Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

Kaga has been changed into a random encounter. You still have high odds of running into him close to Arroyo - Klamath, but unless you wander around looking for him it's no longer guaranteed.
If you miss him you are very likely to run into him at a later stage anyway, so it's no biggie.

Mynoc the bridge guard in Arroyo will talk to you about Kaga (AFAIK he's the only one).

Kaga's health is a problem. He has a high one so as not to get killed too easily (his fleeing routine hasn't been working but hopefully we've managed to fix that, or at least made it better). We've also tried to disable knockouts on him, but there was a problem with the text still saying he got knocked out. Don't know if killap managed to fix that.
He is set to run off when taking a small amount of damage as the encounter would be too hard otherwise.
Darek said:
Yeah, this is nothing that has been changed. It's an engine bug that we can't fix. Basically what happens when you get addicted is it gets added to a timer event que (so the game knows when to remove the addiction). In your case that never happened, or the timer event que somehow got cleared before it was time to stop the addiction.

You are not really addicted though, as you don't suffer any drawbacks from it. Just that annoying addicted tab. On the plus side, you can use however many mentats you want without getting addicted.

You can fix your save with F2se, but I won't bother with the details until I know you are interested.
Yes, please. This thing is upsetting me. :(
Zaius238 said:
Yes, please. This thing is upsetting me. :(
Alright, first open your save in F2se. Push the "GVARS" tab and find and click "23:GVAR:MENTATS_ADDICT=1" in the list.
Where it says "GVAR Value" in the lower right corner, there is a "1", change it to a "0." That takes care of the addiction status in your Pipboy.

Next, push the "HEX" tab and then "Function6" in the list. Find and click the 0x7 hex (15th digit), it has a value of "1". Just push "0" on your keyboard to remove the "ADDICT" tab.
After that you have to first push the "Apply" button and then finally the "Save" button.

Your save should now work properly. :)
Oh, and sorry if my instructions are a bit over the top, but I don't know how familiar you are with F2se, so thought it was better to be as clear as possible.
Changes From FO 2

Per's "How to finish the game in half an hour (if you hurry up)" is not possible in the RP. That was an unpleasant surprise. There seem to be quite a few such unpleasant surprises in RP. But then again I suppose it's a matter of opinion. The RP developers not only added material to the original but chnged various things from the original where they thought (I suppose) they knew better than those who developed the original.
Re: Changes From FO 2

Hellsbane said:
Per's "How to finish the game in half an hour (if you hurry up)" is not possible in the RP. That was an unpleasant surprise. There seem to be quite a few such unpleasant surprises in RP. But then again I suppose it's a matter of opinion. The RP developers not only added material to the original but chnged various things from the original where they thought (I suppose) they knew better than those who developed the original.
Is this for real?
Why would you even think of doing a speed run with the RP? :roll:
I mean, if you do that you would miss all the new content anyway, so what's the point? :wall:

Furthermore, how do you know what the original devs intended?
I guess you have read through the design docs and game scripts, have you?

Some of the additions are arbitrary and yes it comes down to taste if you like it or not I suppose, but some of the stuff really is original BIS content, it's not just made up.

How about you being a bit more constructive instead.
Like maybe give a list of changes/things you don't like and what's wrong with them, instead of a snide remark. Now that could actually be helpful.
Sorry I didn't intend any snide remark - You are assuming wrong - I did not explain - during the regular play of game I thought of using that method off embarking as an alternative - why should I have to follow a "script" - perhaps I want to embark earlier & finish gameplay after returning. I like to explore various possibilites - scripts become boring quite quickly.
Alright I see, sorry I thought you were. No problems then. :)

I haven't even considered a speed run, and can't remember exactly how it went. So out of curiosity, what stops you from doing one in the RP?
Darek said:
I haven't even considered a speed run, and can't remember exactly how it went. So out of curiosity, what stops you from doing one in the RP?

