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  1. F

    Dead Space 3 = Resident Evil 5 in space?

    Sigh. No game is safe from the curse of co-op these days.
  2. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Brute force doesn't mean what you think it means. No amount of encryption can prevent you from simply guessing the password manually or through automated means, which is what brute forcing is. Only limiting the number of log-in attempts can prevent this.
  3. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    The article BN linked to claims otherwise. Who's right? "b) the game allows unlimited password attempt retries" More people in the comments of the article also say this. The shitstorm that's gonna go down when the real money AH launches will be interesting.
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    Dark Souls

    The article seems to imply that a GFWL version will exist separately: "There's a Games for Windows - Live version that will be sold in shops. " I wish the developer just came out and clarified things.
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    Iron Front: Liberation 1944

    Awesome, looking forward to it. It runs on the updated Operation Arrowhead version of the engine, so it should be much less quirky perform better than vanilla ArmA2. Now we wait for DayZ 2: Zombie Nazis.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Aaaand now they've completely deleted the topic with the list of people who got hacked. Smells like a cover-up.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Which is what makes you an extremely dishonest person. You know that posting such links would get me banned. Besides, such sites tend to be very private, unlike cheating sites, so I don't know of any. But that's not required. The fact that massive numbers of users are reporting getting hacked...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Wait, you expect us to prove it by posting links to hacker/phisher sites with details on how to do it and Blizzard account data? :clap: What an intellectually dishonest attack. You knew that would never happen. There are thousands of users reporting getting hacked. There are dozens of...
  9. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    People are even reporting that they were hacked despite using this authenticator. Not only is this DRM useless against hackers, but also against cheaters and exploiters. There are already whole communities devoted to sharing D3 hacks and exploits (won't post links, but they're easy to google)...
  10. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Riiiight :D. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with SQL injection attacks and session ID hijacking. It can never be a flaw in Blizzard's system. Blizzard is infallible.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    So is there anyone who still believes that always-online DRM will protect you against hacking?
  12. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    The mental contortions that blizzdrones have to do to make this horrible DRM all-right in their heads is astounding. Somehow it's always someone else's fault but Blizzard's. Meanwhile thousands of people are stuck with a 60-dollar brick. Oh well, glad I dodged the bullet. By the way, SC2 has...
  13. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Here's my understanding of D3's system. When an item drop occurs, the server runs its item generation code, then sends the result to the client and also stores the result in your character's data which is also stored server-side. Item generation and storage does not occur client-side, you only...
  14. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    No, I think you're the dense one, since you still can't wrap your head around the basic concept of having separate online and offline characters. Again, how the fuck would all that be relevant when I'm just playing my offline character that I can't transfer to online mode? Botting and duping...
  15. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    BZZZT, wrong answer. Since characters are stored on Blizzard's servers, it wouldn't make any difference if hacks could be tested offline or not. You can't just upload a hacked character anyway, the data will be checked for validity server-side. Now, if you had the same character for online and...
  16. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Humor me, how the fuck would hacking be relevant with offline-only, non-transferable characters? Who would that confuse? Monkeys? Ten year olds? People who can't read? It's a pretty clear concept to me.
  17. F

    Two Guys from Andromeda Kickstarter

    Most people only donate the lowest amount necessary to get a copy of the game. Which is about 15-25 dollars usually. Considering that many of them can probably afford to buy multiple 50-dollar titles a year, they don't need to be rich.
  18. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Not buying this one due to: 1) Questionable direction the game's heading in, both mechanically and stylistically. 2) Ridiculous price for a digital copy. 3) CONNECTION LOST. Always online DRM. This one's the biggest one. I will never ever support a developer that tries to disguise a single...
  19. F

    Two Guys from Andromeda Kickstarter

    B-b-b-but point and click adventures are evil! Why would anyone want them! They've moved on to making interactive movies with zombies and dinosaurs.
  20. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    A turn-based Diablo would have been fantastic.