Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

so you're playing ver 2.47.8, and then when coming to BoS siege we change the boshlpcm.int from ver 2.47.6?
I play a moded version of the 2 ver.the files i discover in 2.47.8 vres. is the boshlpcm.int for Bos siege. the ccdrill.int for navaro sergend ncorvill.int for orvill quest in new reno dcsmitty.int for smitty in car problems. change that and it worked for me at least
Exploring Klamath right now. I really like the sewer redesign, any chance you could post a full screen of that map @MIB88 ?

A future quest worth considering is adding in Lily Bowen from FNV. She was around when the vertibird wreck occurred and grabbed one of the rotary blades to make her sword. She'd be the earliest Super Mutant you'd encounter in a playthrough probably. Maybe you help her retrieve that blade, or take the other route and screw her over to gain favor with the Duntons. They don't seem like the type who'd be very mutant-tolerant, after all.

Is the Megamod hosted on GitHub or anything? I've come to regard it as a pretty essential project with how much it expands Fallout 2, and I hope that it continues to expand and incorporate more content as time goes on. Would be happy to contribute if possible.
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Fallout: New Vegas is one of my favorite games... even though it's been more than a decade since I've played it. I really like the idea of adding something about Lily Bowen... even if it's something as simple as adding a cut scene of seeing a Nightkin moving around near the vertibird when the player character first enters that area. Better, maybe being able to interact with her and "Leo" if the player ever returns to that map a third time (since there is already a reason for the character to go there a second time in the MM). But... do the timelines make sense? I mean, did she make that weapon during F1 or during F2? If I can't add her because the timelines don't coincide with each other, then maybe I'll still have to add a little Easter egg, like "Lily and Leo were here," seen when inspecting the wreckage.

As for GitHub hosting... nah, I don't use it. I'm selfish as hell. It's still my project. I don't mind sharing my work. I like to discuss things to add and accept input and help. But... working on the MM is my hobby. I don't want it to seem like work. Don't want to supervise or even depend on others for the project. Maybe once my eyesight goes or I have moved on to another hobby I will turn it over to someone else. I mean, really though, anyone (or a team of "anyones") could decide to collaborate on their version of the MM and there wouldn't be a damned thing I could do about it. But... no... no GitHub just yet.

And I'm not done working on the MM... not even close. I've got lots of ideas to incorporate... lots of completed but unused maps... partially-complete mods... so much more. :cool:
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Fair enough on opening it up. As long as the Megamod lives forever, I'm happy.

Unclear on timeline for Lily's arrival. The vertibird had to have crashed in the 2240s since we meet its pilot in Novac in New Vegas. In the vanilla game I interpreted the crashed vertibird as being a sign that the Enclave were monitoring Arroyo nearby. You replaced the Mr. Handy with a wanamingo; were they trying to infest the Klamath sewers with them, in the same way that Redding's mines were? I guess that's unrelated to Lily.

The placement of the shack just north of Klamath also sort of confirms that people first settled the area a few years after Fallout 1. Lily could have been part of the Super Mutants marching northward (we learn about this in dialog from the Den) but chose to stick around to the Klamath area.

Because the vertibird crashed relatively recent to game start, I think putting Lily in Klamath is reasonable. She would have made the blade closer to F2 or FNV than F1.
As of version 2.47.8:

Den Residential crash still happens.

Also at NCR, the hubologist girl is bugged: trying to get zeta the scan crashes de game to desktop when the dialog opens in the other room. Also, closing the dialogue box with her and opening again causes her to change to a completely different talking head. She is first a robbed blonde with knotted hair, but after opening the dialogue again she's a brown haired woman.


Yeah, replacing the Enlightened One's script as mentioned above will work for that. I had included two different profile pictures by mistake (the other one belonged to Fannie in Redding). I think the reason for the crash in the Den Residential area was a problem with the drug dealer's guard (dcdlrgrd.int), but I'm not 100% on that.
I really appreciate the bug reports. But, I have no intention of releasing a fix every time a bug is found and fixed. I just can't.
However, on the bright side, I plan on releasing the next version around the middle of next month. It will have all my fixes to date.

