Vault Fossil

AAAAnd Diablo is down. That was a pretty hard and well-designed fight, but he simply didn't manage to go through my 3k HPs (got lucky with both Vitality and Intel drops) fast enough to kill me. In general the bosses in D3 are a bit easier (on Normal at least), but better designed than those in D2. I still remember Duriel being absolute hell to solo, and Diablo in II was also very, very unforgiving to melee classes unless they stacked Fire and Lighting resist like no tomorrow. In D3 they are more like WoW boss fights where situational awareness wins the day, rather than cheap tactics and exploiting game mechanics. Some will dislike, I prefer the change.
Won't go to Nightmare yet. I'll clear Normal with my Barbarian, then with 1-2 more classes before selecting a favourite to put through Nightmare and Hell.
Won't go to Nightmare yet. I'll clear Normal with my Barbarian, then with 1-2 more classes before selecting a favourite to put through Nightmare and Hell.