Recent content by PipBoyofSteel15

  1. P

    Fallout as a serialized radio drama

    Keep doing what you do! I know personally how helpful criticism can be, and as original of an idea this whole thing is, I only want it to do better! And in terms of light-hearted and somewhat goofy Ron Perlman impressions go - Not bad ;)
  2. P

    Fallout as a serialized radio drama

    Pretty neato, though I'm not really a fan of the narrator - way too try-hardish with the radio voice. Also, the voice of Natalia doesn't try very hard to make it seem like she isn't reading off of a script. But overall, I love how they fit the soundtrack, sound effects, and dialogue straight...
  3. P

    The Villains of Fallout: PART II

    I also do some Elder Scrolls content, particularly complaining about the newer games and putting ole' Morrowind on the pedestal, and that's about it. There's also another guy that I collaborate with, named Andrew, and he did a video about game violence, and we're currently writing a video that...
  4. P

    The Villains of Fallout: PART II

    Wow, thank you so much! I'll definitely remember it, I'm always striving to get feedback to become a better writer (As you can imagine, I'm still pretty new to it) Again, thanks a ton!
  5. P

    The Villains of Fallout: PART II

    So I made a follow-up talking about moar Fallout Villains, if anyone's interested. I go over The Lieutenant and The President (Who I honestly regret not talking about in the last one) as well as Lanius, Elijah, and Ulysses. Let me know if there are any other villains you would like to see me...
  6. P

    Attempting a Fallout Van Buren Campaign W/ Friends

    Hopefully the initial problems won't happen since my players coordinated on all of their character backstories. They already have a history together from previous campaigns we did (So thank god). In terms of the Pip-Boy problem, I'll probably go the Fallout 3/NV route and have it attatched to...
  7. P

    Attempting a Fallout Van Buren Campaign W/ Friends

    Thanks man :D How far did you guys get when you ran it?
  8. P

    Attempting a Fallout Van Buren Campaign W/ Friends

    So, I have no doubt in my mind that people have done this, which is why I feel I'm inclined to at least try. This/Next Weekend (Depending on a few things) I will be Game Mastering a Fallout PNP Campaign with my friends using the Van Buren docs and my own writings filling in some stuff that the...
  9. P

    Factions of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

    Hey guys, I've been wanting to do more lore and analytical content for Fallout, so I've made one for the Brotherhood. Please give me any feedback you can! Thanks, and hope you enjoy :D
  10. P

    Several FEV Related Questions

    I played a quick playthrough of Fallout 1 last night, just so I could discuss this topic with a few NPCs, particularly, the Master's Lieutenant He mentions how the FEV that was vaporized and shot up into the atmosphere after the nuke hit West Tek 'inoculated' people, kind of like how getting...
  11. P

    Several FEV Related Questions

    Moreover, is the FEV susceptible to changes from radiation? Zax 1.2 in West Tek says no, but most sources that I look at say yes
  12. P

    Several FEV Related Questions

    Could be. From Fallout 1 to 2 we know of 3 versions of FEV The FEV from West-Tek that spreads into the atmosphere, supposedly causing the extreme mutations of wasteland creatures and ghouls The FEV from Mariposa that is referenced by the master as "FEV-2" (Don't know if that means anything or...
  13. P

    Several FEV Related Questions

    Hey guys, I'm currently writing up a video that deals with a large portion of the lore surrounding FEV, and I needed some clarification. I've gone through both Fallout 1 and 2 as thoroughly as I possibly could in my free-time, and I've skimmed both the Wiki and Chris A.'s Fallout Bible for a...
  14. P

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    Well his argument was about the story, and from everything that I've heard about the series, it seems very story-driven and focused. From the video taking a closer look at its story, I was very enthralled. Just thought I'd share it, sorry if I deviated the discussion :D Edit: Shit my bad, I...
  15. P

    Villains of Fallout

    Yeah, I'm sorry about that. For a single 10-20 minute video, I didn't want to overdo it, although I am thinking of doing a part 2. I definitely agree with your statement about Fallout 2, I was pretty disappointed in myself for not including Dick Richardson, a prominent example of how extreme...