Dead Space 3 = Resident Evil 5 in space?


Vault Senior Citizen
That's right folks, the next sequel of Dead Space has been announced.

Trailer here

They are introducing the co-op gameplay in this one, which I think takes away the suspend and horror of its predessessor.

As long as they include melee weapon which allows you to cut the limbs off a necromorph, I am sold for that. :ugly:
'Tis true. Bad ol' Bethesda probably made that TES MMO to shut people up about co-op in Skyrim.
While I disdain the new direction RE has taken (give me the action adventure games of old!) RE5 CO-OP with a good partner never gets old.
*rubs nipples*

Emmmmm, co-op. Don't mind if I do!
Also, if I recall correctly, I think I picked up Dead Space 2 for like $20(on Steam) a month or two after it came out. Hard to fight a bargain if they end up doing that again.
Optional coop? Why not? As long as it doesn't stick you with a dumbass AI in single player, I'm down. I don't know if I'm going to pick DS 3 up though. I liked the second one a lot but it left a bad taste for some reason. I'm a little disappointed at how similar it seems even though it takes place on a snowy planet.
The_Noob said:
'Tis true. Bad ol' Bethesda probably made that TES MMO to shut people up about co-op in Skyrim.

The irony of all of this is Bethesda is one of the few devs that remained true to their word, when they stated their games are mainly SP and not MP.

If people want MP games, they will develop a new one that's exclusivelly MP.
And I'm not talking about the quality of writing or gameplay, please don't start that!

Like I said, the irony.
They actualy started a whole new company to make online games so they could work on derailing their singleplayer games.

Let's hope Fallout 4 isn't complemented by a revival of PV13 under Zenimax Online's supervision.
Well, what do you know? Another attack from the rEApers! Anything to make a quick buck.

I just hope Co-op elements won't be "sprinkled" around single player.
Ya know, I never found anything really bad about Dead Space 2. Can someone fill me in on the Cons?
I still found it having it's original roots. THe only difference I see is the added action and Isaac has a voice.
I encountered one game breaking bug on Dead Space 2 too. It was decent, but 3 looks like an abomination.
sea said:
The super-linear levels, lack of puzzles, greater amounts of ammo, more QTEs, and more "cinematic" storytelling went over your head?

The original wasn't different.

This doesn't look very much like the previous two games, then again it is a trailer. And trailers for Dead Space are notoriously misleading.
Nice to see sea!

Dead Space 1 is another horror title that beat me. I got as far as some area where something big and nasty chases you after a cutscene. I was kaput on ammo, medkits, and money. I never finished it, it finished me. Looking back, maybe I should have run though the game on normal my first time through.

The above might be considered a bad thing by the masses, but I find it refreshing. The reason I put it on hard was, I figured, "this is a pussy console game no way is this difficult" Hah! One day, Dead Space, I will beat you.
maximaz said:
Optional coop? Why not? As long as it doesn't stick you with a dumbass AI in single player, I'm down. I don't know if I'm going to pick DS 3 up though. I liked the second one a lot but it left a bad taste for some reason. I'm a little disappointed at how similar it seems even though it takes place on a snowy planet.

It doesn't, if your partner starts playing the dude will show up, if your partner quits the dude wanders of.
Carver does turn up as an NPC at certain points if you're playing it single player but only in the same function as other NPCs in the game.

Reminds me of Lost Planet, snow, big bug looking things and glowing power packs on the back showing how well you're doing. Kinda interested in picking up the first two.
If you liked the gameplay in Resident Evil 4 and 5, you'll like Dead Space 1 and 2. Over-the-shoulder, aim-at-those-limbs, upgrade-your-equipment, fast-paced horror survival.
There were quite a few months in between my play-throughs of the original and the sequel, but I noticed no degradation of the "fun" factor.
I just got my newest game mag in and guess what they are featuring? Gears of Space 3! Wait... is it Dead Planet 3? It looks like lame ass co-op whatever it is. Another good series bites the dust.

Why would they choose a lame ass ice planet for the location? It looks like they borrowed whatever they wanted from other franchises and melded it into one necromorph shit pile.