Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Guys, you are not looking at it this way! If Virginia went back to being Red does this mean that Chris Chan is more fucked then he was originally? Red States do tend to punish prisoners worse then Blue States.

You are just upset that I believe in the same thing as Ayelander in that England should sink into the bottom of the ocean.

I don't care about England, it could burn for all I care. I thought you'd love it here considering we have poundland Trump here.
Also, I don't like Chris Chan at all, but it's clear they suffer from some pretty messed up mental health issues and spent their life goaded on by those around them.
Did they put it on themselves? A lot of it yes, but I'd rather see them get the help they need rather than just be punished out right. So no, that's not a brightside.
Guys, you are not looking at it this way! If Virginia went back to being Red does this mean that Chris Chan is more fucked then he was originally? Red States do tend to punish prisoners worse then Blue States.

If red wins, Virginia will go back to being the land of virgins. They will make sure that no autistic virgin with rage will ever cheat his way out of virginity through prostitution ever again.
I don't care about England, it could burn for all I care. I thought you'd love it here considering we have poundland Trump here.
Also, I don't like Chris Chan at all, but it's clear they suffer from some pretty messed up mental health issues and spent their life goaded on by those around them.
Did they put it on themselves? A lot of it yes, but I'd rather see them get the help they need rather than just be punished out right. So no, that's not a brightside.

You should try harder at being a socialist caricature, and England should stop being a corporate nightmare horror-show, and be more like the monocle-healthcare country everyone thinks it is >:I try harder!
I can't take anyone seriously anymore if they say one side is evil over the other. I think that person lacks the capacity of abstract thought. They are still in the propaganda bubble.
Also, I don't like Chris Chan at all, but it's clear they suffer from some pretty messed up mental health issues and spent their life goaded on by those around them.
Did they put it on themselves? A lot of it yes, but I'd rather see them get the help they need rather than just be punished out right. So no, that's not a brightside.
Have you read his letters from prison? Holy shit! Chris writes like Trump if he was on a cocaine binge while also having a stroke! Even though Virginia has gone Red I still think they are going to put him in a institution for the rest of his life. Honestly, that is where he belongs. He will hopefully get the help he needs while also being protected by the like of Zuggtmoy, the Demon Lord of Fungus, aka Bella Janke.
If red wins, Virginia will go back to being the land of virgins. They will make sure that no autistic virgin with rage will ever cheat his way out of virginity through prostitution ever again.
I hope that in Youngkin's first day in office he sees a letter from Chris telling him to pardon him and that he is Jesus Christ reborn and that Youngkin throws it in the trash after reading the first two sentences.
Not the best example, since Somalia ended up being the toxic-waste dumping-ground for... corporations around the world :v due to their lack of territorial control - as well as illegal fishing, and any other illegal action that was deemed profitable.

That's true. But that's not why I used it as example. What I am trying to say is that to have corporations and companies you need a bare minimum of governance, infrastructure and well to put it simply distribution of the wealth that's created in the society. In modern states this is made sure by government funded infrastructure, like a decent jurisdiction, public schools, fire fighters and so on. But those can only exist when people have a certain amount of stability. Like when I don't know 3/4 of your population has to constantly fight for food scraps due to constant crop failures, constant civil wars and so on they can't really create stable free societies. There is no way to preserve democratic institutions in unstable environments.

But this is the reality we're heading on the more we destroy the environment. It's als not a new thing. Civilisations have come and gone all the time. It was very often just more a local event. Now we see it globaly as eco systems start to collapse making whole areas uninhabitable in the future and forcing mass migration all over the globe creating more strains on resource management and political instability. Even the Pentagon says that those will be largest challanges in the future.

Climate change is reshaping the geostrategic, operational, and tactical environments with significant implications for U.S. national security and defense. Increasing temperatures; changing precipitation patterns; and more frequent, intense, and unpredictable extreme weather conditions caused by climate change are exacerbating existing risks and creating new challenges for U.S. interests. Without adaptation and resilience measures, climate hazards, particularly when combined with other stressors, are likely to contribute to political, economic, and social instability around the world. In many cases, the physical and social impacts of climate change transcend political boundaries, increasing the risk that crises cascade beyond any one country or region. Box 1 provides definitions of key terms used in this document

DOD Climate Risk Analysis (defense.gov)

There is a reason why the rise and downfall of cultures was always linked to save means of agriculture. People today, in the modern world at least, often don't realise how damn difficult it actually is to get the necessary calories each day to survive. And current predictions say that with the current ecological changes, if unstoped, we will be looking at a situation where up to 40% of the worlds food production will be affected. Imagine a society like Europe or the US where food becomes 10 times more expensive. Famines will become much more common. Societies and their framework are pretty resilent actually. But when people start to actually die due to food shortages? Then everything can break down. Most wars historically happend due to shortages or supply issues for example.
I can't take anyone seriously anymore if they say one side is evil over the other. I think that person lacks the capacity of abstract thought. They are still in the propaganda bubble.

At best, Republicans really believe what they say and want genuine change. I'll argue that something like objectivism sounds good on paper, but it's sadly not how society works.
At worst, they grift because there's a lot of money in being a Republican and so will say anything to garner an audience.

