No Mutants Allowed

Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Seething Euros still bleeding internally from getting rammed in the ass by Celts and Picts is all that I see in this hatred of the Irish. The anguish so unbearable that the faintest whiff of the Irish drives them mad! Relishing tragedies such as the potato famine they caused!
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Not to mention the denigration and RACISM the Irish faced in the United States, once a proud people now caricatured as a drunken lout! The proud Celtic warrior brought down to the likes of the horribly offensive negro caricature that is BLACK SAMBO!
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
So much so this Hatred of the Irish that the leaders of Ireland, themselves of no Celtic stock no Irish blood, are importing millions of immigrants drowning the lifeblood of the Irish to soon become a simple footnote in the annals of history. Who now mourns the Irish? Who now bears the albatross across ones neck that is the inevitable doom of the Irish?
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Aurelius Of Phoenix
Yet you will sit here spewing your pure hatred, unfettered bigotry of the glorious Irish as they die out slowly but terrifyingly surely! A curse on you all and may one hope that the same who came for the Irish come bearing your DOOM! Then maybe then will you regret the poison and disparagement you cast upon the Irish!
Heyyyyyyy. Now don't that look nice?
Go back to Celtiberia, fucking barbarian.
You guys are dying out? What are you, pandas?