No Mutants Allowed

It's easy to like the music since it existed before Bethesda did. They really shouldn't be praised for their music selection since it is pretty obvious how they chose the songs. People still do it though. Not saying you are btw.
Atomic Postman
Atomic Postman
Oh yeah I wasn't accrediting it to them. It's just that despite the "songs about nukes" being a lazy and on the nose choice for Fallout, the song itself is still a good pick and gives me the same vibes that "Jingle Jangle" gave me in NV
I hate the host more than I hate Three Dog. I don't understand how they could fuck it up so profoundly, but hey ho, oh how they did. I get that you're supposed to improve him in a quest, but the quest is absolutely atrocious, and the result is only marginally less god-fucking-awful. At least you could murder Three Dog.
The idea was neat for the radio host but yeah it was kinda shit. And the song selection apparently consists 60% of songs that were either in Fallout 3 or are definitely about nuclear bombs. As if everyone in the Pre-War world just loved talking about nukes all the fucking time.
Bethesda missed the point right off the bat, in FO3. While the songs were cool (and way better selection than FO4), they interpreted games *opening titles* as representing the absolute selection of music for an entire population. What a weird leap! As everything else, radio made much more sense in FONV, although there too, i missed the random hints of electronica, futuristic beats etc, present in FO1 and 2
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Part of the Problem is how Beth approached Fallout - I think. They probably thought, hey! Let us take the 50s and bomb it to hell. There are way to many references. I mean look at F1 and F2. Was there really THAT much 50s stuff and pre-war world building?
Short answer, of course not. The pre-war world wasn't such a huge focus. At least when New Vegas did that, they tied it to a major theme of the game.
Can we agree New Vegas had the best OST?
Atomic Postman
Atomic Postman
You mean radio or the actual OST?
OST uses a lot of old Fallout stuff which is nice.