You know what's pretty silly about Fallout 3?

the really silly thing of fo3 is why they use name of Fallout.
I think they don't have to use Fallout to make fo3 since there aren't anything that makes fo3 a Fallout but just TES with gun and ruin.
yeah it's great.
I didn't think any game can ruins both TES and Fallout.
what a great failure game it is.
woo1108 said:
yeah it's great.
I didn't think any game can ruins both TES and Fallout.
what a great failure game it is.

I think the reason that many of those like you beat the Fallout 3 hate drum so much is that it IS a great game and also mishandled Fallout lore and played to the masses by being more conventional in its handling of the post-apocalyptic genre. I understand that resentment but I don't share it, frankly because FO3 fit the bill perfectly for the post-apocalyptic gaming experience I craved and was my first Fallout game. So, there are sentiments like another posted about how it shouldn't have been a Fallout game and I think I agree. Playing New Vegas let me in on a more authentic Fallout feel.

However, FO3 is still a great game. It's incredibly immersive, detailed, fun to explore and character build, sets a great mood for escapism; it's visceral and replayable. Definitely one of the top 3 gaming experiences I've ever had.
robitussin217 said:
character build, fun to explore. replayable.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't care mood is good or bad since it's just personal opinion but
these three are most failure part of fo3 :lol:
they made stupid perk and SPECIAL system so they are just POS.
These two are fixed at NV beth didn't do well in rhis part even at skyrim.
replayable? I can't find anything makes fo3 replayable.
fun to explore huh?
I quite sencond time because it's explore design is too boring.
woo1108 said:
robitussin217 said:
character build, fun to explore. replayable.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't care mood is good or bad since it's just personal opinion but
these three are most failure part of fo3 :lol:
they made stupid perk and SPECIAL system so they are just POS.
These two are fixed at NV beth didn't do well in rhis part even at skyrim.
replayable? I can't find anything makes fo3 replayable.
fun to explore huh?
I quite sencond time because it's explore design is too boring.

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :( :o :? :evil: :evil: :evil:

I think NV improved them, but they weren't broken in FO3. It's similar to traits. Traits aren't broken in FNV, but I can easily imagine them being improved in the next Fallout and I hope Bethesda does so because traits have the potential to really shift how subsequent playthroughs are played. I really do hope Bethesda continues improving the things Obsidian reinstated into the current Fallout iterations.
Speak for yourself when you go around throwing "beating the hate drum" accusations. There's ample blind FO3 hate, sure, but there's FAR more classic FO hate from the FO3 fanboys, because they overwhelmingly outnumber us. Many of us were quite clear and concise in our issues with the game, so there's no blind, hive-minded hate-mongering in sharing any of those ideas. The worst kinds of fans are the fans who don't criticize and just accept anything you give them. They allow for laziness from creators to make bad decisions without any recognition of mistakes, which ultimately contribute to degradation of whatever it is that you love. The best fans, the most devoted, loyal fans, are the ones who stay vigilant and criticize whatever they see. Not out of hate, not out of spite, but out of love.

Don't come in here and drop some kind of line between yourself and everyone else and expect to get away with it. That's bullshit, and you're gonna get called out on it.
People often confuse their ability to do the same exact thing over and over again with actual replayability.
SnapSlav said:
Speak for yourself when you go around throwing "beating the hate drum" accusations. There's ample blind FO3 hate, sure, but there's FAR more classic FO hate from the FO3 fanboys, because they overwhelmingly outnumber us. Many of us were quite clear and concise in our issues with the game, so there's no blind, hive-minded hate-mongering in sharing any of those ideas. The worst kinds of fans are the fans who don't criticize and just accept anything you give them. They allow for laziness from creators to make bad decisions without any recognition of mistakes, which ultimately contribute to degradation of whatever it is that you love. The best fans, the most devoted, loyal fans, are the ones who stay vigilant and criticize whatever they see. Not out of hate, not out of spite, but out of love.

Don't come in here and drop some kind of line between yourself and everyone else and expect to get away with it. That's bullshit, and you're gonna get called out on it.

Why would I speak for myself? I was accusing woo of it. Not you. I'll do what I want the same as anyone. Don't care if you call me out.
robitussin217 said:
Why would I speak for myself? I was accusing woo of it. Not you. I'll do what I want the same as anyone. Don't care if you call me out.
"Those like you" is not a singular, that's a plural. It's an inclusive phrase that suggests a collective, so no, you weren't saying it was simply woo you were accusing this of. You were blanketing an entire group with your accusations, and blindly so.
SnapSlav said:
robitussin217 said:
Why would I speak for myself? I was accusing woo of it. Not you. I'll do what I want the same as anyone. Don't care if you call me out.
"Those like you" is not a singular, that's a plural. It's an inclusive phrase that suggests a collective, so no, you weren't saying it was simply woo you were accusing this of. You were blanketing an entire group with your accusations, and blindly so.

Not so blindly. I've witnessed a lot of fallout 3 hate and for the reasons I said. It's similar to how you said there is ample, blind hatred. You've probably gathered that from observation. Because you don't like me, you are falsely associating me with other negative things like stereotyping and making assumptions.

The basis from which I stated my theories is that there is a group of people who hate fallout 3 because it mishandled the fallout lore, would have been better to have been called something other than fallout because it handled the post-apocalyptic genre in a more conventional and less original way in keeping with fallout. I believe woo belongs to this group for one or more of the above reasons.
Without Fallout, fo3 still a great failure.
not just hatred or something but it's really sucks.
It's not fare to say it's all fo3's fault but the fault from TES series especially oblivion.
oblvion add questmarker and made as as a minigame collection.
and fo3 inherit that flawed part.
why quest marker is bad? think about quiz, they give you a quiz then what you have to do is think about answer and shout the answer. but with quest marker+ lazy designed auto journal, the game give you answer directly so what left you to do is just shouting answer meaninglessly. does it really fun?
and as a FPS it's just sucks. I rather play STALKER if I want PA setting FPS. then what's left for fo3? it's just reading story since there's no game as a RPG and game as a FPS is sucks.
but they didn't write well about story.