Recent content by iridium_ionizer

  1. iridium_ionizer

    NMA Wasteland 3 review

    I liked the cover, crouch, range, and ambush aspects of combat in WL2. Except for the fact that by midgame (with your combat skills high) it seems like a waste to change your stance mid-battle. Did they change anything with the cover/stance system in WL3? How well utilized are Melee attacks...
  2. iridium_ionizer

    Texas LARPING Frozen.

    There's a lot of talk about how the USA's national infrastructure is barely limping along (which is somewhat true), but Texas' grid was technically not part of the national infrastructure. The state politicians intentionally kept the grid separate (no transmitting electricity over state lines)...
  3. iridium_ionizer

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Well to be fair to these companies, if they want to sell in China they are pretty much forced to work out some kind of deal with a Chinese company. Besides this is a great way to get money out of China (in an almost scammy kind of way). Run a successful (edit: successor) company that looks good...
  4. iridium_ionizer

    My review of Marvel Avengers a.k.a. God, this game sucks

    As far as unfortunate discontinuations go, what about the mostly done, but never completed Avengers FPS game that would have released in 2012?
  5. iridium_ionizer

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    So I'm guessing that there may be some situations where going out the airlock is a viable solution. Cool... Is there any lore / technobabble about the artificial gravity (ex. magnetic / velcro shoes, centrifugal action, Science! artificial gravity, etc.)? You don't have to say if it is better...
  6. iridium_ionizer

    Firefly Tactics

    I'm a fellow browncoat for sure, but I haven't travelled through the Verse as much as some (just the show / movie and occasional comic). I'm alright at writing dialogue, but I'm not really familiar with the ins and outs of Fallout Tactics (but I think I do have a disc copy of the UK triple...
  7. iridium_ionizer

    Gun Control

    So anyway ... You've probably heard the saying "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." So it logically follows that we don't need gun control, we need mind control. :crazy: I'm just joking with this (mostly). However, there is something more serious I have been wondering about...
  8. iridium_ionizer

    Gun Control

    While that might be true for some rural, gun-toting communities, according to this 2019 report (based on a 2016 study) from the U.S. Department of Justice it seems that overall guns purchased at retail are way less likely to be used in crimes by the lawful owner (search for other sources). Of...
  9. iridium_ionizer

    Graphic Novels Thread - (What have you read, what do you want to read?)

    I just saw a movie trailer for Major Grom: Plague Doctor. It is based on a Russian comic book. Has anyone read that?
  10. iridium_ionizer

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    George W. Bush tried to get that going (as kind of a grand compromise). But the Republicans in Congress treated it as radioactive. Barack Obama wanted to get that going, but he only had 2 years with a Democrat majority Congress - he spent all of his legislative goodwill getting out of the...
  11. iridium_ionizer

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Great design idea. I wish more games did this. I am officially looking forward to this.
  12. iridium_ionizer

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    71 TB of scraped data - probably true. Millions of people being doxed (info about posts, addresses, and real names released) - possibly true (but if they mess up on the facts they could be sued for libel). Millions of people losing their jobs because of what they posted on Parler - not likely...
  13. iridium_ionizer

    Weeb Shit

    Those are a few of my my recommended shows (and compared to other shows they don't go on too long). I would say that a person's anime tastes are even more subjective than for live action shows, so watch the first one or two episodes of a series, and if the characters, art style, or tone annoy...
  14. iridium_ionizer


    Thanks, Mortius, for replying to this thread to give your perspective. You have renewed my faith in humankind. By the way, how is the whole landslide search / aftermath going in Norway. Seems like they really need to streamline the healthcare system in Norway. What is preventing it from being...
  15. iridium_ionizer

    Hot takes

    The American cartoon series from Disney, Gravity Falls, has better lore development than most live-action supernatural / conspiracy TV shows such as Stranger Things, X-Files, Fringe, Supernatural, etc..