Recent content by Jamoid

  1. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    thank you! i will adjust accordingly.
  2. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    just a quick question regarding the restoration project, i'm sure it has been asked before but i honestly could not find the answer anywhere. are there any changes to the various permanent stat boosts you can get in the original game? can i generally stick to a vanilla guide when it comes to...
  3. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    i don't talk much here, but i have been lurking and waiting for this for a long, long time. thank you.
  4. J

    Better Power Armor

    he's right, you can get the perk at a point where you can still do whatever you want. i could go into more detail about exactly when you get it etc, but i don't wanna give too much of the plot away.
  5. J

    Better Power Armor

    damn, so it's just me that finds something strangely attractive about a skinny girl with a gun twice her size?
  6. J

    A Thread For Recommendations - NMA's Fallout 3

    which ones interfere with eachother? just the obvious ones (that change the same thing for example) or are there less obvious ones to watch out for? thank god for modders, fallout 3 is far better than i expected but still needs a LOT of tweaking before i can enjoy it properly. if nothing...
  7. J

    A Thread For Recommendations - NMA's Fallout 3

    i have nothing to add other than the fact that you made me chortle and guffaw. keep it up my horsefaced friend. \o/ edit : thanks a lot for that modlist, i was expecting to have to wait weeks or even months before being able to download anything decent, but many of those are exactly what i...
  8. J

    GCG taking Interplay to court

    My gripe with the whole sorry affair is that yes, it's all business, but why do people constantly use the word business as an excuse for people to be complete and utter assholes? Why do people instantly lose any form of sympathy, respect or remorse as soon as they go into business mode...