Nothing, really. I'm just more interested in getting involved in at least some of what's in the script along the way if I choose to go to SF first. It appears to me that the RP world is somewhat tougher than the one in the original.
I'm still confused about where in Arroyo people ever mention Kaga. I've run into him once (plus another group of "outcasts" that didn't include him), but Arroyo citizens don't mention him at all even though the RP notes say they do.
AFAIK you can ask Mynoc before leaving Arroyo, or run into Kaga first time but not get to Klamath yet.
Mynoc's the last person you encounter in Arroyo before leaving by the bridge. My assessment of Kaga is that he's a lot of talk. He has a lot hit points but he just stands there in encounters. His companions do the fighting. When you shoot at him he doesn't respond much, seems to me.
just a quick question regarding the restoration project, i'm sure it has been asked before but i honestly could not find the answer anywhere.

are there any changes to the various permanent stat boosts you can get in the original game? can i generally stick to a vanilla guide when it comes to planning my character?

i am by no means a min-maxer but i am slightly OCD about planning my character out.

cheers folks and hello from an old lurker. o/
Jamoid said:
are there any changes to the various permanent stat boosts you can get in the original game? can i generally stick to a vanilla guide when it comes to planning my character?
There is a +1 Ag syringe you can find in one of the new locations. There is actually another +1 AG, but only after you've beat the enclave, and since you can then get the hint book, it's not really important (unless you feel the hint book is a silly thing that should be avoided ofc).
Hellsbane said:
Mynoc's the last person you encounter in Arroyo before leaving by the bridge. My assessment of Kaga is that he's a lot of talk. He has a lot hit points but he just stands there in encounters. His companions do the fighting. When you shoot at him he doesn't respond much, seems to me.

I actually killed him in the second encounter, because I crippled his leg, which allowed me to knock him out with targeted attacks fairly easily. At that point, it was just a case of stabbing him in the eyes a bunch of times.
Sorry to double-post but I'm having a rather annoying problem.

The EPA elevators weren't working because I managed to miss that one line in ddraw.ini when upgrading sfall. However, after fixing that, the elevators seem to work except when I try to go to another floor with them, the game crashes with an invalid memory access error. Some other people in this thread had a problem with this as well, but nobody responded to them about it.

EDIT: Even reloading a previous save from prior to visiting the EPA doesn't seem to help. Hrm. Could it be the new version of sfall itself that's causing the problem, and should I downgrade it to an older one, presumably the one that came with that RP?
Speaking of Kaga... I've run into ALL SORTS of bugs and glitches with Kaga's encounters (in 2.1.2b).

Many times I'd get the encounter, and there would be the outcasts, but no Kaga. The Chosen Once would still scream (I'm taking it's inspired from Wrath of Kahn?) "Kagaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" even though he was nowhere to be found.
In another instance, I ran into the FINAL Kaga encounter, without running into his 3rd or 4th, so I was shocked (and totally outgunned) when I was plowed over by a APA-adorned, Plasma Grenade tossing psycho tank.

I couldn't keep any saves of the problems I encountered for submitting as bug reports, because any and all saves I made during my Kaga encounters were always corrupted and couldn't be loaded. Yet if I completed (or avoided) the encounter, and just saved in some random wasteland tile (or any other town), the save would be fine. They were only unreadable if the save was made mid-encounter. Of course, that's another problem.

Were these issues addressed as of the unreleased update, by any chance?
SnapSlav said:
I couldn't keep saves of any of the problems I encountered, because any and all saves I made during my Kaga encounters were always corrupted and couldn't be loaded. Yet if I completed (or avoided) the encounter, and just saved in some random wasteland tile (or any other town), the save would be fine. They were only unreadable if the save was made mid-encounter. Of course, that's another problem.

Are you referring to saving while in combat? That's known to be problematic in general, in both the original game and with any and all patches/mods. It's one of those things unlikely to get fixed.
Nope. Inside combat, outside of combat. It wouldn't matter. I'd also NEVER encounter the combat load crash bug in the RP, but it was 100% of the time when loading Kaga encounter saves.

If Kaga was alive and ran when I saved.
If Kaga was dead and I saved before moving on.
If Kaga hadn't loaded so I was just saving during an "... and angry outcasts" encounter.
If all loaded appropriately, my game was fresh, and I simply saved.

Regardless of the circumstances, the loads were corrupted, and it was absolutely consistent, and exclusive solely to the Kaga encounter maps.