Aurelius Of Phoenix

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  • The reason AAA devs are all switching from in-house engines to unreal is not only due to costs, but it's easier to clean house after they wrap up a project.
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    Reactions: The_Proletarian
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Clean house then hire a bunch of newbies that they don't have to train on how to use their engine. I imagine it also helps with the dozen or so support studios in India doing the grunt work.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    It's a shame because it leads to many AAA games feeling very similar even more so since everything that's not an FPS is a The Last of Us-style over-the-shoulder game.
    I liked it when there were a lot of competing engines.
    Everyone seething about Emio being a new Famicon Detective Club is fun to watch.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Especially with the Bloober Team rumors, oh no why didn't Nintendo get an incredibly mid developer to make le spooky horror game?!

    Nintendo giving new entries into their unused ips is bad... even though they bitch about them not making use of their ips...
    Saw some of the DA demo: I'm seeing a lot of the issues from ME 3 in this from the outset. Though it will probably be much worse.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    There is lots of auto-speak, starting from a linear section to show off their budget with the demons running around, Tevinter, etc.

    It will be more of an action game, which I'm not inherently against if what they have shown was any good but it seemed by the numbers.
    Silksong's long dev time makes me curious about what is happening behind the scenes.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Are they having management issues, have they scrapped and restarted a few times? CDPR's glass door reviews gave insight into what was happening behind the scenes with CP2077. I wonder if something similar is happening here.
    Just saw the Metal Slug Tactics trailer and Mechanicus 2 trailer. Was already excited for tactics but I really enjoyed the first Mechanicus.
    Fair warning, attempting to read machine-translated gook web novels (aka shit) WILL give you brain damage and self-induced dyslexia.
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    Reactions: ironmask
    You should have known that. Maybe it will cure my dyslexia...
    Jokes on you, I can't read!
    The big toenail is the most dangerous part of the human body, nip steel folded ten-thousand times has nothing on it.
    Why did mine break off so easy?
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Finally over
    That dogshit Witcher 3 update has confirmed my assumption that any CDPR staff that knew how to use REDengine went splitsville. Dogshit.
    My brother has repeatedly proven that the age-old adage 'don't stick your dick in crazy' is solid advice. Poor bastard.
    Blenders are pretty crazy.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Evidently so, as he recently learned. Pitbulls are crazy too, fortunately, we learned that from watching cartel videos.
    Keep in mind crazy attracts crazy so maybe your brother needs to chill or get different taste in women by learning why these relationships are turning to shit. It's rarely just one person that is fucking up.
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