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  • Getting offended on other people's behalf os now called "compassion" I guess.
    Ugh. There is this lady at my brothers work that does that all the time. My brother and his co-workers can't crack jokes to each other because she gets offended and will try to get them fired. Perfect example of a virtue signalling snowflake.
    Trying to get someone fired over a joke is beyond petty and makes you borderline nonfunctional in a free society. . .
    Well one of my favorite liberal comedians got a talk show. the jim jeffries show. Noe my favorite conservative bill burr needs a show.
    I hate these clickbait YouTube listicles that offer no real analysis. They're always too positive too. Even when being negative.
    Let's hope the DCEU does exactly that. Forget that movie like the MCU does with the incredible hulk.
    But I was looking. They leave the prison and then out of nowhere that guy we just met is destroying a city.
    The villains don't really have an intro the movies just like l oh btw these are the villains now. The movie started when you werent lookin
    Watched it for the first time, easily one of the most weirdly cut movies ever. You watch the whole thing and feel like nobody did anything.
    So I've criticised the MCU formula for being too basic to fuck up. But oh boy can that formula go horribly wrong. Just Look at suicide squad
    Women look better with short hair.
    It's a case by case deal. Some do, some don't. And long straight hair can be really hot on a girl too.
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Depends of the face and head shape some people, like Walp said case by case.
    I agree, the face definitely has to be fitting for short hair. Girls with thinner and sharper faces tend to look better with shorter hair.
    As far as series finales go... Samurai ja did good. Although its bullshit that ashi dissapeared as it makes zero sense.
    You said absolutely nothing there. Also Aku's time travel traps the person into a timeless loop protected from the passage of time. Jack is basically atemporal while he is in the future while Ashi is destroying every single thing that led to her even being conceived, thus she should've disappeared the second Aku was slain.
    What do you mean I said nothing? It would make sense for them BOTH to disappear if future jack appeared before past jack was sent to the future, because that is not the case then jack WAS sent to the future where ashi DOES exist and the 50 years DO happen and past jack becomes future jack.
    If thats he case hen ashi must exists as well
    Terry McGuiness is a more interesting Batman than Bruce Wayne.
    • Like
    Reactions: CerberusGate
    The only Batman to ever legitimately break the Joker mentally.
    The joker is already broken mentally....
    Yeah, but never to the point of making him resort to simple strangling out of rage. Let me re-phrase that then; Terry's the only Batman to cause a villainous breakdown in the Joker by laughing at him.
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