Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum think

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If they do, they won't make fo3 or skyrim that POS. they started to be flawed since oblivion.
fo3 is just one of model of their work.

But they will say that as they did with skyrim.
If my memory is correct, they said "oblivion was flawed game but skyrim is best ever" that was the most hilarious bullshit I ever heard :lol: .

actually as I saw, skyrim was degenerated game then oblivion.
at least at oblivion, they used time schedualing and sneaking for decorating their uest well. but for skyrim, everything is just "go to dungeon, kill everything and grab some POS"
Languorous_Maiar said:
Also, i wasn't saying you should like the game, i was just saying its not as bad as most people on this forum think.
It's average game nowadays, but as FALLOUT it's as bad, as most people on this forum thinks.

Both F3 and NV are medicore at best.. Still there is something that that keeps me looking back and both games.. Besides mods that is :P

And woo i find it kinda funny how you hate F3 fanboys but you act like a fanboy yourself :)
I did? nah..
I criticize all Fallout series if they got problem.
but compare with fo3, Every Fallout series is world's greatest masterpiece ever :lol: . even oblivion is great game compare with fo3. (don't know about POS though.)

For other Fallout series they got their good points and that good points can cover bad points. but for fo3, I can't find any good points from that POS but can find tons of bad points. that's the different.

What makes you think I'm acting like fanboy anyway :lol:
I'd consider Oblivion to be quite a bit worse than Fo3, as Fo3 offers the better quests / stuff to do experience.
At least it has town, asking rumor to find job and faction.

quest of fo3 and oblivion isn't that different.
only different thing is fo3 has longer quest but oblivion has more quest. for me, that's all.
Makta said:
Languorous_Maiar said:
Also, i wasn't saying you should like the game, i was just saying its not as bad as most people on this forum think.
It's average game nowadays, but as FALLOUT it's as bad, as most people on this forum thinks.

Both F3 and NV are medicore at best.. Still there is something that that keeps me looking back and both games.. Besides mods that is :P

And woo i find it kinda funny how you hate F3 fanboys but you act like a fanboy yourself :)
That's difference.
Being fanboy of poor game, which destroy canon of entire series... well, it's enough to hate them, while being fan of original Fallouts.
Because of people, who loves Fallout 3, situation around Fallout games certainly wouldn't improve.
I agree, F3 is far worse than mediocre. FO:NV is right about at the mediocre line though, which is a humongous improvement from F3.
Arin Matthews said:
woo1108 said:
I criticise fo3 because it ruied both Fallout and TES and it makes me sick to play it. and it's sooo boring. cool? what about you?
standing by fo3 despite of flaw is cool?

Yeah, i'm cool because i like a game.

And he is hardcore because he dislikes it...

I read most of the first page. There are hundreds of threads in this forum explaining why fallout 3 is a bad game.... why don't you search in the forum and read?

Is not "cool" for disliking it, you are catching it wrong, but the great community of fans of fallout dislike it, it should say something, right?

In my experience, I felt key items missed in FO3, and all the way they miss point me to the way to make it Mainstream. But the fatal point is not: THEY MAKE THE GAME COMMERCIAL TO SUCCESS AND REACH MILLIONS, that is also wrong, I read this a lot of times too.

You want an example? Deus Ex: HR reached the top sellers and the mainstream market being loyal to it's both predecessors, and let the majority of fans (in which I am included, also) very happy (despite some critics, the gross is great!). That is a good sequel. The great miss in FO3 is the loyality to it's ancesstors.

I know the main quest is sh*t, but not being loyal, loosing its dark humour (to me, this is really one of the worst things), its gameplay, its difficultness, its intresting story and side stories, its speeching challenges, also loosing the cannon. For me, it should be a bad game.

If you put that game in another context, it can be a fair game, I even would like it.... or maybe not at all, but having in mind that in the box says fallout, it is a really bad sequel.

Sorry about my english and greetings from Argentinean Wasteland!
shihonage said:
I agree, F3 is far worse than mediocre. FO:NV is right about at the mediocre line though, which is a humongous improvement from F3.

I don't see other games having 4 different versions of a main quest, or great weapon balance, or the most recorded lines in any rpg or that many quests, choices and consequences.
Chaito said:
If you put that game in another context, it can be a fair game, I even would like it.... or maybe not at all, but having in mind that in the box says fallout, it is a really bad sequel.

I am pretty sure this would be consensus, statistically speaking.

I tried to explain it often to my friend, who had a hard time separating concepts (especially because he never played FO1 or 2), that I'm not against running, shooting, picking up items, 3D environments, "chinese assault rifle", I'm not against a whole bunch of particular ideas of FO3 - it can be fun, it can be entertaining, etc etc etc -
it is just misrepresentative.

I love Gran Turismo too, but it should never be called "Fallout 4" cus people are gonna be dissapointed :D
"Aw, but didn't you love the great selection of cars!?"
"Fallout 1-3 purists hate sexy cars!"
Yeah, that's what I will never stop hating about debate: people using irrational argument under the assumption that they're rational points. There's hundreds of different manners in which that behavior manifests, and one of my more recent pet peeves on that subject is seeing people espouse catch phrases as if some internet meme zinger equates to shooting down philosophical opposition... it doesn't. But missing the point entirely while you think you get it is equally as frustrating to see.

