Melee Character help


Still Mildly Glowing
So I just started a melee-focused game, and so far I am getting my ass handed to me by geckos and mantises. I haven't died yet, but it's a little frustrating fighting stuff with a knife and a shovel.

Where can I find some good melee weapons real early in the game?

I was thinking about heading to Camp Searchlight to try to get Knock-Knock but I am not sure how feasible that is at level 3 or 4.

Any suggestions??

edit: Should I have put this in the game help section?
Well, you could go north of Goodsprings and get Chanche's Knife. You can avoid the cazadores along the road by heading north from the Goodsprings gas station and up the cliffs to the left of the road, you can drop down onto the grave.

Getting the Knock Knock at level 3-4 is feasible but hard. You'd need high Science skill (to let the turrets kill the ghouls for you) and a good number of RadAway.
There's also that cleaver (Chopper?) that's at wolfhorn ranch. Which you can hit before you go to Searchlight. Chance's Knife is alos pretty goddamned awesome if you can get it without getting viciously murdered by cazadores.
Like people already said, try to get your hands in Chance's Knife. If you aren't able to pass the Cazadors, as I never am, go to Wolfhorn "Ulysses" Ranch and get Chopper or go to Crimson Caravan and buy a Nail Board from Blake, then raise your melee skill to 50, you will pretty much own everything until you be able to put your hands in the real powerfull melee weapons.

As a tip, usually when I play a melee build I like to have at least the Piercing Strike perk (and Slayer if it's possible, but this requires 7 AG). For this you will need to raise your unarmed skill to 70 and good unarmed weapons, like Power Fist, Spiked Nuckles, Love and Hate and Pushy are available very earlier in the game.
So when playing a melee build I actually start it as an unarmed one, then switch to melee after putting my hands on Knock-Knock. ;)

[ ]'s
Thanks for the tips guys. It seems like getting Chance's Knife is the way to go. I have read about that weapon, but never knew where the location was -- I don't think it's a marked location, so...

Avoiding the cazadores shouldn't be too difficult for me, as I just ran through scorpion gulch (at level 2) without attacking a single rad-scorpion, or getting attacked. I realize cazadores are faster, and more aggressive; but I am pretty good at sneaking around.
You go north from Goodsprings, up the road that the gas station (Ringo's hideout) is on. Before long you can climb up on the ridge along side the west side of the road. Sticking up this way will keep you pretty much isolated from the cazadors. It's south of the temporary kahn encampment and just south of the tribal village, in a grave above it; so bring a shovel. The Vault should have pretty good directions/pictures. I got it around level three or so, right after I finished Goodsprings, I think. it's pretty awesome looking too.
Chance's Knife kicks ass!! Thanks again guys. I had no trouble getting it -- when I got to the grave, I went from [HIDDEN] to [CAUTION] but never saw any cazadores.

But on a side note, I ran into a cazador by the tumbleweed ranch and had very little trouble killing it with Chance's Knife - Awesome!
It's so good, in fact, that when I picked up a super sledge from the BoS bunker, I kept using the knife because the DPS is actually higher. If I ever get the super sledge repaired (or pick up Oh Baby!) then maybe I will switch.

I really wish there was a way to get Legate Lanius' Blade of the East, and still have the rest of the game to play. Anybody know of some way to glitch to get that weapon early? (PS3 version)
outofthegamer said:
Chance's Knife kicks ass!! Thanks again guys. I had no trouble getting it -- when I got to the grave, I went from [HIDDEN] to [CAUTION] but never saw any cazadores.

But on a side note, I ran into a cazador by the tumbleweed ranch and had very little trouble killing it with Chance's Knife - Awesome!
It's so good, in fact, that when I picked up a super sledge from the BoS bunker, I kept using the knife because the DPS is actually higher. If I ever get the super sledge repaired (or pick up Oh Baby!) then maybe I will switch.

I really wish there was a way to get Legate Lanius' Blade of the East, and still have the rest of the game to play. Anybody know of some way to glitch to get that weapon early? (PS3 version)
Well about that blade.
I don't think thats possible because there aren't any mod's on consoles and console is dissabled too so IMHO no.
Dalex said:
Well about that blade.
I don't think thats possible because there aren't any mod's on consoles and console is dissabled too so IMHO no.


So that makes the best melee weapons:

1. Oh Baby!
2. Knock Knock
3. Chance's Knife
4. Machete Gladius
5. Liberator
The Thermic Lance Ignores DT now, but I don't know where to get it before the Hoover dam Battle.
Walpknut said:
The Thermic Lance Ignores DT now, but I don't know where to get it before the Hoover dam Battle.
Yeah, I see it at the BoS bunker as soon as the Elder allows you to buy stuff.

But if it ignores DT after downloading the newest patch, then it's no good to me because I have not DL'ed any patches. Why? because I heard that sniper rifles got nerfed big-time. And I love me some sniper rifles!

