Recent content by Diggfinger!

  1. Diggfinger!

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    I am still interested in the secret RPG InXile is working on. (Arcanum/steam-punk vibes) Chad Moore and Jason Anderson are working on it. Tim also said he might bring Jason on the show :monocle::jiggy:
  2. Diggfinger!

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    I answer many questions that have been asked over the last few weeks, so hopefully people can watch this video and refer back to it if those questions are asked again. In brief, here's what I cover: - This channel is to talk about the game development of my own games. - I’m not trying to...
  3. Diggfinger!

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    One hour :clap: Might be more to come: Arcanum and Bloodlines:aiee::aiee: A Chat With Leonard Boyarsky - YouTube
  4. Diggfinger!

    Kotaku Sucks

    Agree! FO1 FO2 Fallout...New Vegas :nuclear::nuclear::nuclear::ok: And the mods: Resurrection, Nevada... :drunk:
  5. Diggfinger!

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    Interestingly enough, this coincides with this detailed article on Troika which just came out recently: The Brief Reign of Troika Games ( Several parts on Fallout, and lots of the same info and sources I used for my JDA Wikipedia article
  6. Diggfinger!

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    Ignored this for a little while but....hell yeah!!! Wish-listed and definitely getting it :cool:8-)
  7. Diggfinger!

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    Lovely demo, with Eno's Prophecy (Dune) theme on top :whistle:
  8. Diggfinger!

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    Apart from the Fallout lore, I love the extra info on the Troika years. He explains about Arcanum 2 (most of it we knew), but also the unreleased Lord of the Rings games. Again, Jason D. Anderson had an incredible role in the early ideas of that game - need to update his Wikipedia page! For...
  9. Diggfinger!

    Tim Cain has a youtube channel

    Tim Cain started his own YouTube channel - said he's on semi-retirement now. On this video he talks about the true purpose of the Vaults, and what Vault-Tec actually had planned... One can image a nice bridge to Colony Ship RPG, that indeed takes place on a generation ship...
  10. Diggfinger!

    Tofu Brains: Life on Zeeta 21 -> self-published sci-fi novel (Fallout tribute)

    Her idealized visions of the 'perfect man' and 'perfect society' which becomes separated from the rest, gave me some good ideas for how huge corporations would work in Tofu Brains. The main one, The Arand Corporation (TM) funds Zeeta 21, a mission which sends a city full of the 'best and...
  11. Diggfinger!

    Upload your Fan Art!

    Hi all! Here's a piece of art I directed for my book - Tofu Brains: Life on Zeeta 21 Tofu Brains: Life on Zeeta 21 -> self-published sci-fi novel (Fallout tribute) | No Mutants Allowed ( The observant Fallout fan will notice at least three nods to Fallout in this pic :)...
  12. Diggfinger!

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi all! Im Lars aka. Diggfinger. From Denmark, bought the 1st Fallout as a kid in 1997, loved it ever since! So much, in fact, that I (self)published a science-fiction book :D has its own dark vibes, but loads of inspiration from Canticle of Leibowitz and Fallout :) I made a post about it...
  13. Diggfinger!

    Chris Avellone was falsly accused, accussers had no intent

    Let's hope he can focus on his career again
  14. Diggfinger!

    Tofu Brains: Life on Zeeta 21 -> self-published sci-fi novel (Fallout tribute)

    Greetings, all! I'm a huge Fallout fan since 1997, and that passion turned into a book. 15 years in the making, Tofu Brains: Life On Zeeta 21 finally got released! I managed to send physical copies both to Leonard Boyarsky, Jason Anderson and Josh Sawyer!!!! It's a dark, dystopian sci-fi...