On a somewhat related note, I'm a fan of Jim Sterling's work, but I took exception to his stance on "A Game by Any Other Name" in which he even specifically cited complaints about Fallout 3 used its name as a basis for expectation as if that was somehow innately foolish. Overall he was spot on with his observations, but while a name is little more than a name, a name's association is very meaningful. If you called FO3 "Gumdrop Tornado Miniskirts" that wouldn't have had any affect on the game itself, but it does impact people's expectations. If you called it "Battlefield: Wasteland", people would have expectations for it to play like other Battlefield games, and they would have come away greatly disappointed; and rightfully so! Names don't impact the ultimate product, but they're not meaningless, either. FO3 fails for a great many, many reasons, and disappointing on the level of expectations that fans rightfully had for associating it with a magnificent series that preceded it is just one of its many failings. As a game on its own, FO3 is not that great, but it would have received fall less scrutiny had it not been intentionally associated with a series of much better work.

If you say you hate FO3, that doesn't mean you hate open world games. That doesn't mean you hate shooters. Assuming as much doesn't do anything for you, so why not ask people for reasons? It could be they just didn't enjoy it. It could be they hated shitty writing, poor graphics, absurd game physics, linear storytelling claiming to be the opposite, grating and repetitive voice casts, uncanny valley animations, the overall package's glitchiness, etc. It could be they don't like shooters or open world games or post apocalyptic settings. But if you just assume and you don't ask, you don't know whether their reasons are flighty or if they're very grounded and for good reason.
I'll always love Fallout 3 for being a nostalgic part of my life. I really don't give a hoot if it's "canon" or not, it's still a fun game to play. I recommend that everyone own it if they have a game collection, especially the GOTY edition. I will admit there's some stupid things about it though, as mentioned in my previous topic about getting the best armor in the game way too fast. Hopefully Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 and not screw up like New Vegas. :D
GenericFalloutUsername said:
Hopefully Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 and not screw up like New Vegas. :D
Wow if NV is screwed, what you want would be another fo3 :lol:
lot's of dungeons, ruins another dungeon game.
Playing Fallout 3 is like being trapped in the mind of an idiot with no chance to get out except to kill yourself.
shihonage said:
Playing Fallout 3 is like being trapped in the mind of an idiot with no chance to get out except to kill yourself.
That's too much...

"Worshipping Fallout 3 is like being trapped in the mind of an idiot with no chance to get out except to kill yourself."

so I fixed it. :lol:
shihonage said:
Playing Fallout 3 is like being trapped in the mind of an idiot with no chance to get out except to kill yourself.
To hell with cannon and all this shit! You people are worse than venom spitting snake! Jesus! Why can't a person like a fucking game because they like it? You dislike Fallout 3? Fine, no one is forcing you to play it, no one would hold you at gun point and yell at you to play it till your brain die. Fallout 3 might have kicked cannon here and there but it is still a good game. I'm no fanboy of either game, nor the originals. This is why I havd high hopes for the next game. I learnet the leasson with Thief 4 as I was googling for it every morning before it was even revealed and get upset everyday. After forgetting about it BAM! They announce Thief 4. I really hope the same would happen with Fallout 4. Meanwhile, the people who literally hate the 3rd game can kiss the 4th game good bye. It is being developed by Bethisda. ::evil grin::
seriously, drop the hate. Enjoy the game as it is, don't play it if you don't like it. You people clash like Fallout 3's cannon kicks were so brutal that they even showed up in NV. Nothing major happened in Fallout 3 that screwed NV. I give the credit for Obsidian for following the correct mentor's foot steps and creating a more cannon friendly game. Fallout 3, that's the only reason why I still like gauss weapons. (one shot-one cell) You fucking reaload the weapon with a single cell and you lose 5 from your inventory. Obsidian, you high or something? LOL
What he saying was too violence..
Blaming whom playing game isn't good idea.
I hate fo3 fanboys who worships fo3 not whole gamer who played or playing fo3.

but anyway.
it's not a matter of cannon.
it's matter of game itself.
quests are broken by quest marker and lazy designed auto journal, dungeons already broken by questmarker and auto maps. stealth is just children's catch and realise.
explore is too boring. I rather find some treasure by digging up some dirt than playing fo3 for explore.

if you really want to feel what is great dungeon, then play Thief1 and 2. that's the real dungeon. fo3's dungeon is just trash. and other Fallout also has awesome dungeons.
Fo1 has military base and Fo2 has Sierra army depot.
they got another dungeon too. the ancestor of Fallout, Wasteland has awesome dungeon too, it has mind maze, sleeper's base and other dungeons. dungeon is not only contents of fo3 actually it's doesn't have any good dungeon.

For exploring, Fo1,2 did better than fo3.
exploring needs reason, information, skill, and tools.
you need reason to explore, information to search where, skill and tools to solve mystery. Fo1,2 and NV did well on this things.
oblivion did poor job on almost everything but did litte goo d job on getting information. but fo3? nothing. that's the reaons fo3's exploration is sucks.

for me I can't discover any good point of fo3.
playing fo3 isn't bad since it's playable for those who didn't played other good RPGs. but fanboying fo3? it's disgusting.
Fallout 3 might have kicked cannon here and there but it is still a good game.
It's not only about canon, but about logic (can't find any in FO3), gameplay (pseudo RPG/FPS, bad as FPS, bad as RPG), dialogues (look there etc.) or plot, with is simple pseudo-good vs pseudo-evil.
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