Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Socialism is anything thats not Christian Republican. :-)

Yeah, I really like how they define the term "Socialism" even in the "Socialist" party. Most socialists just want to adjust the tax law of what we already we have. Is that socialism? Most of what we have IS socialism already. It seems the total lack of vision is even apparent in how many people, even with the known tarnished reputation the word socialism has with the street people, that they would even pursue such a useless course of action of dawning the title from their very selves? As if they have the power to define everything for everyone?

Well very few people have the privlage of that obligation.
That's like saying, we have democracy today. Which is technically true. But there are many different forms of democratic governements and nations. And it is very similar with socialims where it has a core principle (see the definition) but many variations that form around it. I mean take Switzerland and the United States. Both democratic countries. But with vastily different democratic principles and institutions.
It is the same with socialist countries where Socialist Yugoslavia was very different from the Stalinist Soviet Union.
Well, words are words and they have no merit if they have no meaning behind them and you don't know the meaning if you can't touch it. Everyone is going to go touch grass in the Pacific and Africa and get a GOOD JOB which will get rid of this lockdown, and sure we try our damnist to know everything about you. Seems the IRS is the best?! So get ready for the big bazooka, everyone is going to be rich. CONTRABAN IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH
One question, just one…

Baby killers and pedo defenders must die. Also, love that you keep calling me poor ho. LMAO! I live in a 750k house! Where are you living in? A trailer like a true West Virginian. Not so kind in private as you try to be to your simps in public. "I'm just a poor little femboi needing a strong man to defend me! UwU!"
I remember my father telling me about everyone calling them baby killers when he came back from vietnam.

Pedo defenders? huh?
You wish you were a man considering you pretended to be a femboi tranny for male attention. Also sure you love having a dozen cocks up your ass.
Like your cries for help when you harass GM for attention? But hey, keep saying that I am poor while you work over the fact that daddy raped you.

Why don't you go out and suck Richwizards old little jew dick and let him pull up your skirt in public a few times and whore out like daddy didn't let you in highschool, that's what you really need.
Fuck this. I’m fully prepared to be banned tonight.

Let it be known that I fucking tried. I really did