Changes/Fixes made since version 2.47.8:

-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Minor corrections to various maps
-Added more talking heads (thanks to Goat_Boy)
-Cleaned up code in some scripts
-If you threaten to leave Myron behind, he may offer to lead you to the EPA... if you keep him around. This now works properly.
-More corrections to NPCs/quests in Colly (thanks to Muttie)
-Numerous corrections to game files (thanks to Muttie)
-Corrections to some art files (i.e., removal of extraneous art and speeding up some animations) (thanks to Muttie)
-Re-added script to the slaver camp map which had been accidentally removed and was causing problems
-Multiple copies of the same Enclave guards should no longer appear in Gecko
-Corrected issue with Den Residential area script which was crashing that map
-Updated Cassidy's voice (thanks to Dravian's work from 2024)
-fixed potential for missing items and crashes resulting from invisible looters
-Fixed the crash which would occur with the assignment of the Vault Village quest
-Harry now gives the proper weapons for the Vault Village quest
-Fixed code for Smitty, the drill sergeant, and Orville Wright which made them unstable
Yeah, replacing the Enlightened One's script as mentioned above will work for that. I had included two different profile pictures by mistake (the other one belonged to Fannie in Redding). I think the reason for the crash in the Den Residential area was a problem with the drug dealer's guard (dcdlrgrd.int), but I'm not 100% on that.
I really appreciate the bug reports. But, I have no intention of releasing a fix every time a bug is found and fixed. I just can't.
However, on the bright side, I plan on releasing the next version around the middle of next month. It will have all my fixes to date.

Changes/Fixes made since version 2.47.8:

-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Minor corrections to various maps
-Added more talking heads (thanks to Goat_Boy)
-Cleaned up code in some scripts
-If you threaten to leave Myron behind, he may offer to lead you to the EPA... if you keep him around. This now works properly.
-More corrections to NPCs/quests in Colly (thanks to Muttie)
-Numerous corrections to game files (thanks to Muttie)
-Corrections to some art files (i.e., removal of extraneous art and speeding up some animations) (thanks to Muttie)
-Re-added script to the slaver camp map which had been accidentally removed and was causing problems
-Multiple copies of the same Enclave guards should no longer appear in Gecko
-Corrected issue with Den Residential area script which was crashing that map
-Updated Cassidy's voice (thanks to Dravian's work from 2024)
-fixed potential for missing items and crashes resulting from invisible looters
-Fixed the crash which would occur with the assignment of the Vault Village quest
-Harry now gives the proper weapons for the Vault Village quest
-Fixed code for Smitty, the drill sergeant, and Orville Wright which made them unstable
Great! Though i can't find any dcdlrgrd.int on the scripts directory
More stuff i ran into:

Smitty is bugged. Gives a black screen when you ask him to fix your car. Replacing his script with the one from an older release can be done for a workaround fix.

New Reno casino tables are a bugged too:


There's two options for betting 100 caps. Also there's no limit on how much you can bet on the tables like Redding, so if you have decent gambling skill like i have (around 120) you can get infinite money.

Singing guys on New reno are giving floating "Error" dialogues


Reserved Item showing up at Duppo's inventory

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My current playthrough has petered out due to the BOS Siege bugs (I'm still on 2.47.6, no worries about bug reports) so before I upgrade to 2.47.8 or 2.47.9 I'll record my current thoughts:

The Den is really great and I only experienced a few crashes while there, so it might not be universal. I really like the Metzger talking head for 2.47.6, I assume it'll have been replaced by a head from Goat_Boy in the future though. I don't necessarily agree with the layout of minor locations surrounding the Den; the truck crash is referenced in dialog at Broken Hills as being located to the south of that town, so I would either update the dialog or move the zone. I'm guessing the former is simpler.

Modoc is great, no complaints here.

I was not able to unlock the quest to discover the Primitive Tribe's old grounds (I believe F12SE refers to this location as "Shumble"). Would like to see this available if possible since I love exploring on the world map. Another question: does the Arroyo-Umbra marriage have an impact on the ending slides? Should there be a literal political marriage, i.e. the Chosen One has to marry Sulik's brother/sister or the son/daughter of the Elder to seal the tribal alliance?

