Ben Soto
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  • Chris Avellone basically destroyed any possibility for NV2. I'm just gonna go cry in the corner.
    go, weep for the night. avenge the long waited shadow,
    go, walk gently to the dawn, bringing peace to dying breath of once beloved.
    go, the old blues. we will remember and watching
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    @eissa Sadly, revengence is out of the picture, since I am currently unable to hire professional assassins or, at the very least, infallible copyright lawyers.
    @Walpknut Seriously? That's basically like me telling you "Sorry, there's never going to be a Wasteland 3. Have some Elder Scrolls."
    He was my best friend since 2006, but I had to move away in 2012. I haven't really made too many friends since. I just visited him yesterday
    Just learned my best friend who I haven't seen in four years likes Fallout 4. A lot. I couldn't save him. Forgive me, NMA.
    People think they can outsmart me. Maybe. But I have yet to find one who could outsmart boo-let.
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