Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

so you're playing ver 2.47.8, and then when coming to BoS siege we change the boshlpcm.int from ver 2.47.6?
I play a moded version of the 2 ver.the files i discover in 2.47.8 vres. is the boshlpcm.int for Bos siege. the ccdrill.int for navaro sergend ncorvill.int for orvill quest in new reno dcsmitty.int for smitty in car problems. change that and it worked for me at least
Exploring Klamath right now. I really like the sewer redesign, any chance you could post a full screen of that map @MIB88 ?

A future quest worth considering is adding in Lily Bowen from FNV. She was around when the vertibird wreck occurred and grabbed one of the rotary blades to make her sword. She'd be the earliest Super Mutant you'd encounter in a playthrough probably. Maybe you help her retrieve that blade, or take the other route and screw her over to gain favor with the Duntons. They don't seem like the type who'd be very mutant-tolerant, after all.

Is the Megamod hosted on GitHub or anything? I've come to regard it as a pretty essential project with how much it expands Fallout 2, and I hope that it continues to expand and incorporate more content as time goes on. Would be happy to contribute if possible.
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Fallout: New Vegas is one of my favorite games... even though it's been more than a decade since I've played it. I really like the idea of adding something about Lily Bowen... even if it's something as simple as adding a cut scene of seeing a Nightkin moving around near the vertibird when the player character first enters that area. Better, maybe being able to interact with her and "Leo" if the player ever returns to that map a third time (since there is already a reason for the character to go there a second time in the MM). But... do the timelines make sense? I mean, did she make that weapon during F1 or during F2? If I can't add her because the timelines don't coincide with each other, then maybe I'll still have to add a little Easter egg, like "Lily and Leo were here," seen when inspecting the wreckage.

As for GitHub hosting... nah, I don't use it. I'm selfish as hell. It's still my project. I don't mind sharing my work. I like to discuss things to add and accept input and help. But... working on the MM is my hobby. I don't want it to seem like work. Don't want to supervise or even depend on others for the project. Maybe once my eyesight goes or I have moved on to another hobby I will turn it over to someone else. I mean, really though, anyone (or a team of "anyones") could decide to collaborate on their version of the MM and there wouldn't be a damned thing I could do about it. But... no... no GitHub just yet.

And I'm not done working on the MM... not even close. I've got lots of ideas to incorporate... lots of completed but unused maps... partially-complete mods... so much more. :cool:
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Fair enough on opening it up. As long as the Megamod lives forever, I'm happy.

Unclear on timeline for Lily's arrival. The vertibird had to have crashed in the 2240s since we meet its pilot in Novac in New Vegas. In the vanilla game I interpreted the crashed vertibird as being a sign that the Enclave were monitoring Arroyo nearby. You replaced the Mr. Handy with a wanamingo; were they trying to infest the Klamath sewers with them, in the same way that Redding's mines were? I guess that's unrelated to Lily.

The placement of the shack just north of Klamath also sort of confirms that people first settled the area a few years after Fallout 1. Lily could have been part of the Super Mutants marching northward (we learn about this in dialog from the Den) but chose to stick around to the Klamath area.

Because the vertibird crashed relatively recent to game start, I think putting Lily in Klamath is reasonable. She would have made the blade closer to F2 or FNV than F1.