No Mutants Allowed

If you’re curious, it’s a Bowie knife I plan to use for hunting but CT’s dumbass law is that you can own a knife longer than 4 inches but can’t carry it; so should I be walking from the mailbox to my house and a neighbor asks me what’s in the package I’m fucked. But, if I make it indoors, all is well. Fucking blue state bullshit
Yeah, I hear yay. Funny thing is that I live in a Blue state and WA didn't have any of those problems as hunting is a big industry here. But thanks to the influx of the pestilence I call Californians we have seen so many changes to our laws in regards to owning weapons and hunting that it is disgusting. Californians just love making other states into shitholes like theirs.
I’m sorry to hear that @RangerBoo. But yeah CTs laws on weaponry are just fucking weird, and MAs are shameful, and RI is owned by the mob so their laws are wonderful, but are becoming decidedly less so as the Dems win and the mob loses traction. Sad how the mafia makes a better government than government.
I’m thinking of moving to either Montana or New Hampshire. Live free or die, bitches
Don't go to Montana. The Californians have been moving to both there and Washington in droves. They want to "frolic in the woods with the forest creatures" but pollute the shit there worse then the White Legs in New Vegas with both litter and their socialist politics. Take my advice and move to Idaho. Brother wife made him do that and he says it was the best decisions that they ever made.
Idaho is the reddest state in the US. Even the Libs there aren't batshit insane socialist like the Commieforians and are more old school Dems. Its open carry in Idaho and cost of living is probably the cheapest in the US. It is also very clean there with little to no homeless there.
How exactly would it work, you should be able to simply transport an item, without it being the same as "carrying"

With Norwegian gun laws, one would think nobody would ever be able to go hunt, but we swim in shotguns and rifles. People lug it in their car, and drive into the woods.
Starkly different would be wandering around downtown with a shotgun, that's "carrying"
Same applies to knives. It's illegal to carry a knife around, but if you go cabin-trekking, fishing, hunting, you're expected to bring a knife, in the north they even use knives that resemble machetes. Even carpenters use knives, and some traditional outfits come WITH knives. In the latter case, small knives are carried in complete public.
@zegh8578 see, that’s how you think it’d go; but the law as worded basically doesn’t allow me to have the knife in my car (for any reason) unless it’s under 4 inches long. So basically I gotta make sure not to get pulled over on the way to the woods, otherwise, again, I’m fucked. The way CT defines carrying and the penalties therein are the most retarded thing
That is oddly backwards. Go-to would be to find out what other hunters or wilderness trekkers do, I guess. I'd be surprised if they were all circumventing the law in order to do what they do. Could there be some legal opening precisely for wilderness activities, that they all take advantage of, that you've somehow missed?
@zegh8578 possibly; problem is I don’t know really any other hunters in CT; all the ones I fraternize with are family and friends from out’ve state, where different laws apply. Figure I’ll try to find someone to ask tho. It would go a long way in giving me peace of mind at least
So I’m likely gonna announce it in the Parade, but basically so I don’t double post I’m gonna add as a comment here my plan for my life, or rather immediate future.