And the showrunners are just as ignorant on this subject as the masses
of undereducated Western hogs they look down upon!

I feel dumber for having picked this apart. I have the same look on my face as Cooper. When I
saw this for the first time I had ringing in my ears. It’s unbelievable. This one big twist totally
overturns the entire premise and thesis of Fallout, and it doesn’t even make sense in its own
terms! They literally blew up a perfectly good story about man’s drive to reproduce conflict, to
replace it with a reactionary conspiracy where society’s true villains are the middle managers?
The “Professional Managerial Class?” Are you fucking kidding me? This is unserious for a

- cooper meets Hank. Hank loves the scene in man from Deadhorse where Cooper shot the
communist, and asks for an autograph.
- Moldaver says Hank never told the truth to Rose. So how did Rose discover the truth?
Couldn’t be anyone other than Moldaver. Moldaver keeps baiting Lucy with more plot
- Maximus is suiting up with Dane in the brotherhood armory. The Brotherhood has an eclectic
mix of firearms. One guy looks down the sights of a ruger mini-14. The Brotherhood still
lacks weapons manufacturing abilities if small arms aren’t standardized. They’re also stingy
with the energy weapons this whole season. A few props shown look like laser and plasma
weapons but none are used. The power armor handgun looks like a laser pistol but is really
an automatic magnum.
- Dane is being sent into combat as punishment for hurting himself. Dane doubles down on it
to Maximus, which confirms to the audience that Dane really did hurt himself. But why do
this as such a late reveal? To show that Maximus is a good guy who’d “never hurt a fly?” He
obviously does! He’s a completely amoral simpleton whose first solution to every problem is
to engage with overwhelming violence. When the story implied that Maximus did the boot
razor it made him morally complex. It showed that he was driven to fulfill his dream of
becoming a knight even if it meant doing something traitorous and unethical. Now I seriously
think that Maximus wouldn’t know the meaning of the word “morality!” Worst written
character in the whole fucking show! And they cast a black actor to play this buffoon? You
better believe I’m not letting that go! Aaron Moten is a good actor. You can see it during the
interrogation scene where Maximus’s entire thought process is written across his face. And
this talent is wasted on a gormless oaf!
- Maximus tells Dane that he’s bringing the brotherhood to rescue Lucy, and they’re going to
leave together to go back to her vault, where they don’t have war. Implying that Dane could
leave the Brotherhood too. Dane looks regretful knowing that it’s impossible to take up
Maximus on that offer, and says nowhere is safe and there is no leaving.
- Brotherhood deploys in a vertibird squadron of six. Each vertibird can only carry a limited
number of knights, squires, and aspirants, and this will be important.
- Moldaver says Rose discovered that the vault’s water was being siphoned away, and
concluded ground water may be drawn up by a civilization. Hank thought it was ridiculous.
Rose concluded that Hank was hiding something and left the vault. This still doesn’t explain
how Rose left the vault without the door access codes. Moldaver probably isn’t telling the
truth. Even with the core in her hands Moldaver is still trying to maintain her cover story.
- Moldaver tells Lucy that Hank chased after Rose, took her and Norm back, and when Rose
refused to return to the vault, he nuked Shady Sands. Moldaver is leaving out any mention of
her relationship with Rose, and Lucy’s memory triggers a flashback where we can see
Moldaver meeting with Rose in Shady Sands. Rose of course turned into the ghoul at the
table, or so Moldaver claims.
- Moldaver tells Lucy about cold fusion and all the good it could do, but because Vault-Tec
made the technology proprietary, she needs the activation code from Hank. Why would
Hank have the code of it’s not in his purview as an executive assistant? Hank is telling Lucy
not to listen to Moldaver. Is this actually an elaborate kayfabe between Moldaver and Hank?
- Moldaver tells Lucy the ghoul is Rose. The ghoul is wearing Rose’s pendant but this really
doesn’t prove anything. The ghoul is so desiccated it could be anybody. Moldaver is
conducting an elaborate ruse.
- Lucy is distraught and tells Hank to give the code. Hank is reluctant to give up the code but
does it for Lucy. The code activates a reactor revealing that the cold fusion core wasn’t a
rock, but a miniaturized reactor itself that needed the code to start the fusion process. Only
problem is, this requires a level of miniaturization that shouldn’t be possible in Fallout’s
universe. Not unless it was a full sized reactor that they shot with a shrink-ray or something
dumb and campy like that.
- Norm tries to back out and Bud locks him in. Bud suggests norm should wait things out in
Hank’s tank or else he’ll starve. Bud also says he wishes he could go into cryosleep. Oh well,
Bud, this was your idea.
- Hanks says he did what was necessary to save the vault, and that Moldaver is no different
than him.
- The cold fusion core is activated, but before Moldaver connects to the power grid they’re
attacked by the brotherhood.
- Hank says he loved Rose but she stopped being Lucy’s mother when she took her into
danger. Hank is about to give his cliched villain speech over the battle between the
brotherhood and the NCR remnants. A horrible decision that saps all the fun out of the battle
while distracting from Hank’s speech at the same time.
- The observatory has heavy artillery, with SAMs mounted in the domes. Moldaver is running a
