3 Russians was pulled off an plane in Norway. Has you been updated on why? We haven't heard about it in Denmark. Only reason I know was due to a friend of mine was aboard the plane.
Push Ukr/Nato influence as far west as possible, and widen the flat terrain between Kazakhstan and Europe/NATO as much as possible. It has all to do with oil and gas accessibility, and Ukr. inching closer towards NATO. This is a move of sheer desperation, on Russia's part.
Even though they have a strategically legitimate reason for this, it's a piece of shit country, a pile of oligarchs - people that even the Russians refer to as "cannibals", so... fuck it to hell. Hope every one of the SS-tattooed Russian commanders burn in their tanks, and that the country disintegrates into yet smaller states.
Pro tip: If you want to de-legitimize a group whose entire existence is antagonize you, the last thing you want to do is to invade a country on the outskirts of their sphere of influence with grievous actions of agression involving civilian casualties.
When Sweden and Finland eventually join NATO and the real war starts call me.
Don't worry. The nearest recruitment center to you will already call you ol chap!
We uhm need you for this war that's going on overseas.
Is it about the Oil again?
Uhm, no this time it's for real ...
Apparently Putin also scam those recruits who expected to be mere conscripts and just doing garrison duty + drills, to be send to Ukraine. Man copying Stalin much now?
Already you can see the wrecklessness in the statistics, where even generous estimates put Russian losses way higher than Ukrainian. Life is cheap when you got a million reserves.
Remind me so much of Chechen war, recruits/conscripts who refuse to march got beaten or worse, sodomized. Of course they gonna form piles of death bodies due to killzone, not sure if its gonna be same with the relatively flat Ukraine. But when you got an option to bombard to oblivion, why not human wave?