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  1. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    I loves me some dazzle camouflage, almost tempted to paint a tank in it as mine are a basic urban grey/blue due to swapping colour schemes so often. Purple and white is always cool, seen one of two Tau armies painted like that and it looks good. Book wise there are some very good ones out...
  2. Alphadrop

    Frank Herbert's Dune

    I dunno, I quite liked House Harkonnen though the name didn't make much sense as half of it was about Atreides and a fair amount on that group that gets of on genetic experiments, Tleilax or something. Then again I did read most of it while having a very serious case of flu so it may be less...
  3. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    Shame I never get around to playing multiplayer, install it and then my chums bugger off to something else by the time it's finished. I needs to shout Krieg repeatedly at someone and spam Chimeras.
  4. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    Retribution is helped by the characters, both the Guard and Ork campaigns are helped immensely by their respective Victorian hunting gentleman and mental Ork space pirate with a fancy hat. I liked it due to no longer being from the Space Marine angle but the copy pasted maps do make the game...
  5. Alphadrop

    Humble Origin bundle!!!!

    Just got updated with two more games. Red Alert 3 Uprising, the standalone expansion/sequel thing to Red Alert 3, has less Cave Johnson and Tim Curry but better game balance so evens out I guess. The other release is Populous 1 ... yea. Rather than Dead Space 2 or Sim City or even Populous...
  6. Alphadrop

    Humble Origin bundle!!!!

    Hmm, maybe if I get around to installing it. Have Origin installed as it's annoyingly the easiest way to update the Sims 3.
  7. Alphadrop

    Humble Origin bundle!!!!

    Nah, Imma still getting it for Burnout, since my brother eloped with the 360 I've got no racing games. :V Maybe they'll add SimCity like Humble Bundles are wont to do in the second week, it does appear to be the games that no longer make money.
  8. Alphadrop

    Humble Origin bundle!!!!

    Just to clarify none of this is going to EA/Origin, you can only choose charity or humble. Shame Medal of Honour is in there, swap out that trash for Dead Space 2 or something and it would be a lot better.
  9. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Wait wait wait wait wait... wait. Neocron 2 still exists? Gotta give the community kudos for keeping it running. Neocron was the MMO I wanted to play while still being only able to play free MMOs back in the day.
  10. Alphadrop

    Looking for an RTS...

    Thanks for the reminder, forgot about that. Just gotta give Universe at War some lurv. The soundtrack is by Frank Klepacki, can't get more oldschool rts than that.
  11. Alphadrop

    Doctor Who

    According to some fans making the Doctor older again is illegal and against everything Dr. Who is about. Fans are weird. Though it has rekindled my interest in Who again, sorta gave up with the Cara nonsense.
  12. Alphadrop

    Bethesda-published Fallout titles 75% off on Steam

    Tangentially related to the sale but Steam appears to have removed the 2009 Wolfenstein, wonder why.
  13. Alphadrop

    New Wasteland 2 screenshot

    That is one happy train.
  14. Alphadrop

    A Name for the little Prince

    Annoyed they went with the boring generic name, it's like calling a Pope John.
  15. Alphadrop

    Shadowrun Returns released

    My Shadowrun GM never explained the places we arrived at. One more reason it was a sorta crap campaign.
  16. Alphadrop

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    From glancing at it briefly it's quite like the NWN editor, so not hard so much as takes a while to figure out how to use it. Downside is no easily editable .hak files due to Unity. Anywho back to pew pewing mage's who can't use cover.
  17. Alphadrop

    Looking for an RTS...

    GoG released the DOS version of Earth 2140 a few months ago, the a.i isn't broken in it unlike the Windows version they previously hosted.
  18. Alphadrop

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 is Live

    Installed Fallout 2 yesterday, evidently the post apocalyptic stars have aligned. Killap is credit to team.
  19. Alphadrop

    The Steam Summer Sale starts this Thursday (probably)

    Worth a fiver yea, Fable 3 is the worst of the main 3 Fable games though. Just misses that zing that made the first one and most of the second feel like good time fun. Still has that British charm though and an enjoyable aesthetic, as long as you turn of the motion blur in the config, it's...
  20. Alphadrop

    The Steam Summer Sale starts this Thursday (probably)

    Flash sale of Rayman: Origins, will everyone please line up in front of Brother None if you don't have it. It's also apparently the only Flash Sale at 66% off rather than 75%, unless I missed one.