Recent content by Ugly Kid

  1. Ugly Kid

    Fallout: Neuvo Mexico

    It looks beautiful, straight up my pants were stained by the end of the trailer. It's probably gonna be better than New California and I love that. It seems to do the diverging path better than FNC too, instead of some random perk it's a completely different campaign. My only concern is that it...
  2. Ugly Kid

    What are some of your unpopular opinions?

    And I don't mean unpopular with the general public, I mean among those on this forum. My unpopular opinion is that Fallout 4 is actually way better than Fallout 3. In fact I believe Fallout 3 to be the worst entry in the series, even lower than PoS. I'm at work right now but I can further...
  3. Ugly Kid

    Why do you guys hate f4 and 76? Here is a list of things 4 and 76 does better than 1,2 and NV.

    I get it now, the classics and New Vegas are trash. I've dedicated years of free time to browse these forums and for what? I'm dumping the games I've loved and returning to Fallout 4 whence I came.
  4. Ugly Kid

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I believe Enclave is small because otherwise the writers would've eluded to them being bigger in Fallout 2. And Van Buren is written by the same people so if they go on further to suggest the Enclave was small then they're probably good authority.
  5. Ugly Kid

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    wa wa wa pee pee poo poo cum cum Edit Im sorry Im drunk I dont mean that
  6. Ugly Kid

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    What if all different parts of the US military/government were split into the multiple splinter factions and the Enclave from Fallout 2 only the military wing. Maybe the Boston commonwealth's Institute is descended from the science branch. All these factions are in contact prewar and now, they...
  7. Ugly Kid

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    I forgot the best part, I wasted so much time that literally every location was overrun by super mutants. My bad.
  8. Ugly Kid

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    I finished Fallout 1 a week or so ago. I was using Fallout 1in2 so my experience isn't quite what the original devs intended but I had a good time. I completed all the questlines in most towns taking the good guy approach. The only town I couldn't make it to in time was the Boneyard, it got...
  9. Ugly Kid

    Stellaris-like Fallout setting

    I disagree, the Enclave and House directly state their long term goals are exoplanet colonization. At least Vault Tec's goal is outer space, maybe not the Enclave directly. New California does a good job of justifying why the Unity would go to space, . Think Tank just want to experiment and...
  10. Ugly Kid

    Stellaris-like Fallout setting

    I've been trying to imagine a Fallout game in space that features various "futures" for certain factions. The futures would all collide somehow and the factions would go to war. Let me try to explain better. There are several factions that have mentioned going to space (Enclave and House) and...
  11. Ugly Kid

    I want to cry over what Bethesda has turned this franchise into

    To clarify I've exaggerated a bit. Not actually teary or anything, more so just really bummed out. I do have tons of ideas for Fallout but don't know where to casually drop them. I've also been coming up with my own IP for years though it probably won't turn into anything official. Also don't...
  12. Ugly Kid

    I want to cry over what Bethesda has turned this franchise into

    I'm very upset that Fallout will forever be remembered by the general public as :MARKETABLE: :BRIGHT COLOURS: :NUKA COLA: :DOG: :RUN DOWN SHANTY TOWN: This art is what Bethesda fans think when they hear Fallout (No shade to these artists, the art they make is great but I'm making a point): It...
  13. Ugly Kid

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    Can we do this again this year? I didn't have my computer built until last month
  14. Ugly Kid

    Why do people hate Old World Blues?

    I read on here a while ago that there are people who genuinely despise this DLC. I don't understand why though. To some people it's not canon. I read that somebody doesn't like it because it's too silly, but that is kinda the point. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air, Wild Wasteland and...