Recent content by GenericFalloutUsername

  1. GenericFalloutUsername

    Which One Of These Games Had A Worse Impact On The Franchise?

    It all started with 3, in my opinion. Although I can play that one and stomach it for a little while, I will not let that steaming pile of brahmin dung that is Fallout 76 ever touch my PC.
  2. GenericFalloutUsername

    Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum think

    I'll always love Fallout 3 for being a nostalgic part of my life. I really don't give a hoot if it's "canon" or not, it's still a fun game to play. I recommend that everyone own it if they have a game collection, especially the GOTY edition. I will admit there's some stupid things about it...
  3. GenericFalloutUsername

    What do you think about the Pip-Boy 3000?

    I think the Pip-Boy 3000 is alright the way it is... I've always played Fallout 3 on the console though, so I don't know how it is for the PC. I'm assuming there's better inventory management options through the use of mods and such. But I do question how it knew some of the names of creatures...
  4. GenericFalloutUsername

    You know what's pretty silly about Fallout 3?

    For the life of me I still don't understand why the super mutants are your main enemy in Fallout 3 though... They sound like they're mentally retarded and it seems that they have no direct leadership. Oh well... "NO MORE GAMES, YOU DIE!"
  5. GenericFalloutUsername

    You know what's pretty silly about Fallout 3?

    I agree but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  6. GenericFalloutUsername

    You know what's pretty silly about Fallout 3?

    I still think it's a good game despite the flaws. Some love it, some hate it, some could care less. But at the end of the day it's still one of my favorite games.
  7. GenericFalloutUsername

    You know what's pretty silly about Fallout 3?

    That you can go to the Outcast Outpost at level one, complete the simulation, and get arguably the best armor in the game. With the DLC of course. I just think that's silly. :?
  8. GenericFalloutUsername

    Thoughts on FO3 vaults?

    Oh the horrors of Vault 108... "Hahaha, Gary!" I thought they designed the Vaults pretty well considering what they had to work with. Especially the Vault where there's that hallucinogenic gas in the air that makes you see ghosts and stuff. I'm new here by the way. :|