@Walpknut exactly, but what’s the point? Between terraforming difficulties and the sheer issue of HUMANITY, House’s xenophobic and isolationist take on government would make the space program utterly useless.
Terraforming? what are you guys even reading? He is talking about restarting society. The space program isn't about escaping earth or terraforming, it's a milestone for restarting civilization to the point where they can start innovating again. IE Full Post Post Apocalypse. Like he could've said "We will create flying cars" as another example. The space travel isn't the end point.
You can say that about all 4 faction endings, kind of... the point of the game is to determine which route you think leads to your desirable future for the region.
This planet only got fucked because of the nuclear war. Just because you remove all human useable resources from a planet doesn't mean you fuck it up. Nature is resilient and will find a way even if the planet doesn't have any human usable resources.
Also, it's only speeding the natural process. All planets will be fucked up with enough time. Stars will die and take out all planets around. Planets can naturally lose their atmosphere due to natural occurrences. Galaxies eat other smaller galaxies, etc.
Not to mention that there's the theory that the universe will stop expanding and start imploding, so that will fuck up all known existence. There is also a theory where time will just stop. And everything will just stay in stasis for eternity.
No matter what, existence is doomed. And humans will not be the cause.
Nature is about evolution, and in fallout the nuclear apocalypse forced the world to evolve. Survival of the fittest and all of that. Look at all the critters in the classic Fallout, all that survived got stronger than if they hadn't mutated (scorpions, ants, locusts, etc).
Remember, even with all the stuff humans made in fallout's universe, nature already did it before by itself. The event that caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, totally wiped out 3/4 of the planet's life back then.
Nature wipes itself out from time to time, but you have to admit that things like burning fossil fuels don’t occur without higher intelligence. In many ways, our adapted brains are our undoing.
Yes, but once again... Nature gave us this higher intelligence.
Maybe nature intends us to change the planet drastically, just like a meteor impact (which was more destructive to life and the environment than the great damage we are doing). So that this "stagnation" or slow evolution of species in our planet can be somehow reset and gets to evolve faster.
@KingArthur "“This planet is fucked, time to ruin another celestial body”? Way to give up, Rob"
Also KingArthur: "You forget, dear Risewild, that humans break everything we touch. We won’t destroy the universe, but we most CERTAINLY shall destroy ourselves."
Come on, bro, what's YOUR point, then? Because we'll inevitably fuck up everything, let's just keep going with Earth and obliterate ourselves into kingdom come?
@Black Angel pretty much, yeah. Jk jk my point is that we will destroy ourselves, so House pretending that we’re anything more than shaved monkeys with too much tech is a bad idea waiting to happen. Humanity shouldn’t kill itself through mass suicide or anything, but the human cancer needs to be isolated to earth, because we most certainly WILL repeat history if we go to space.