The Enclave 86
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

By which I mean, what exactly is their long term goal as the primitive society that they are? Why is their such an almost unanimously help opinion against change.
People in the Brotherhood aren't brainwashed but given the option to leave when they come of age, most don't understandably, because, in any event, it's all that they have known, family ties etc. But why, when their old ways have achieved little, do they oppose it so much; I understand that we know little on the details of this Brotherhood-NCR conflict but I would imagine that the NCR are winning through sheer force of numbers like at Helios, hell they even defeated the Enclave at Navarro.
What has the West Coast BoS actually achieved? All they do is collect military technology right? What do they do with it all a the end of the day and what is the over-arching purpose? I read somewhere that it's original purpose was protecting people from themselves by taking all of the advanced technology but I cannot find that again. In any event it's clear that the NCR is doing pretty well for itself and that humanity doesn't need any such policing.
So is that all they do? Scavange and store? I just don't understand how the Brotherhood can have one short-term goal defining it's entire existance and yet the predominant opinion being that change is bad. The Brotherhood are willing to die and self-destruct their own in face of capture for the Codex and the Brotherhood, for what? Some great vault of technology beneath Lost Hills just sitting there? In one of the New Vegas endings where the local chapter establishes peace with the NCR they then take all of the salvaged power armour and patrol the roads taking what they please? Why is the question I am asking, just what is the damn point? What do the BoS look forward to in the future and intend to acomplish by their actions? The NCR, Legion, Enclave, whatever, all do what they do for territory, resources (to actually use unlike the BoS) & just a better quality of life from the spoils; yet the Brotherhood appear to be comftable just coming back to a bed and a locker, thinking what good work they've done for securing some plasma rifles and go to sleep to do it all again tomorrow.
People in the Brotherhood aren't brainwashed but given the option to leave when they come of age, most don't understandably, because, in any event, it's all that they have known, family ties etc. But why, when their old ways have achieved little, do they oppose it so much; I understand that we know little on the details of this Brotherhood-NCR conflict but I would imagine that the NCR are winning through sheer force of numbers like at Helios, hell they even defeated the Enclave at Navarro.
What has the West Coast BoS actually achieved? All they do is collect military technology right? What do they do with it all a the end of the day and what is the over-arching purpose? I read somewhere that it's original purpose was protecting people from themselves by taking all of the advanced technology but I cannot find that again. In any event it's clear that the NCR is doing pretty well for itself and that humanity doesn't need any such policing.
So is that all they do? Scavange and store? I just don't understand how the Brotherhood can have one short-term goal defining it's entire existance and yet the predominant opinion being that change is bad. The Brotherhood are willing to die and self-destruct their own in face of capture for the Codex and the Brotherhood, for what? Some great vault of technology beneath Lost Hills just sitting there? In one of the New Vegas endings where the local chapter establishes peace with the NCR they then take all of the salvaged power armour and patrol the roads taking what they please? Why is the question I am asking, just what is the damn point? What do the BoS look forward to in the future and intend to acomplish by their actions? The NCR, Legion, Enclave, whatever, all do what they do for territory, resources (to actually use unlike the BoS) & just a better quality of life from the spoils; yet the Brotherhood appear to be comftable just coming back to a bed and a locker, thinking what good work they've done for securing some plasma rifles and go to sleep to do it all again tomorrow.