The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
So tell me about games or challenges within games which you either accomplished or attempted and whether they made you feel proud (if it took skill) or pathetic (if it just took lots of time with not real ability necessary).
Really I made this thread to talk about something that's really making me mad and I had to use that general first paragraph to make this for everyone and not just my rant.
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat
I can't complete this game. Well actually I just can't complete this one mission. I've played numerous RTS previously where the most difficult mission (usually the final one) takes over an hour and a few tries, but this one is ridiculous. I've tried over twenty attempts. Luckily the missions only take about ten minutes on average so I've only wasted about four hours, but THAT'S STILL TERRIBLE!
Now mind you the hardest mission in any RTS might be too hard for a casual fan. Problem is casual single-player fans get owned by casual online competitive fans and they get owned by pro level competitive fans. I'm a semi-pro at my best online RTS.
Seriously the game testers must have been Warhammer/RTS pros with masochistic tendencies.
I've looked up any and every guide/walkthrough/lets play and theres nothing I'm doing wrong. The one lets play I found with a mission complete was playing the PS version (much easier) and it still took him almost ten tries!
I've read the manual for any game concepts I missed and there are none.
Listen. They have six regiments of Black Orcs, two regiments of Arrer Boyz, two Doom Divers (orc artillery), one Night Goblin regiment, one Goblin Sticker regiment, and one Troll. I have two cavalry regiments, two infantry regiments, one crossbow regiment, two mortars, one amber wizard, and just for this mission an extra infantry regiment. So for one thing I'm outnumbered, but also this mission takes place immediately after a previous one so there's no returning to town to replace my losses which puts all my squads at half strength. Also the enemy is charging from uphill. In fact the height difference from my starting location to their camp is five different tiers.
In order to satisfy my need to see the rest of the game, but knowing I can't do it myself I'm watching a let's Play of the rest. I feel frustrated though that I can't complete myself especially since I'm a great player of RTS. Not to mention the time invested in the game and that one mission thus far.
The Vault Dweller
Really I made this thread to talk about something that's really making me mad and I had to use that general first paragraph to make this for everyone and not just my rant.
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat
I can't complete this game. Well actually I just can't complete this one mission. I've played numerous RTS previously where the most difficult mission (usually the final one) takes over an hour and a few tries, but this one is ridiculous. I've tried over twenty attempts. Luckily the missions only take about ten minutes on average so I've only wasted about four hours, but THAT'S STILL TERRIBLE!
Now mind you the hardest mission in any RTS might be too hard for a casual fan. Problem is casual single-player fans get owned by casual online competitive fans and they get owned by pro level competitive fans. I'm a semi-pro at my best online RTS.
Seriously the game testers must have been Warhammer/RTS pros with masochistic tendencies.
I've looked up any and every guide/walkthrough/lets play and theres nothing I'm doing wrong. The one lets play I found with a mission complete was playing the PS version (much easier) and it still took him almost ten tries!
I've read the manual for any game concepts I missed and there are none.
Listen. They have six regiments of Black Orcs, two regiments of Arrer Boyz, two Doom Divers (orc artillery), one Night Goblin regiment, one Goblin Sticker regiment, and one Troll. I have two cavalry regiments, two infantry regiments, one crossbow regiment, two mortars, one amber wizard, and just for this mission an extra infantry regiment. So for one thing I'm outnumbered, but also this mission takes place immediately after a previous one so there's no returning to town to replace my losses which puts all my squads at half strength. Also the enemy is charging from uphill. In fact the height difference from my starting location to their camp is five different tiers.
In order to satisfy my need to see the rest of the game, but knowing I can't do it myself I'm watching a let's Play of the rest. I feel frustrated though that I can't complete myself especially since I'm a great player of RTS. Not to mention the time invested in the game and that one mission thus far.
The Vault Dweller