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  1. Nineeva

    has someone made a armor+unlimted party for rp 2.2?

    Darek! Thanks you're a gem!! Sorry don't know if I can send lollipops from Russia in the post ;)
  2. Nineeva

    has someone made a armor+unlimted party for rp 2.2?

    I've tried these out and they don't appear to work, so I guess more than that line needs editing, perhaps it's safer just to remove the check altogether if that is all it's function is? What do you think? EDIT: I know Unlimited Party MOD v1.002 worked on the orginal scripts, so perhaps just...
  3. Nineeva

    has someone made a armor+unlimted party for rp 2.2?

    Hodor, once you get a compiled version back for the NPC's can you send it to me or make them shareabe for everyone also please? Assuming someone is nice and compiles them of course. Thanks!
  4. Nineeva

    has someone made a armor+unlimted party for rp 2.2?

    OK I'll try that out as well. EDIT: Ok so I tried it out and I have got this error when I try to complie scripts, no idea what it means I need to do exactly. I'm using windows vista if that helps. See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead...
  5. Nineeva

    Party memeber bug

    Thanks for the reply, after doing lots of testing I seem to have narrowed it down to a script for Maria which was designers for rp 2.2 but for some reason stops the party levelling from working. I can't for the life of me workout exactly why so I guess I'll message the author of the mod and see...
  6. Nineeva

    Party memeber bug

    I seem to have this problem where my party members revert back to there old states after I leave a map after they level up. Does anyone know what courses this problem? I'm running Killap's lastes addition and having this problem.
  7. Nineeva

    has someone made a armor+unlimted party for rp 2.2?

    Funny you should post this as I'm having the same problem with the decompliers myself and can't get any of them to work, don't know if I'm doing it wrong or they don't work on my system... Just about to try two more now. Just tried them both and neither of the other two worked. So none of...
  8. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    I said I would help out quite some time back but then thought what I could actually do. Well I've got a little bit of free time these coming days. I wouldn't mind helping out with the map a bit I found this on the falloutmods...
  9. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Is anyone still working on this at present? I would love to help when I have sometime at some point though not sure what I could really do to be honest...
  10. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Great, that would be awesome and really appreciate the hard work you guys are putting in to this for everyone else!
  11. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Here is a quick question, do you plan to make it possible to continue playing after the end using the function that does this in fallout 2 or at least plan to make this optional in your release? Also assuming you do this will it be simple to put a trigger which then freezes the invasions at...
  12. Nineeva

    NPC Armor

    Will the new Lenny come with different looks depending on what armour he is wearing or will he have just the 'naked' Lenny look?
  13. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    That's great, news and thanks for the link also, in the mean time I'll use this slightly 'botched' method and see how it looks!
  14. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I was thinking it would be cool if possible and transferable to use the 'long hair' guy animations for Ian and the cassidy animations for Tycho to give them a bit of a different look. Not sure if they can be directly changed over?
  15. Nineeva

    Looking for mods to install with RP 2.0

    Checked out the Mrfixit mod and it seems to work without any problems so far... so anyone know of any? I guess worse comes to the worse if there is a point in the game where a problem might occur you could back up the obj_dude file from RP 2.1 and then swop them around if you have a bug?
  16. Nineeva

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Well I finally got this to actually work, first thing you have to do to make the rats work is to set all the critter proto files to READ ONLY as they aren't set to this by default and promptly delete themselves. Otherwise, its still lacking one or two things like the ocean can be ran all...
  17. Nineeva

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    When Marcus gets the armour upgrade it actually makes his armour values lower not higher after he levels up than they would have been otherwise. Also the script to buy the armour is in the wrong order, you say the merchants lines and he says your lines.
  18. Nineeva

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I've notice beacuse Cassidy default armour is leather armour and is armour class, resistance and threshold are all set to 0 if you remove his armour he ends up with basicly negative armour values, if you give him metal armour for example he only has 5% normal armour resistance! I've noticed...
  19. Nineeva

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

    I've notice beacuse Cassidy default armour is leather armour and is armour class, resistance and threshold are all set to 0 if you remove his armour he ends up with basicly negative armour values, if you give him metal armour for example he only has 5% normal armour resistance!