Powered Armor troopers would be a nightmare irl. Theyre essentially a more Mobile form of Cavalry. Like an APC without the troop carrying aspect. But luckily Missile launchers and AMRs would be support units best friend.
I found a good strategy to playing Fallout 2. Explosives, Melee, Throwing. Let Cass, Sulik, and Skynet do most of the fighting while i run support with Artillery
I saw Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2 nights ago. Holy fuck that movie was awesome. The Sonic movies, the Mario movies, The Uncharted film is how you do video game movies adapts RIGHT!!
i will never understand how throwing weapons are so trash in FNV. Theyd literally be top tier anywhere else. Especially a well made javelin that isnt made from broken metal or flint
Im doing a Melee weapons run on FNV now. Trying to figure out a good secondary skill to use if i get swarmed in a spot where melee coulsnt dig me out of