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  • Powered Armor troopers would be a nightmare irl. Theyre essentially a more Mobile form of Cavalry. Like an APC without the troop carrying aspect. But luckily Missile launchers and AMRs would be support units best friend.
    I found a good strategy to playing Fallout 2. Explosives, Melee, Throwing. Let Cass, Sulik, and Skynet do most of the fighting while i run support with Artillery
    I really wish someone would give me a list of weapon build synergy in FNV. Like Melee/Explosives is a great synergy
    Where Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros, Godzilla movies work. Fallout doesnt really on amazon prime.
    I saw Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2 nights ago. Holy fuck that movie was awesome. The Sonic movies, the Mario movies, The Uncharted film is how you do video game movies adapts RIGHT!!
    i will never understand how throwing weapons are so trash in FNV. Theyd literally be top tier anywhere else. Especially a well made javelin that isnt made from broken metal or flint
    Also- Crazy to know a Zweihänder weighs less than a Bumper Sword. Couldnt imagine running around the wastes with a 5.4kg piece of bladed iron
    Im doing a Melee weapons run on FNV now. Trying to figure out a good secondary skill to use if i get swarmed in a spot where melee coulsnt dig me out of
    Soooooo Ukraine launched a massive counter offensive and Incursion into Russia. Color me fucking impressed
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    Reactions: zegh8578
    I'm guessing they're doing a little bit of "two can play the draw your forces elsewhere-game"
    It's been said for years that Putin will only leave office feet first. That's how politics have evolved in Russia. That would probably be the best way to end this embarrassing invasion of Ukraine.
    @zegh Itd leave Donbas and Luhansk cut off from the main force east and make them vulnerable to a two pronged offense. Afterwards all theyd have to do is hold ground. Either that or wait for putin to be stupid enough to use nukes in his own territory and turn the entire world and his people against him
    Cowboy build characters rely on Damage and critical numbers and are effective in single combat but lack in DPS. Pretty effective late game
    Shotguns and Dynamite for crowds.
    Grunt build characters in NV rely more on volume of fire but lack in damage numbers especially late game
    I did a Sniper/explosives build in FNV. I trivialized the fuck out of OWB with so many mines around Big MT
    i see the SOR 22 from Cyberpunk 2077 and i see AA .50 Beowulf receiver and muzzle brake. wicked ass gun
    The Hunting Revolver (Magnum BFR) is pretty much a modern Colt Walker 1847. If cavalrymen got them theyd be holstered on their horse.
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    Reactions: Traeger91
    It'd be hard to shoot one handed though, wouldn't it? I don't know how .44 ball with black powder compares to modern .45-70 with smokeless powder. But something tells me it 'd be pretty dramatic.
    *breaks through wall*
    The Magnum Research BFR is a up sized Ruger Blackhawk, itself a based on the Colt Single Action Army. Now you know and knowing is half the battle.

    *G I Jooooooooe*
    @Traeger91 Believe it not. The Colt Walker was made to be a horse killing pistol. And black powder loads back then were hefty. Enough that the colt walker with it's .44 cal ball ammo was considered the strongest handgun round till the .357 happened
    Found out I have to burn windows disc image on a flash drive to install window and boot windows for my custom pc
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