Have you read his letters from prison? Holy shit! Chris writes like Trump if he was on a cocaine binge while also having a stroke! Even though Virginia has gone Red I still think they are going to put him in a institution for the rest of his life. Honestly, that is where he belongs. He will hopefully get the help he needs while also being protected by the like of Zuggtmoy, the Demon Lord of Fungus, aka Bella Janke.

I did read them and they legit upset me. Their mind is too fried at this point. I hope they do end up in an institute, but i also hope we don't hear from them again. I think even writing to Kiwi Farms is not good for their health. They need to be as far away from that as possible.
Also Bella is just plain evil. Hopefully she won't get off easily
I wonder if the utilization of permafrost areas are taken into account, when predicting a decrease of agricultural area. Part of Russian long term strategy is the transformation of unwieldy permafrost into arable land.
It's just about the the kind of people that are comfortable lying on a regular basis to millions of people while smiling about it. You have to really do some mental fuckery to tell yourself "I am lying for their own good" day in and day out. Since I have been alive we have not had a single president without controversary. That goes for both sides. So yeah Democrats are just as evil as Republicans because people in general are evil.
I did read them and they legit upset me. Their mind is too fried at this point. I hope they do end up in an institute, but i also hope we don't hear from them again. I think even writing to Kiwi Farms is not good for their health. They need to be as far away from that as possible.
Also Bella is just plain evil. Hopefully she won't get off easily
They haven't really been writing to Kiwi Farms but to Reddit weens who contact Chris. They just get reposted to the Farms from Reddit. Chris does have his own sub Reddit if you can believe it. In America anybody can write letters to prisoners. Since Chris's prison information is public anybody can write to him.
Also, don't hold out hope that Bella will see punishment. Bella is the daughter of two glowies and glowies do everything they can to protect their psychopathic offspring. However, the good news is that all her info and deeds have been preserved on the internet. Her evil deeds will follow her for the rest of her life and any employer she goes to will know what a fucked up and evil person she is.
It's just about the the kind of people that are comfortable lying on a regular basis to millions of people while smiling about it. You have to really do some mental fuckery to tell yourself "I am lying for their own good" day in and day out. Since I have been alive we have not had a single president without controversary. That goes for both sides. So yeah Democrats are just as evil as Republicans because people in general are evil.

I agree that Dems and Reps are equally bad, because they are inundated in the exact same system - but I don't think people are evil. People have weaknesses or strengths, and most of us lowly plebs *really* are decent enough folk. People help each others, hold doors open, defend people

Most people are okay! They just have no say in the matter.
I wonder if the utilization of permafrost areas are taken into account, when predicting a decrease of agricultural area. Part of Russian long term strategy is the transformation of unwieldy permafrost into arable land.

Which is at best a long term project and probably a pipe dream. They would have to start to build massive infrastructure in to those regions like now with billions of dollars as investment without any returns. But they don't. Yes due to the changing climate some areas that are now more or less inhospitable will become more favourable for humans to live there. But those are not many areas. Besides that still doesn't mean that the soil there will be actually fertile enough or easy to work with. It would not yield the same kind of crop rotation and efficiency that we enjoy today with our heavily industrialised and subsidiced agriculture. Just look at how much nitrogen is used in todays farming to get it to the level that is required for todays consumption. And there is no way that we can keep this up.

Besidese it will be very difficult to distribute resources in creating farm land in those regions when your society is starting to decline.
I agree that Dems and Reps are equally bad, because they are inundated in the exact same system - but I don't think people are evil. People have weaknesses or strengths, and most of us lowly plebs *really* are decent enough folk. People help each others, hold doors open, defend people

Most people are okay! They just have no say in the matter.

Every person on this planet is capable of great good and great evil.
Try cutting someone off in traffic or telling a random person fuck you when you are out and about and see how they react. Will they react with kindness or aggression? Will they stop at merely punching you in the face or will they lose total control and start stabbing you? I maintain that most people are inherently selfish even the ones that act like they aren't because they mostly do shit because they think they will go to Heaven not because they want to.
They haven't really been writing to Kiwi Farms but to Reddit weens who contact Chris. They just get reposted to the Farms from Reddit. Chris does have his own sub Reddit if you can believe it. In America anybody can write letters to prisoners. Since Chris's prison information is public anybody can write to him.
Also, don't hold out hope that Bella will see punishment. Bella is the daughter of two glowies and glowies do everything they can to protect their psychopathic offspring. However, the good news is that all her info and deeds have been preserved on the internet. Her evil deeds will follow her for the rest of her life and any employer she goes to will know what a fucked up and evil person she is.

That's fair, I got it wrong on the Letters anyway. Those letters will stop eventually as People will just move on. Now that Chris is out of the spotlight, that light will start to Fade.

But at least Bella's actions are archived. She's fucked it for herself later on in life. Maybe she changes, maybe she doesn't. Either way, she'll probably live to regret it
People want other people to do things FOR them, and this sickness has gotten out of control to the point where society is collapsing.

Sure you can take control, but you better be ready to pay the price.
Socialism is anything thats not Christian Republican. :-)
Cry more ho. Commiefornia is waiting for you and so in the validation of pedo trannies and baby killers. Getting off on your misery over this. It is only going to get worse for you slut bag.