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  1. Zerginfestor

    What about Cyberpunk 2077 and Outerworlds?

    What about Cyberpunk 2077 and Outerworlds?
  2. Zerginfestor

    what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

    I know Red Glare isn't a unique weapon in a sense that there's only three in the entire game and that's it, but I enjoyed it. From what was thought to be a shit weapon turns out to be an absurdly powerful explosive tool that could vaporize any top-tier threat, as long as you modded the Explosive...
  3. Zerginfestor

    Ben Soto, they seem like it, judging on the tweets.

    Ben Soto, they seem like it, judging on the tweets.
  4. Zerginfestor

    The flaw of Fallout 4 is not the writing or world-building

    Beating a dead horse here, m8, we all came to that conclusion pretty quickly upon playing Fallout 4 for a few hours. Only ever kind of enjoyment I can get out of it is simply making an uncaring merc and blow shit up with pure explosives and that still can't keep me interested for long.
  5. Zerginfestor

    Ooookaaay? I was only asking if there was crazier shit they did in the past and used that as an...

    Ooookaaay? I was only asking if there was crazier shit they did in the past and used that as an example because it seems pretty out there, neither was my statement like that, so no need to get bitchy with me.
  6. Zerginfestor

    Have they ever done something as insane as the Tits Thor and shit, though? The writers as well...

    Have they ever done something as insane as the Tits Thor and shit, though? The writers as well seem absolutely negative towards anyone that talks to them, what a disconnection.
  7. Zerginfestor

    what with how Marvel Comics are doing (absolutely shit) and their game industry putting out a...

    what with how Marvel Comics are doing (absolutely shit) and their game industry putting out a decent game once in a blue moon, I'm wondering how Marvel is even managing to stay afloat, it's gotta be the fucking movies and Disney essentially keeping them alive.
  8. Zerginfestor

    I mean it's for goodspring if you're beginning, so if not, then dunno what to tell you.

    I mean it's for goodspring if you're beginning, so if not, then dunno what to tell you.
  9. Zerginfestor

    if you plan to go north, be prepared. If you don't have the courier's Stash add-ons, use the...

    if you plan to go north, be prepared. If you don't have the courier's Stash add-ons, use the caps you get from working with Sunny and buy hollowpoint rounds for the Varmint rifle. Also pays to get the Single Shotgun in one of the houses and the ammo near it as well, the enemies you'll face North...
  10. Zerginfestor

    The Death of NeoGaf discussion.

    They were NOT contained on that fucking site, honestly. Let's be real, NeoGAF was more of a hatchery/mainsource of creepy, cancerous fucks that would circlejerk in an echo chamber, get funded by the democratic party to be anti-MAGA, as well as spread out their tendrils into Tumblr, Twitter...
  11. Zerginfestor

    I really hope they don't fuck this up. The Wii U and such was the reason I switched to PC.

    I really hope they don't fuck this up. The Wii U and such was the reason I switched to PC.
  12. Zerginfestor

    The people who piss on Bioshock 2 are usually just cunts who uphold Bioshock 1 too much...

    The people who piss on Bioshock 2 are usually just cunts who uphold Bioshock 1 too much. Bioshock 2, gameplay wise, is superior compared to Bioshock 1 and in no doubt superior to Bioshock Infinite. Story-wise, it's definitely better than Infinite, dunno about 1, though, but it's good enough to...
  13. Zerginfestor

    30 hours was my total gametime, however, that's including backtracking, side missions, just...

    30 hours was my total gametime, however, that's including backtracking, side missions, just being an explorative cunt that I am. Had 99.9% complete, since I missed one file. Overall, it was kind of intense and such, but it's certainly not replayable. Hell, even in the base playthrough some of...
  14. Zerginfestor

    Finished Evil Within 2. Meh overall, an upgrade from the original, though not enough to be...

    Finished Evil Within 2. Meh overall, an upgrade from the original, though not enough to be replayable.
  15. Zerginfestor

    how is Starcraft remastered? Still got the same silly AI but with sexy graphics?

    how is Starcraft remastered? Still got the same silly AI but with sexy graphics?
  16. Zerginfestor

    It's really unsettling, honestly. Like no record, no bad claims. Just what happened? No mentally...

    It's really unsettling, honestly. Like no record, no bad claims. Just what happened? No mentally stable person would suddenly do this out of nowhere, yet there's no track of breadcrumbs except for the dad.
  17. Zerginfestor

    Think the sale may have been an attempt to piss on the old Fallout style, like "Hey kids...

    Think the sale may have been an attempt to piss on the old Fallout style, like "Hey kids, remember Fallout 1 and 2? Man they sucked, BUY MY FUCKING GAME" and instead made people go "wow...this shit is amazing! Fuck Fallout 4"
  18. Zerginfestor

    don't forget the breakable, shit-tier gadgets that will get thrown in on the sidelines by other...

    don't forget the breakable, shit-tier gadgets that will get thrown in on the sidelines by other companies. Shame, Mad Catz might've scored in this production.
  19. Zerginfestor

    I fucking hated the new system. Everything gets a limit and I'm just "WHY? Just let me play the...

    I fucking hated the new system. Everything gets a limit and I'm just "WHY? Just let me play the fucking game, you cunt, if I'm low on ammo, it should be my own fucking fault"
  20. Zerginfestor

    Ranger Hardcore..wait, you talking about the old version or the new version? Because the new...

    Ranger Hardcore..wait, you talking about the old version or the new version? Because the new Version sucks balls. No real challenge and making you reloading slower and giving you less variety in fun is not pleasing at all. Old one is the tits, tho.