No Mutants Allowed

I know, iam too against battery cage system. But as far an animal with such low brain mass to body ratio it doesnt compare to human perception regarding pain and emotion. Dogs, cat, horse and other might be closer to human which probably reason why theres taboo in those animal
The best thing to do is just buy free range. In time if enough people do it, maybe it wouldn't be profitable for battery farming. Alternatively we could become pro-chicken terrorists, which iirc was a really shit quest in Fable 3.
I'm confused, we don't do that to humans? Ever been to an office, or prison?
"too small to move", whilst some prisons might still be harsh, have you seen the shit they get in Scandinavia?
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
I see, you've never seen a concentration camp.
I have the strong believe, that nothing we do is exeptional and all of it happens as well in nature. However, that doesn't mean just because can do it, that we should. We should avoid the suffering of animals, of course. But we should not pretend nature knows something like morals or ethics.
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Well Humans aren't delicious and tender so....
Nature is horribly unfair to everything that lives. Not that this is a good excuse for being willfully unfair, but we do this to each others too. Not everywhere, of course, but like Crni says - concentration camps. We torture each others, whenever given the oportunity. Animals eat each others alive, in mind-boggling pain
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Self preservation should be our biggest concern and actually driving our decisions. And it turns out, that in this context, we should also stop with this kind of mass production, that we should treat nature and animals correctly. I mean look at climate change, one of the largest factors, is the food industry. Moral should play only a secondary role.
Kidding, I only eat country chiken. Those die happy and fat of heart attacks. Meat is a bit tougher so they need to be cooked for longer but it's delicious.
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Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
I think some of you people would probably enjoy the movie 'Soylent green'.
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Lol because they're fucking chickens.
@R.Graves Unnecessary suffering is still unnecessary suffering, chicken or human.
I agree with that, as much as suffering is a universal constant, we shouldn't be casual about it, especially not from a "superiority" stance. That's a risky mindset to get accustomed to. Acknowledging suffering is not the same as "having to do something about it"
As in, acknowledging that the meat industry cannot be fair, is not necesarily the same as insisting on a vegetarian lifestyle, for example. Conversely, enjoying meat, does not mean one's obligated to ignore or minimize the reality of suffering.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
The thing that I find a bit silly though is the idea that you have more of a right to eat a chicken, if it had a 'happy' life before it got its head choped off.
Does the death penality become better if the criminal enjoyed a lush and luxurious life before his death? In my opinion, either you eat meat, or you don't. This middle ground thing is hypocritical in my opinion.
@Crni Vuk I disagree, I see it as you happily eat other beings because you are an omnivore, and animals eat one another in the wild, but at the same time the suffering of any creature is tragic, so you ought to make sure the creatures had a good life.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
That's ok man, I am not saying it's shit. I just find it a bit hypocritical. But that's just my opinion on it. Not that anyone of us is Hitler or something.
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Naw Hitler was wasteful. Didn't even eat the jews smh
"hypocricy" is such an overrated argument. Everyone's a hypocrite, it's impossible to go through life without being one
Hitler was a vegetarian.