Ben Soto
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  • @Walpknut So? That was the last really good Sonic game.
    I thought that was sonic CD?
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    @R.Graves You're thinking Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

    After S3&K, there weren't any real standout titles until Sonic Colors, then Sonic Generations and then... ugh.
    Sonic Cd was good.
    Anybody got any ideas for a Courier build I could write a journal for?
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Great to see you guys. I trust I haven't missed too much important. Also:

    @R.Graves "I got better."
    A couple of us are orderites now. Vergil was banned. And then several people ragequitted because of that. Two of the ragequitters are back
    Yeah, for a while I feared getting banned because of being buds with Vergil & Doomsdayprepper/throatpunch, and because for a while all my threads would get taken down like 5 minutes after posting them.
    @zegh8578 Nah, they still do that. Back in elementary, somebody told me HL1 had a secret level based on DOOM. Boy, that brings me back.
    Yes yes, those computer/game magazines would have - well - forums(!) where people would mail in (physical paper mail) their opinions, discoveries, tips and tricks, such stuff. Magazines in general are sort of gone by now, I remember teen-magazines, with the embarassing "sex-ed" section in the very back :D
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Nickelodeon magazine, oddly enough, wasn't a gaming magazine. It was just that they had a regular cheat code session and that it was pretty widely available, even in the small town where I grew up.
    I get it, and I miss that too, just how versatile magazines in general were. I used to collect magazines, comics, mostly strips, such as Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side and that kind, and I remember the difference from the grocery stores having 2-3 shelves stuffed with magazines, to now when they *may* have one half empty shelf
    M#9 appears to be suffering Duke Nukem Forever Syndrome. Sorry, Megaman fans.
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    Reactions: 0wing
    But MM 10 is not, it's a way better game.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    @0wing That's Mighty No.9 I'm talking about, not MM9. MM9 is alright.
    Meh. MM9 is still kinda bland. Doesn't hold the bar of neither MM4&5 nor 7/8/MM&B.
    If I had a penny for every time someone said to me F4 is worse than F3 even though NOTHING is worse than F3, I'd have $60.
    It's basically comparing piss and shit. Nobody wins.
    There are so many things worse than fo3. For example: pinecone sodomy.
    Or, better idea, just give him ALL the powers.
    BUT WAIT! There's more! Super breath, super smell, x-Ray vision! Also he had telepathy once and never used it again for some reason!
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Please tell me this was just in the Golden Age.
    Well yeah. But don't forget about that god awful silver superman.
    Is that her superpower? That's actually a little underwhelming. I remember her being rather Supermany for some reason.
    How did we get to the point where we talk about sexual aids and public transportation on NMA?
    I just saw a new video by LGR. Somehow, Fallout 4 looks pretty good on a B/W 80s television.
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    Reactions: Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Funny I just got finished watching it.
    For the most part its not a bad looking game, i don't think. I mean it looks nice. Looks.
    Anyone here have any experience writing or developing a fantasy RPG or have experience with the Morrowind engine?
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