Plus, it doesn't seem like a real melee weapon to me. I never used one, but I saw a legion guy with one, and he just holds it out and makes sparks come out of it, or something. lame imho.
outofthegamer said:
Walpknut said:
The Thermic Lance Ignores DT now, but I don't know where to get it before the Hoover dam Battle.
Yeah, I see it at the BoS bunker as soon as the Elder allows you to buy stuff.

But if it ignores DT after downloading the newest patch, then it's no good to me because I have not DL'ed any patches. Why? because I heard that sniper rifles got nerfed big-time. And I love me some sniper rifles!

Plus, it doesn't seem like a real melee weapon to me. I never used one, but I saw a legion guy with one, and he just holds it out and makes sparks come out of it, or something. lame imho.

No, sniper rifles weren't nerfed big time, they were balanced and rebalanced again.
Before patch 1.2 sniper rifles maded x5 critical damage, meaning it beated the AMR on damage (WTF!), this patch nerfed the critical damage to x1.
It was low, I agree on that, most rifles became better than an sniper rifle, so they tweaked the weapon again and the patch 1.3 raised the DAM of the weapon and the critical damage is x2.

Now the weapon is balanced. ;)

Isn't more easier to use a mod that cheat for you, because that's what a sniper rifle with x5 CD is.

[ ]'s
I'd say you don't need to rush to get a decent melee weapon. Melee seems kinda OP on a whole. Knock knock is feasible. As far as I remember.. All there is are ghouls. Very weak ghouls.

EDIT: You can get a thermic lance very early in the game. Become vilified with the legion. Then their hit squad will try kill you, as long as you're on the right side if the big highway that runs through novac. It may take a while for them to appear and be prepared for a difficult fight.
I went to the BoS Bunker and yeah, there is a Thermic Lance, I never used the store there, I was satisfised with the free energy ammunition and I don't like using the TB-51 at all.
Walpknut said:
The Thermic Lance Ignores DT now, but I don't know where to get it before the Hoover dam Battle.

After completing the BoS quest line you'll be able to buy them at the Brotherhood store. This is still pretty late in the game though. :?
Courier said:
Walpknut said:
The Thermic Lance Ignores DT now, but I don't know where to get it before the Hoover dam Battle.

After completing the BoS quest line you'll be able to buy them at the Brotherhood store. This is still pretty late in the game though. :?

a. You don't have to complete anything, as soon as the Elder trusts you enough to give you an actual mission (after getting rid of the NCR guy outside), the shop is available, and so is the Thermic Lance

b. If you go straight from goodsprings to the 188 trading post (like I did), you can get Veronica to follow you back to the BoS bunker; and she will get the door open. Can be done at level 2 or 3? I think I was like level 4 or 5, because I cleared out vault 11 first.

And to brfritos: When you are in sneak mode and you shoot someone right between the eyes with a .308 round, with a rifle designed for Sniping, that person should die! Not have 1/3 of their health taken away and start shooting back!!

That is not balanced, that is NERFED. because if you shoot a foam bullet from a sniper rifle and hit someone right between the eyes, then they should not die, just be a little hurt. That is the definition of nerfed. The only thing that should have been changed was the AMR should have been made MORE powerful.
I never found the Thermic Lance before the Hoover Dam battle. :S Never.
Also I never EVER found the Shishkebab anywhere. Strange stuff.

And to brfritos: When you are in sneak mode and you shoot someone right between the eyes with a .308 round, with a rifle designed for Sniping, that person should die! Not have 1/3 of their health taken away and start shooting back!!

That is not balanced, that is NERFED.

Yeah, let's make the Sniper rifle kill any human with one shot to the head. Then let's make shot to the head with a .44 magnum lethal too, because's a MAGNUM, the most powerful handgun in the world, a gun that would blow your head off. Then let's make the 12.7 pistol just as powerful because it simply makes sense, right? Then let's make the AMR kill anything with one shot to the head to balance it with the others. Yay for balance and realism!


Realism has to be taken with a grain of salt in VGs.

Also, even with the "nerfs" the sniper rifle can one shot kill all humanoids with a sneak critical. The balancing was mainly the nerf of the ridicolous crit multiplier that made it better than most weapons in any situation (even short range fights).
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Realism has to be taken with a grain of salt in VGs.
True -- But I think that we can all agree to the philosophy of "to each, his own" -- meaning that if I want to avoid the newest patch because I want an OP sniper rifle, that's fine. And if you think it's too OP, that's fine too. It's not like we have online death-matches.

The way I look at it, you spend a lot of time with crappy 9 mm guns and varmint rifles that take 20+ bullets to kill a radscorpion, so when I have gone far enough in the game to get a sniper rifle (or enough ammo for my .44 magnum to actually use it) I want to be able to kill average enemies very quickly.

And about the shishkebab, I have seen it once in half a dozen playthroughs. If I remember correctly, a fiend (or viper?) was carrying one. It pisses me off that it's such a rare weapon!
I've only ever found a shishkebab once on a dead legionary. Other than that I've never seen them again in the game.