Recent content by Señor Wally

  1. Señor Wally

    Fallout TV series - Set photo

    You know, seeing this photo for the first time: it looks kinda silly in a live photo.
  2. Señor Wally

    RangerBoo Tortures Herself Playing The Frontier

    The devs were not unified in opinions. The guy who directed it(midway through development) doesn't like NV so much but loves 3, but other devs had differing opinions on the matter. Oddly, there were I think like 3 or 4 furries or scalies at the least. They may have had more scalies than they...
  3. Señor Wally

    Fallout 3: Fallout At It's Finest

    Since this thread is active again, I just want to highlight my favorite quote here for a good laugh.
  4. Señor Wally

    The future of Fallout - IGN Interview with Todd Howard

    I did exactly that. I played them on the fucking PS3 too. I tell you, that shit should not have been on store shelves like that. I still have vivid memories of all kinds of stupid shit that I couldn't do a thing about. I'd look up bugs and see shit about how to fix it on PC, specifically. Big...
  5. Señor Wally

    The future of Fallout - IGN Interview with Todd Howard

    It's not just fanboys. I've seen that in professional(lol) reviewers as well. It just seemed to be the thing for a while to treat poor performance and technical disasters as "oh, silly ol' Bethesda. You know how they are. What a bunch of scamps". I think the fanboys got it from the journalists...
  6. Señor Wally

    The future of Fallout - IGN Interview with Todd Howard

    It just now occurs to me while watching this interview that the creation of a Fallout MMO was to minimize work and resources on Fallout while they could make the stuff they've had on the backburner without losing the attention or engagement of the large casual Fallout fanbase. It would also...
  7. Señor Wally

    Does anyone else realize how stupid Arthur Maxson being sent East Coast is?

    You can justify it in your head to some capacity, I suppose. But the reason no one questions this is because by the time you meet Maxson, you're just sort of used to things being contrived. OF COURSE Maxson is on the East Coast because Herold is too. Why? Because he is. Why is the Enclave here...
  8. Señor Wally


  9. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    That has been rescheduled. The initial scheduled reveal of JFK jr was a fakeout meant to confuse the lizard people. You need to understand that this is 4D Chess we're talking about here.
  10. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Nu uh. Youda best, mang
  11. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    I want 3 things: 1: Arthur to not have to worry about this because it aint his job, as cool as it is that he wants to help his friends. 2: Ranger chill please(also when we getting the NV strip overhaul mod or more lived in Wasteland? Still looking forward to those). 3: Ranger and Morgan block...
  12. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Nah, it'll chill out. Unless you disagree with me. In which case, I have a few choice words to say about your mother.
  13. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Peace time now, please. It's getting really hardcore in here.
  14. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Look, I love me some fighting every once in a while, but let's try to remove it from incest, sexual abuse and stuff.
  15. Señor Wally

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    If red wins, Virginia will go back to being the land of virgins. They will make sure that no autistic virgin with rage will ever cheat his way out of virginity through prostitution ever again.