Vault City's security quests have a few bugs that I believe have been fixed. The dialog for starting the Broken Hills scout mission was unavailable, but the quest was still assigned to me. Unfortunately, the quest to deliver Moore's briefcase seems bugged; there were no circumstances in which I could get Bishop to not be aggro upon my arrival in New Reno. Also, when delivering guns to the village, they did not take the guns from my inventory.

It is not well-broadcasted that the molerat in Gecko controls the molerats at the village. Also, as a matter of taste: most people hate talking albino molerats. Would you consider changing these critters to another type? I'm sure we could find a satisfying alternative.

Also worth pointing out that the Ghost Farm's inhabitants also keep domestic molerats. I would consider linking the village to them instead of the talking molerat if possible.

The Abbey and the Monastery is another matter of taste I would like to see changed. Since nobody (that I found) reveals the location of the Monastery and the map is in my opinion of lesser quality than the one from the RPU, I personally think it would be best to integrate the Monastery's quests into the Abbey and remove the Monastery entirely. The quests could unlock after completing the EPA botany data quest, since the Monastery's quests are along the same lines of espionage/information scraping.

I wouldn't want to necessarily trash the Monastery map, though. Could it be added as another zone to the Abbey location, as a combat arena or quest area to recover material from the Order of Leibowitz's older hideout?

Not to recommend deleting one version of the Abbey and introducing another, but I did discover another take on the cut Abbey content that drags the location into conflict with the BOS. Since the BOS is present in the Megamod, perhaps you could integrate this take somehow? https://jackburkhardt.com/projects/abbey/

Ghost Town was scant on information. My headcanon is that the pistol and armor belonged to the BOS Paladin Ulysses Grant from Fallout: Sonora. Nice little zone, would have added something more aggressive than rats as enemies. Wasps? Roaches? Scolopendra?

The Redding quest to recover the man's son from the ruined city was not able to be completed. This may have been corrected in newer versions, not sure.

You probably already know about the Broken Hills mine bug.

Vault 23 doesn't work for me. Discovering it after Mariposa, my character has battled plenty of rats. Vault 14 is the superior custom Vault; I think the two locations should be combined and placed at Vault 23's present location north of Mariposa. The giant rat lair should link up to Vault 14's level 3 and be a quest given out by one of the characters there. I also don't know what frames are being used by the giant rat, but they look odd. I would just use the albino molerat frames.

The random encounter for getting into Vault 14 also never triggered; I think using the hermit from Vault 23 to give out the keycard would be best. If you move Vault 14 to Vault 23's current location, I'd also recommend renaming it to Vault 17 as yet another New Vegas connection. Vault 17 is one of the few vaults we know canonically got cracked open by the Master and used to create Super Mutants.

The quest to deliver the news from the Hubologist in the NCR to the leader in SF might be bugged.

While messing around in the BIS Mapper I discovered a map called BOSfield. It looks like this would be a good map to use in place of the surface map at the current BOS headquarters, to show how the location has evolved since the events of Fallout 1. Not sure if this map is used somewhere else in game.

I don't expect any of these suggestions to be in the next release, but I hope you consider them. The Megamod has been enjoyable even with the crashes and remains my preferred way to play Fallout 2. I'll post some more feedback and suggestions later.
Smitty is bugged. Gives a black screen when you ask him to fix your car. Replacing his script with the one from an older release can be done for a workaround fix.

New Reno casino tables are a bugged too:
There's two options for betting 100 caps. Also there's no limit on how much you can bet on the tables like Redding, so if you have decent gambling skill like i have (around 120) you can get infinite money.

As I mentioned above in my post, I already fixed Smitty.
I have also adjusted the croupiers in New Reno to have limits on the money they can hand out. The second 100 bet has been corrected. It was supposed to be 1000.

Also, that's weird that there's no dcdlrgrd.int script. Although, it's also possible the error was with dcdealer.int, the more I think about it. And, if you don't have that script at all in the scripts folder... well, I guess getting that script from another version would address that issue.
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