Recent content by GlutinousRice

  1. GlutinousRice

    Rate the avatar above yours.

  2. GlutinousRice

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  3. GlutinousRice

    Does the super sledge make any sense?

    It depends. If your main weapon is a melee weapon, sure polearms are great in formation, skirmish, or duel. But in the case where your main weapon is a range weapon, such as a bow, crowsbow, sling, or a gun, you're better off with a smaller one that can be worn.
  4. GlutinousRice

    Does the super sledge make any sense?

    Blacksmith hammer aren't that big. It depends of the context. Around the NCR, where firearms are relatively common, they would be pretty useless (in particular for the pikes that only work in a formation, which leave you vulnerable to gun fire, spear and polearms are more flexible in their...
  5. GlutinousRice

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Normie manga villain. Never read/10
  6. GlutinousRice

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  7. GlutinousRice

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  8. GlutinousRice

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  9. GlutinousRice

    #MoreThanARefugee video getting crazy backslash

    I can't say that I'm surprised. We shouldn't even be taking them, unless they come from already well developed countries. Braindrain is a hurting Third World countries really badly in a modern and global economy where level education is critical to wealth, at least for basic literacy and...
  10. GlutinousRice

    Black Lives Matter I found it interesting that a Stasi agent shot a student to spark the rise of left wing violence and potential revolution in the BRD.
  11. GlutinousRice

    Any Kekistani diaspora here?

    Kekeke is the romanisation of ㅋㅋㅋ, which is a Korean onomatopoeia for hahaha, or lol. It was often used in Starcraft matches, and was then used as a reference by Blizzard in WoW (typing lol was crypted into kek for the opposing faction). The use of kek spread to the rest of the web, and became...
  12. GlutinousRice

    The Neo-Liberals ...

    To fucking sleepy to read 17 pages of pure condensed autism on the potential social danger of a fully automated globalized society, which is incidentally my favourite subject of discussion and nobody mentioned Luddism, or Uncle Kaczynski aka Unabomber. I guess that makes me the biggest autist in...
  13. GlutinousRice

    Fallout Tactics mod Children of the Apocalypse 2 (1.1)

    It's always nice to that there are still people who give some love to FT. I see a Czeck and Slovak flag. Is the game set in Bohemia Moravia, or just a reference of your local fallout community? You can always buy it for 10 bucks or so at GoG. Or you can pirate it, if you don't want to give...
  14. GlutinousRice

    I have had a name change

    @Throatpunch So what's your pronoun now? Hu / hu / hume / humeself? Or maybe whomp / whizz / whirr / whizelf?
  15. GlutinousRice

    Pointless Throatpunch thread

    What do you mean by Modern Art? To me, Modern Art correspond to a period of time starting around 1860s-70s, and end in 1950. Everything after 1950 isn't Modern Art. This is Modern Art : Van Gogh Toulouse-Lautrec Balthus But, personally nobody can beat Cranach the Elder as portraitist...