Does anybody know what on earth has got him so worked up? He's probably the one angriest edgelord I've seen on the internet. He's like that kind of all out rage filled village drunk, who yells at everybody regardless of situation. Even Virgil could crack a joke now and then.
Guy had a rough go of things. Life changes us; sometimes it’ll make you carefree and “fuck it” like me, or it’ll make you bitter and resentful. I used to be like Cliffy. I honestly liked the guy because he could be genuinely cool. And I know that no matter what happens, I’ve got his back. As I have all of yours.
But yeah what I’m saying is that life made him that way, but I don’t and never will judge the guy for it. He was a better guy than the extra abrasive steel wool he came off as. I just hope that no matter what happens in his life, he finds a way to let go of that hate. I learned the hard way that it brings nothing but more pain. Hopefully he won’t have to learn it that way.
I forget some of you are quite young. It is sustainable for a young person to mismanage their wounds for many years. People can act out and be total dicks, bitter, resentful, even violent or abusive of themselves (drugs, booze, self-harm) for years on end, turning it into a normal, just another "beautifully dark" way of life.
As this kind of lifestyle begin to seriously extend though, into someones 30th or 40th year of life, that's when it becomes unsustainable. That's when someone is no longer heard from, and they go from "dark and twisted" to just "one more junkie", and from there on, life expectancy drops quickly (sadly)
Self reflection, even if only drops of it - early on at least, is the best medicine. From there on, there's no fix or solution, other than to maintain that self awareness, and keep an eye out for that change of scenery, which can often do wonders.
/unsolicited rant
@zegh8578 no man it’s totally alright, if anything I greatly appreciate your input. But yeah I’m only 20 and if you’ve read the Black Parade you know I’ve experienced drug addiction, court, heartbreak (minor one but it still hurts lol) and losing almost everything in terms of reputation for a crime I didn’t commit. But the way I see it, I’m glad it happened now and not when I was older.