Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

So what version should I install if I want to play this mod? The one that is pinned in the first page of the forum the 2.47.8 or the installer that linked in by @_Pyran_ ?
Which one is the less buggy/stable state that don't break a playtrough?:shrug:
Hello again, nice to know the mod is still going. I'm in the Village next to Vault City and Gecko. The game gives me an error "The instruction at 004a2b2f referenced memory at 00000078 the memory could not be read from". It happens whenever I agree to help get the grenades and tnt, or when I actually have them in my inventory and want to finish the job. Might have something to do with the talking heads addon? I'm not sure.

Thanks. I'll check it out. Unfortunately, that's a pretty generic error message. What exactly are you doing when the error happens? Does it actually happen in the middle of dialog?

So what version should I install if I want to play this mod? The one that is pinned in the first page of the forum the 2.47.8 or the installer that linked in by @_Pyran_ ?
Which one is the less buggy/stable state that don't break a playtrough?:shrug:

It's up to you. Pros and cons for each. The one on the front page is my latest version. All options will be in the game. It has some fixes not in the installer as well as more content:

-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Minor corrections to various maps
-Cleaned up code in some scripts
-Inclusion of most of the Handmade Guns Mod by Werwolf
-Added new version of EPA maps
-Inclusion of Fallout 2 Cartoon Intro Remake Mod by Biedron0
-Brotherhood of Steel quests should work a little better
-PC can no longer keep getting experience repeatedly for scouting out Broken Hills for Stark
-Updates to talking heads
---Addition of talking heads created by Goat_Boy
---Corrected backgrounds for conversations with some party NPCs
-Modified the armor for Dogmeat to act like other armors (removal of perks)
-Added PipBoy timer notes created by Lexx

However, the installer version is easy to use. And, you can select elements of the mod that you want to play with.
I cant play the mod since it crashes right uppon entering the trial temple:
"The instruction 004a48ad referenced memory 6f63208b"
"The memory could not be written"

I used the manual installation
Thanks for the info @MIB88 . I think I will have to do 2 seperate playtroughs since both versions has something the other has not (inventory filter,apperence change,new weapons,additional talking heads). It would be nice to have the 2 versions content merged.

Also can I use some additional mods from Nirran? The additional "custom perks" and "party member perks" he has on his site?
I have no idea how I managed the mod to work but it works now, yay :3
However, I played the restoration projct before since I couldnt get it to run but I remember that the mega mod had pretty more stuff I liked and I couldnt ignore it, hence I keept on trying until it worked.

Sadly the current version is not compitable with:
-Restoration Project - Companion Expansion
-Restoration Project - Talking Heads Addon
-Restoration Project - Talking Heads Actually Talk (THAT) Mod

Obviously they wouldnt work but I still tried it but sadly no changes could be seen. Kinda wish this awesome mod would also integrate these too. But I think they kinda annoying to impliment and need much effort to do so. Still, a man can dream.
Thanks. I'll check it out. Unfortunately, that's a pretty generic error message. What exactly are you doing when the error happens? Does it actually happen in the middle of dialog?

Ok, so it happens when I actually agree to provide them with the tnt, and I have it. After that the dialog screen is supposed to shut down - it shuts down and I get the error.

Also more problems: the Slave camp - When I try to talk to Sulik's sister the dialog box with a talking head opens but it's stuck, It overlaps the entire screen and I can't do anything. I once managed to get to her village, but the game also crashed. :|
Try reloading before entering, worked for me
Thanks for the suggestion but that didnt fixed it, however I tried with a new method since I gave up on that point.
Basically before entering you have exit the town, then enter it and only then you can visit that place.
Same goes for saves: If you enter that zone, save there and want to reload, I get the same error. However, when I reload a different save where its outside the place, exit and re-enter the town and then reload - only then I can load the save. Weird bug but your suggestion kinda made it possible to continue with my run.
Bugs encountered so far:
General: party members are not leveling up, I got exclamation they leveled up, but stats reverse when exiting map

Klamath - find out who is rustling the brahmin quest can be started, but not completed
The Den - crash upon entering Den residential, but can be solved by exiting game and entering
game freezes when obtaining car from Smitty - copied smitty script from 2.47.6 and worked after
Vault city - quests keep popping up all over the place, once I got quest to scout NCR, but I was supposed to scout Gecko...
Vault village - crash when exiting first conversation with Connar
Broken Hills - Francis doesn't want to speak with me, even though I have solid positive karma - around 700
Francis, Phil, Typhoon and Jacob become non-responsive after a while, can't pinpoint where - reverting their scripts to 2.47.6 makes them talkative again
New Reno - Eldrdige has two reserved items in his inventory
Slave camp - can't unlock the gates to small shack north of main building, lockpick doesn't work, even after talking to guard there I can't use keys because someone will certainly hear me
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Hey guys, I decided to revert to 2.47.6 (installer version) because it was the most stable version for me. However at the Jennings farm, Metzger's people don't drop guns (after being shot) at all. Is that a bug?
Hey MIB88 any chance to have the "frellance slavery" which is a part of Megamod, to become a standalone universal mod compatible with more than just Fo2/RP/RPU.

even if just for those inventory tokens that increase One's carry weight it would still be worth it. still better than nothing, and still a practical use for rope utilisation.
Hey guys, I decided to revert to 2.47.6 (installer version) because it was the most stable version for me. However at the Jennings farm, Metzger's people don't drop guns (after being shot) at all. Is that a bug?
Nope, that's a feature. Getting those guns that early was judged to be... imbalancing. Now you may disagree, but no guns there is not a bug.
feel free to ignore this one if it doesn't fit the point of the thread! I've just been stuck at the same installing problem for .8 that I had years ago for .6, but I just can't remember what the solution eventually was, only that it was extremely obvious at the end, so I wanted to check if anyone here can immediately see if its some glaring problem and point it out

using the steam version of the game, overwrote the content with that of the megamod, deleted patch000.dat and checked that the critter files are read only, tried to follow all suggested steps

whenever I start the game, the main menu *does* show the megamod verson on the bottom (different main menu screens depending on what launcher-application I used, I went through them all to double-check), but once I start a new run and go into cc, the altered UI from the Hero Appearance mod doesn't show up, it's the standard cc UI, which leads me to believe at least some mods actually haven't properly installed

I think I remember having this exact same problem 3 years ago, but I just can't figure out what I did in the end, just to doublecheck I also tried installing it into a GOG-version instead, with the same result

is there anything super obvious that I forgot to do, or should I just go back to private trouble-shooting?