Recent content by BR4ZIL

  1. B

    What happened to NMA's extensive download section in the last 10/12 years?

    Thank you so much! I already recognize quite a few names there from 10 years ago :D
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    What happened to NMA's extensive download section in the last 10/12 years?

    Can i sugest you make a download avaiable of all of it on: 13gb is nothing compared to the stuff one can host there (i personally have hosted more than 50gb archives) and it offers both direct download, alongside torrent-style downloading. One just needs to zip everything...
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    What happened to NMA's extensive download section in the last 10/12 years?

    I would love for you to list me what you still have backed up, it could refresh my memory on thats avaiable! The mods i am mostly worried that are lost forever are the standalone stuff thats now included in the MIB88 megamod (Miria Mod, a few of the standalone locations like Scrapheap and...
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    What happened to NMA's extensive download section in the last 10/12 years?

    This makes no sense! Many of the archived downloads are as relevant now as they were 10 years ago, its not as if Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics got some magical new update that made irreversibly outdated. Unless theres real server issues, the old stuff should be displayed in the download section, if...
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    What happened to NMA's extensive download section in the last 10/12 years?

    Hey everyone, old ass member here, after more than a decade away from Fallout, i decided to come back to it after learning about wonderful projects like Fallout Nevada. I also decided to re-play FO1 and 2 again as well. So i came back to NMA and, to my suprise, most of the downloads here are...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    You will probably have to start it all over again :|, as for the merchants, to my knowledge the merchants always get rid of the stuff you sell them each time they restock unless its a quest item (even so, i have only seen Randal in vault city keeping quest itens like the day pass) Now...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Hey guys! After a long while i decided to replay FO2 again (after being "forced" to play FO3) and finally see the new version of RP. i currently doing New Reno quests but i already finished everything else with the exception of NCR and San Francisco and i have 3 bugs to report: 1-...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Holy %¨@#... i am very very very late for the party, anyway: THANKS KILLAP FOR EVERYTHING! YOU THE MAN! ROCK ON! :lol: 8-) *goes to basement hoping to find Fallout 2 CD* -BR4ZIL
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    Gaming Accomplishments of Extreme Difficulty

    Ahhh! this one i remember from my childhood, in Little Big Adventure 2 there is a part where you are in this island and you have to jump over a (not so easy to see) broken fence, but the trick is: you have to jump on some pipes first and then over the fence, i guess this is in the...
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    Alien blaster

    You can also get the Alien Blaster (in FO2) from a locked box in the enclave base by the endgame (in the eletric flood puzzle) but only if your INT (or it was speech skill?) is 8 or above. take a look at per's guide for better information.
  11. B

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    I am not sure if i already posted this ages ago, but anyway...
  12. B

    I'm happy thread

  13. B

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Use the damn Youtube link, you newbs :P
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    Alien Vs. Pooh

    what the ..... :wtf:
  15. B

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    hmm cool song: