royal wedding -- does anyone care?

Totally. Weddings make me cry and Kate is totally bone-able.

And let me add that the bridesmaid holding the gown going into the church had an awesome ass.

Actually I am kind of glad for this. Weddings in late spring are a wonderful way to get people's minds off a lot of the other bullshit. They also seem like a nice couple, so cheers to them.

Brits like being a constitutional monarchy, so this is what they get. Jolly Good for them.

(I although I am very glad we got rid of the aristocratic bullshit in the US).
No, I'm not sure why everyone was in such a fuss about it. I guess some people are just into that kind of thing.
Best celebrity wedding I've attended in a long time. But I'm getting eady for the after-wedding dinner reception and dance.

I'll let you know how it went after. Did you see me in the video? I was the blue shaggy one.
Hamenaglar said:
If I was British, I'd care. But I'm not.

I am British and I didn't give a flying bugger about a bunch of parasites getting hitched.
I might care a little but I still had to work today without overtime pay unlike most everyone else. Oh well at least I got two free easter eggs.
welsh said:
And let me add that the bridesmaid holding the gown going into the church had an awesome ass.
That would be Kate's sister Pippa. And yes, that was a nice British booty.

I was paying so little attention that I was surprised when I turned on the television and the wedding was happening. So I watched it. Those English ladies and their crazy hats!

I probably liked it more since it's not my obsolete monarchy.
PainlessDocM said:
I like the fact they share their wedding date with Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.

Also, ya know, it's not like there's a civil war in Libya or something like that we should be observing instead on this bullshit. :roll: :roll: :roll:
I really have no clue why I should give a fuck to those royals. I am glad the rest of europe (or most of it) managed to get rid of it one way or another. Keep the castles. Not the people.
I am proud to say I have totally missed whatever the drokk happened and just found out after the fact.

I kinda knew there was supposed to be a wedding because I saw some sort of advertising in the discovery channel but didn't even know when it was supposed to be and I'm glad I don't know any details of what the drokk happened like the name of the bride and the such.

In this particular case I take pride in my ignorance.

I am also ignorant of many other things. Which those things are I can't tell you because I don't know them.
It actually was a pretty big deal in the United States as well. All of our major news networks had a great deal of coverage on it including entertainment programs. Which makes sense to some degree, because people over here associate the Royal Family with celebrity status.
Just look at how we all felt about Princess Diana, she was one of the most loved cultural figures of all time over here. I remember when she died, random people I was around were balling crying and all sorts of craziness.
I'm south African so ummm.. Couldn't care less. They're only celebrities anyway. IMO anyway. I bet they were on E all of last week
I haven't watched it much, just gave a glimpse, but from what I've heard it was a nice wedding. After all, it's a few hundred years old tradition or something.

I generally despise all those celebrity weddings, parties and stuff and all media coverage that is usually given to them, but for this one, I guess everything was okay, so yeah, I don't really care...