Recent content by WillisPDunlevey

  1. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Tell her to write you
  2. W

    Say something positive about the USA

    My moms family is Scots and English and my dads family is English and German. We don’t really think about Europe being a homeland nor do we feel the same about states we have historically lived in. My family has moved across the USA several times in the last few generations - picture moving...
  3. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    apply for refugee status- they are infringing on your human rights :-)
  4. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Unfortunately it’s not a robocop gun. A robocop beretta would cost upwards of $50,000 if one was available for sale. My new gun is a SilencerCo Maxim9. I waited 10 months for that approval to own it.
  5. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    This just came in last night
  6. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    If you want to Take some pix of the markings when you get it and I can verify what it is able to handle as far as shooting it.
  7. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Is it an original? If not, you can easily fire it. If it’s an original, you can fire it with BP loads or modern smokeless powder loaded to cowboy specs. I do that all the time in my BP pistols (smokeless in cartridges rather than loose BP and percussion caps)
  8. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I have no preference for racks- just something that won’t scratch it. That really cool that you are getting a sharps. The quigly models are nice but it’s really hard to find ammo in any caliber besides 45/70. (45-90, 45-110 have to be hand loaded or special ordered and even the cases are not...
  9. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I bought the Ar15 proto and AR10 as rifles. I bought 3x 601 style lowers. I bought a 601 upper and built it on one of the lowers saving $200. The 605 was made similarly but with a PSA midlength dissipator barrel. The muzzle deviChe is not pinned. That one also has an old aluminum buttstock...
  10. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Old family guns are the best!
  11. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    It’s been a while.... A point with regard to the video- that is a Brownells AR15 proto upper on a FA lower. It has no deflector and I shoot left handed. My hearing protection is acting as the shell deflector.
  12. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    SuAside is 100% correct about fanboys etc. try lots, choose what works the best. If you lived close to me, I would gladly help you. I’m sure you can find someone close.
  13. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I’m familiar with the grand power- I usually carry something used- preferably without a 100% finish so I don’t have to feel bad about what ends up happening to it via wear and scratches + drawing and holstering. BTW- an X-Trim and X-caliber are on my list to buy
  14. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    IMO A glock is a good choice (I carry a Glock 21). You may also consider a CZ P-07 if you are not super familiar with striker fired no safety pistols for concealed carry.
  15. W

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I second it being a punt gun