Recent content by ElloinmorninJ

  1. ElloinmorninJ

    Happy Fallout Day

    It’s October 23rd boys
  2. ElloinmorninJ

    What do you think life is like for ordinary Enclave citizens?

    Are they actually nazis, like people say, or just authoritarian? How do you think the average person is treated within their ranks?
  3. ElloinmorninJ

    If the Legion doesn't use guns most of the time, how do the survive literally any battles at all?

    Their machetes and spears would be useless against any NCR soldier with a rifle. It's not like they have good armor, so how are the Legionnaires not just constantly getting mowed down?
  4. ElloinmorninJ

    Why is grave digging looked down upon in the Fallout universe?

    In such a dog-eat-dog world, you’d think grave digging would be....a societal norm if anything. They’re dead, they don’t need their stuff, might as well take it. The surprising thing is that people are buried with their valuables in the first place, and don’t just get all their shit taken...
  5. ElloinmorninJ

    Gun Control & Civilian Firearm Ownership

    Hey I was just thinking, why are energy rifles called “rifles” at all. Since they don’t fire projectiles, they wouldn’t have any rifling in the barrels either
  6. ElloinmorninJ

    Why did the devs of FNV make the choice for which faction to pick so cut-and-dry?

    The NCR is obviously the best choice. They’re a liberal democracy, meanwhile you have: - Totalitarian Rome LARPing savages. -Authoritarian capitalist autocrat - Anarchism (ie Death) The NCR is pound for pound the best option
  7. ElloinmorninJ

    The perfect starting role?

    The thing is you have to give the character some type of role so they can be connected to the main story of the game. If the protag in NV was never a courier, they wouldn’t have had any reason to go after Benny.
  8. ElloinmorninJ

    Ghouls not needing food was retconned in NV not 4

    The Chinese prisoners in the Little Yangtze camp have been there with bomb collars attached for 200 years. There’s no food to be seen.
  9. ElloinmorninJ

    Why do think there aren't any Fallout novels?

    I’d like to see siem Fallout books, tbh. There’s a lot of post apocalypse to explore
  10. ElloinmorninJ

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    One idea I had was having the Enclave and Hubologists being connected (the Hubologist providing intel about the Shi’a movements, slaves from neighboring regions, and spies) in exchange for tech. That would be a justification for them having G11E’s and spaceships at least.
  11. ElloinmorninJ

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    Someone should make a mod to interconnect the settlements better. Any ideas on how to do that?
  12. ElloinmorninJ

    It’s my birthday

    It’s my birthday. Edit: btw I know my pf says I was born the 11th of February but I wasn’t. I made this account way back when I was 14 and I didn’t know if there was an age limit so I just made up a fake b-day.
  13. ElloinmorninJ

    Are aliens really that unwelcome in Fallout?

    Back from the dead, huh?
  14. ElloinmorninJ

    For all the good worldbuilding they did, the FNV team dropped the ball a bit while making the Legion

    The Legion was made to unappealing and cartoonishly evil, even by the standards of the post-nuclear world, to make them a logical choice for anyone too pick, not to mention that the political structure they were given made them a basically doomed society. 1. The Misogyny thing, as others have...