sophisticated military operation. The SAMs miss but a guy with a rocket launcher scores a
hit on one vertibird, reducing the BoS force by a full 1/6. Doorgunners rake the observatory
grounds with no distinction for civvie or combatant. The remnants have anti-air guns they
should have been using already but oh no the gunners domed. Now the brotherhood can
label and launch their assault. Moldaver takes command of the hmg while the battle turns
into a chaotic melee. A couple knights go down but it’s going badly for the remnants.
Maximus & Dane take cover behind the fountain. Remaining knights are able to push in to
the observatory with squires and recruits following. The knights mow down everything that
moves. At this point the Brotherhood has practically won. Superior firepower and power
armor carry the day even though Moldaver’s defenses were perfectly formidable against an
aerial assault.
- Meanwhile Hank is telling Lucy that he made the hard choice between a world of war and a
world of peace, and that the only way to defeat all the factions is to outlast them until there’s
no more war. The show keeps taking this weirdly anti political stance like it’s the factions
who are causing all the problems for the wasteland as if they’re all equally at fault for
reproducing conflict. The showrunners have forgotten that there is a faction that does
nothing but good for the wasteland and has a sophisticated political praxis: the Followers of
the Apocalypse.
- Cooper does the thing where he exploits the design flaw in the T-45 that was reproduced in
the T-60 to get critical hits and bypass DR. The only problem with this scene is that power
armor helmets all have lamp attachments. If any of them turned one on Cooper would be
- A headless knight waddles in to the observatory before collapsing with Maximus coming
behind. Cooper must have taken out all the knights by himself.
- Hank says he’s Lucy’s father and Maximus blasts the lock on his cage. Lucy is too distraught
to realize what’s happening until it’s too late. Hank has already, somehow, opened the power
armor from a face down position, dragged out the corpse, and climbed in himself without
Lucy or Maximus knowing. So now it’s just Kyle McLachlan’s head on a T-60.
- Lucy tells Maximus that Hank did 9/11. Maximus attacks Hank in a blind rage only to get
knocked the fuck out with a power armored backhand. Maybe the funniest scene in the
whole show. Maximus is out cold and Lucy points his 10mm at Hank’s face.
- Cooper interrupts by asking “young Henry” if he wants an autograph. Cooper asks where his
fucking family is. Implying that Janey is still alive somehow. Barb is likely frozen in 31, which
means they probably never showed the triune vault to Cooper when he was endorsing vault-
- Instead of answering, Hank runs away with the arm jets. By the end of the episode Hank is
walking to New Vegas in the same power armor suit. Did he walk the entire distance from
Griffith Observatory to New Vegas in a power armor suit that smelled like bodily fluids?
- Cooper doesn’t shoot knowing he needs Hank for answers. Cooper tells Lucy that war never
changes, and no matter how chaotic things are someone is behind the driver’s seat. (This
wasn’t true at all for the 200 years before Hank’s wife left him) cooper offers to help Lucy find
her dad before the brotherhood shows up and throws her in a hole.
- The brotherhood is showing up for sure. A whole airship with a second squadron of
- Lucy picks up the 10mm but instead of shooting coop she gives a mercy killing to “Rose.”
Right in the head. We’re really doing zombie rules huh?
- Lucy tearfully leaves Maximus behind.
- Maximus wakes up to the sounds of battle. Moldaver’s band is still being mopped up.
Moldaver stumbles in with a gut wound looking for Rose and fully activates the core. She
didn’t see Maximus when she came in, meaning that this wasn’t a put on. She really is
wounded, probably fatally, and she’s sentimentally holding the ghoul’s hand as if it is Rose.
“We did it, Rose.”
- The lights are coming on in the boneyard. Did Moldaver think LA could be resettled with the
core? The problem with that idea is that LA is too thoroughly radiated, has no arable land,
and no water. Is all of California hooked up to the Boneyard on the power grid? Questions
and more questions.
- Moldaver asks Maximus what he thinks the Brotherhood will do with infinite power. Good
question, Moldaver. Why didn’t you think of that before you turned on cold fusion for them?
Moldaver is bleeding out heavily and passes out from blood loss, appearing to be dead.
- The Brotherhood bursts in and Dane is first on the scene. He declares that Maximus killed
the enemy leader in front of their brothers. Maximus is guaranteed a place as the elder
cleric’s right hand man now and won’t be able to leave for Lucy.
- Cut to later. Cooper, Lucy, and Dogmeat were in a graveyard crypt, probably getting some of
cooper’s things. Hollywood sign is lit up in the background.
- In the closing shot of new Vegas there are a few minor shanty settlements on the outskirts of
Vegas. Two settlements are billowing single pillars of smoke, implying they’re inhabited. One
of the settlements is probably Goodsprings.
No closing thoughts. Need time to digest.
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I got a headache reading this. It truly is astonishing just how stupid Fallout gets with each new entry. I had hope that nothing could be as stupid as the Institute but I stand humbled.
I got a headache reading this. It truly is astonishing just how stupid Fallout gets with each new entry. I had hope that nothing could be as stupid as the Institute but I stand humbled.

