Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Do you guys want a really hot take? Both this and the BLM riots were symptoms of the same broken political system, we all just have different ideas as to how it should be fixed.

Ah yes! The idea of "equivalencey". Also known as the " Shoe-Horse Theory" (Politics).

To be honest I do not really believe much in to this. Race riots have been an american thing for, like ever. Sometimes they get worse, sometimes it's rather small. People love to forget that all the riots and protests started here because a cop, if you want to call him that, literaly lynched a black person on the media practically in real time for everyone to see, remember the I-Can't-Breath? What exactly does the extreme-right "protest" here again? That their beloved leader lost an election? That they can't say "nigger" on TV anymore?

Look obviously riots are bad, violence is bad and people should be protected here and those that cause it should be punished. No disagreemend here. But you can not really compare it with right wing extremists today, neo nazis and QAnon-antisemites-what-ever-conspricay storming the capitol while pretty much no one was there to defend it. This is not normal.

There is an issue with systemic racism. And it has been here for a long time. You might not like how everyone reacts to it (see riots and violence). But the grievances are real here. Their grievances? The people that stormed the capitol? They are imaginary.

This is what the capitol looked like during a BLM march :


This is what the capitol looks like when White supremacists/Neo-Nazis storm it - which they claimed for days to do so, and where some would plant boms, taking senators hostage, pretty much with the intend to murder/hang them :


This is what white privilige looks like in America. This is the racism/police brutality people talk about. Of course no one should be allowed to storm anything here, not the capitol, not any riots. But the answers by the authorities are often very different. For fucks sake, I have read rumors that some security guards did selfies with the protestors, that there have been orders NOT(!) to mobilize any additional security forces like the national guard and to not issue any riot gear.

I really often wonder, what else does it take for people to realise that there are basically two systems here.

Ask your self how far would any antifa/BLM/what-ever-left-group have come to the capitol in the same/similar scenario?
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Any of you guys who scoffed at Trump's little army being compared to the "murderers" in BLM want to chime back in now that we know they beat a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher.
beat a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher.
During the melee, Sicknick, 42, was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said. The officials could not discuss the ongoing investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Sicknick, an Iraq War veteran, had returned to his division office after the incident and collapsed, the statement said. He was taken to a local hospital where he died on Thursday.
Yeah, he died afterwards. Though it is a shame he died, like those other 4 people who died.
Any of you guys who scoffed at Trump's little army being compared to the "murderers" in BLM want to chime back in now that we know they beat a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher.
The issue is when discussing this a lot of people are constantly missing the point, moving the goal posts.

Every violence. Every murder. Every crime comitted here, is bad. Always. But that never was nor is the point of it.

At the end of the day one side managed with almost no resitance to storm the Capitol. And there is no telling what would have happend if there still would have been senators left inside.
The capitol rioters are equal to those BLM/Antifa dicks IMO.

Dems are tearing the head cop a new one and it is well deserved

Trumps trolling has been backfiring, as evidenced by the dem trifecta of control.

He that loveth father or mother more than us is not worthy of us!
We will impose universal and unconditional love,
So as to shatter the pillars of the past and
Let the very idea of family glide into oblivion.
We will feed your children and turn your beds into a cold place;
There shall be no retreat,
No shelter from the great movement of History.
We shall uproot you and make you live in hundreds of
Sprawling Babylons and forget the
Smell of humus and the ways of yore.
Your children will wear necklaces made of splinters from their
Mother's spines as they turn on their
Parents, accused of subversion and weakness.
They shall crave for rigid control and overthrow the ruler whose hits
Are not harsh enough,
They shall worship at the altar of their bruises.
As the next step in the ladder of our evolution,
They come to us unrepentantly and demand to be freed from their
Ineffectual selves,
From the barrenness and anxieties of individual life.
They shall be provided with comfort to the point that they'd rather
Be raked over glowing coals than to
Ever face their gaping inner voids again.
The chief passion, the utmost demand of the frustrated is to belong
And there is never too much cementing or
Binding to satisfy this howling passion.
This isn't really surprising though as there have been entire communities doing this kinda of info dredging with no promise of money for years now. Also, Goolge probably knows you better in a lot of ways than your family. Not a counter or anything, just adding that in.
Tim Pool needs to expand his hat collection, at least have a summer and winter variant, the man's scalp must be pretty oily wearing a beenie everyday.

The boater's pretty cool.

Considering its bankrolled by the Mercers again it'll be interesting to see what they find. Cambridge Analytica 2.0?

Thank fucking god I never signed up for one of the main social media places. What if we get doxed >_>
Big if True (could be Q-tier bullshit). Good thing I never made an account.
71 TB of scraped data - probably true.
Millions of people being doxed (info about posts, addresses, and real names released) - possibly true (but if they mess up on the facts they could be sued for libel).
Millions of people losing their jobs because of what they posted on Parler - not likely.

Keep in mind that a lot of Parler users are either in red states or live in rural communities in blue or purple states. So are thousands of factories, construction contractors, and stores going to fire 1/4 of their workers just because some lefty-whiners on the internet are calling them out. No way.

Sure their might be some people with high-profile jobs (think regional manager of Walmart or CEO of Virginia Community Bank) that have made targeted threat-based posts that might have to find a new jobs. But overall Parler users are going to be fine. There are not enough SJWs to protest every last person.

Some Parler users might be identified based on their posts and connected to their criminal activities at the U.S. Capitol (but the FBI was already doing this). However, the sentiment that this post is trying to give is that all right-wing people are going to go down - based on their expressed views. I see the post as more conspiracy-type manipulations, and people flinching at shadows. Maybe this gets the poster more views or maybe it leads more conspiracy-believers to do violent acts.

I find this to be in the same category as the guy who claimed (or the Tik-Tok reposter claimed) he was put on the No-Fly list because he was part of the Capitol riots, but in actuality he was kicked off the airplane because he wouldn't wear a mask. Of course the altered post went viral because it fits the conspiracy narrative and feeds into people's anxieties.
beat a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher.
got you tight in the pants it did, I bet.

EDIT: Is this the Alex Jones redemption arc?

Admittedly I never really listened to what qanon guys were talking about. sound like retards.
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