It's a spell.. This is like people complaining about being able to jack of all trades in fallout 3. Just don't do it.
Unless the quest compass stays in the game as a function that cannot be turned off.. Well.. Then
I would agree. And gaming has begins targeting 5 year olds.
If you're going for trophies, survival might be a good idea. It'll help out with making food and water heal more and the healing 10000 hp with food trophy.
EDIT: Oooh and stimpaks only heal health and slowly. Doctors and doctors bags are the only way to heal limbs. You lose FOD, H2O and SLP...
I quite liked the AMR. One hit quick skup to the face. Not so good with deathclaws though. Slow firing with deathclaws are the only draw back and no mods. Ordinary sniper rifles are ok I guess. I always have a silenced sniper rifle in my hotkeys. I just don't see the point in using an...
Well I'd rather have the security of power armour(as it's described) than to join a mass of cowboys.. Even if you're not getting territory. Because the Brotherhood had an outpost on Shady Sands. By this I mean that territory for them is obsolete. Because they have free passage almost anywhere...
I'd say you don't need to rush to get a decent melee weapon. Melee seems kinda OP on a whole. Knock knock is feasible. As far as I remember.. All there is are ghouls. Very weak ghouls.
EDIT: You can get a thermic lance very early in the game. Become vilified with the legion. Then their hit...