When Bethesda signs off on something, it's always going to be stupid. The best people they had have long left the company, and the ones who took over or who are left don't have a fraction of the talent or skill.
Watching the show really makes you wonder how much creative direction Bethesda actually had. Because if they had the decision making power Todd claims to have then they didn't pay attention to anything and rubberstamped the show.

I'll have to go back and review the first three episodes with a similar thoroughness to the later ones, since the Nolanverse seems to be where most of the problems originate from. Most of the reason I did this was to reconstruct every plot thread and make sure we get all the details right on the changes being made to the lore, because people love to nit pick and make up bullshit reflexive arguments if they think they're deficient somehow. It's important to get the facts established before developing a thesis.
Sprained my foot on the job, which means I'm looking at a long weekend. Might as well get started on the Nolanverse Review Redux.
By dodging the issue of America’s relations to the world by rendering them into an amorphous adversarial blob, the tv show embraces the logic of the war on terror. It dodges the issues of American imperialism in Mexico, Canada, and China, supposedly to satisfy the Liberal discomfort with honest portrayals of American racism, but effectively to shift the blame away from American imperialism and onto the psychotic and nonsensical desires of a shadowy ruling elite, that conspires to act against its own class interests in the sake of sheer evil vanity. It’s a juvenile and reactionary understanding of the world. Johnathan Nolan is a coward and a mental infant.

Simply put, the show is so afraid of depicting the Resource Wars as they actually happened that Chinese people don't even exist at all within the world of the show. The intro paints a picture of America being at war with its "adversaries" rather than the one adversary we fought an actual war with in the games. Instead of the Great War being a consequence of American imperialism and dwindling resources, it's now corporate America deciding to destroy itself so they can live like communists in a hole in the ground.
China can't be mentioned as an adversary, ever. Didn't you get the memo?

See Red Dawn remake, the flap over Top Gun, the flap over the Houston NBA GM's comments, etc.

They want that China middle class money.
They could have easily done something CCP-compliant that wouldn't have retcon'd the games, since "america bad" is a big theme of Fallout and China is just a foil for starting the Great War anyway. They even mention deployments to the "Far East" in the newspaper Cooper was reading, which can only mean one thing. It's better to appear threatening than to not appear at all. I can't even recall any prominent Asian casting. There's Hawthorne's wife and the guy who plays Leon, but that's about it.
Simply put, the show is so afraid of depicting the Resource Wars as they actually happened that Chinese people don't even exist at all within the world of the show. The intro paints a picture of America being at war with its "adversaries" rather than the one adversary we fought an actual war with in the games. Instead of the Great War being a consequence of American imperialism and dwindling resources, it's now corporate America deciding to destroy itself so they can live like communists in a hole in the ground.
Bradylama: Write a politically informed TV Show
Nola: Ogey
Fallout TV Show: The Revolutionary Class (Finance Capital PMC Lumpenproletarian Middle Managers) destroyed Revisionists (anti-Stagist Dengist Social Imperialists) in Class War (Nuclear Conflagration) to lay the groundwork to build Actually Existing Socialism underground, possibly with the help of Zetans (Who exist on a Higher Plane of Development).

Where's the problem, exactly?
Bradylama: Write a politically informed TV Show
Nola: Ogey
Fallout TV Show: The Revolutionary Class (Finance Capital PMC Lumpenproletarian Middle Managers) destroyed Revisionists (anti-Stagist Dengist Social Imperialists) in Class War (Nuclear Conflagration) to lay the groundwork to build Actually Existing Socialism underground, possibly with the help of Zetans (Who exist on a Higher Plane of Development).

Where's the problem, exactly?
Ah, the Zetans, of course. It all makes sense now. The Zetans zapped the Vault-Tec boardroom with a stupid ray.
They could have easily done something CCP-compliant that wouldn't have retcon'd the games, since "america bad" is a big theme of Fallout and China is just a foil for starting the Great War anyway. They even mention deployments to the "Far East" in the newspaper Cooper was reading, which can only mean one thing. It's better to appear threatening than to not appear at all. I can't even recall any prominent Asian casting. There's Hawthorne's wife and the guy who plays Leon, but that's about it.

To show I'm not Opposition GuyTM, yeah, this but I'd phrase it as, "They hope to sell it in China."

Amazon Prime has avoided being banned so far.