Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

The creators of Space Quest are back toghether after a 20 years hiatus(?) kickstarting another point-and-click adventure game called SpaceVenture.
Goal is 500.000$.
Hey there, Classic Adventure Gaming fans as well as those relatively new to our worlds. Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, aka ‘The Two Guys from Andromeda’, are back together. No, your optic orbs have not been on a bender. You read correctly. After a very brief 20+ year hiatus, we have joined forces once again and are tooling-up to bring you a new Space Adventure, or SpaceVenture™, if you will.
A little older, a little wider (well, Mark at least) and a bit more demented than before (a toss-up on that one), we're both ludicrously psyched to be working together again. Combine that with what has been literally years of pent-up intergalactic pressurized cabin fever to go with it and we have some real wonderful…, uh, ‘stuff’ to share, incorporating that same style of comedy, wonder and delusion you expect from a Two Guys SpaceVenture™.
Goal is 500.000$.